Curmudgeons Under Down

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There’s hens ,ducks and geese here at the moment…the hens have chickens,there a 6 ducklings in the brooder and 4 goslings with their parents in the garden 🙂
My favorite hen is sitting on 20 eggs,she makes me laugh with her very serious expression and funny bunch of feathers on top of her head
It has been interesting with the pecking order thing…I don’t have much trouble at all and I’ve noticed the mother goose will stop chooks (hens) from fighting.
“Mother goose”,“Sticky beak”,“Take a gander”(saying for having a look at something) are all apt little sayings regarding the goose as she’s always sorting out troubles that arise 🙂
Wow, tough times for them all :confused: I love hearing mums stories of the people she knew and how they lived.
She did the paper run on her bike early in the morning
and loved to see the city come alive ,first smoke from the chimneys,men open ending doors to leave for work.
Those two chickens of mine hustled over and quickly consumed those mice! Brutal! I thought of it later when watching Jurassic Park and hearing the scientist explain how birds descended from dinosaurs.
Carnivorous chickens!!!:crazy_face: I knew they eat bugs, but mice?
These mice were pinkies, very young. Probably seemed like grubs to the hens.🐭
I managed to eat one of those in the Philippines years ago. It took more than one beer however. It wasn’t half bad actually. 😃
My brother did too, in the Phillipines but with no beer.
I think you’d want a box of toothpicks…🤮
My brother tried both,preferred the first…Milt was it a dare?Or are you just adventurous…(or where you drunk!?)
Milt was it a dare?Or are you just adventurous…(or where you drunk!?)
My shipmates made it out to be a sailor’s rite of passage and they double dogged dared me so yes.

I am an adventurous sort just ask my mom why she got grey hair early in life, so the answer is yes.

Was I drunk? Well to tell the truth YES I was. 🤣
aHA…😡 I thought so,tut tut…
:sweat_smile:...ok ,so I'm sweating cause of the heat and smiling, but I have a daughter using the Internet ....another :rage:
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Express posting you some Bunyip toenail clippings…(for a bit of edge to the coffee)

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LOL!! 😁 😜

I’ll toss in some hairs from the Beast of Bray Rd.

It has been said that he lurks around Southeastern, WI, in the rural farm land and wooded areas, and that he has been spotted up around Holy Hill, too, which is located outside of Milwaukee.

It is said that he is some type of werewolf-type creature that is said to have been around here for a long time. Supposedly Big Foot and Mothman have been spotted in our state, as well…
I’ll make sure I drop in next time ,have a cuppa with you 🙂 :coffee:🍪 Sure , it’s only a slight detour.
Sometimes travelling we’ve taken alternative routes due to weather …seen a bit more of the country .Once went to FL on the way to MO 🙂 and didn’t mind the extra hours.
Hi Gov.,

Now that would be funny, as I loved that show, “Hanging with Mr. Cooper!” 😁 😜
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