
I thought I had answered it, but I will try to make my point clearer, which is rather difficult, as it is not a simple one.AnAtheist
Since nobody cares to answer my previous post, I ask it outright: Is slavery immoral?
One discussion at a time, please, so as not to leave us hanging and twisting, as it were.
I can’t speak for others. I’ve been waiting for several days to hear your answer to post # 55. When you finally responded today it was, I felt, a trifle unclear where you stand.
Yes. If objectively means something like “everybody must be able to come to that conclusion, when applying the common rules of a human society”. “Natural law” if you like.Do you agree, as I sense maybe you do, that some acts are objectively immoral, but that modern relativism has contributed to chaos in the world of morals?
Yes. The “(either) OR” is the wrong conjuction. Natural law and relativism is no contradiction. Our genes program us for survival even on the cost of others and to maintain social relationships (humans cannot survive alone). That scenario leads to a complex and therefore often chaotic or even contradicting set of morals.Or do you maintain that all morality is relative? You seem to be poised to argue that case with your question about slavery.
I hope I did that now. If you now wonder, how I can have such a weird opinion, please keep in mind, I do not believe in an external source of morality.I would like a flat out answer before moving on to your question.
Thanks for clarifying this.