Curmudgeons Under Down

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Maybe we can monetize CAF “likes”
I would still give all my “likes” away, free spirit that I am 😠
I thought silkies were seals in Ireland that held people’s souls, or something like that.
No, selkies are like merpeople, except in seal form – seal in the ocean, human looking on land.
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(Referring to your deleted post’s subject) It’s too bad those dingbats aren’t able to see a minute portion of real value in a fourteen-year-old girl’s “yes” 2000 years ago.
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I agree, Gov. And then there is apparently the view in California that plastic straws are a public menace. I don’t get it; all the problems around us but —plastic straws?
California has wierd and goofy laws. Plastic straws, of course, harm the beaches, and ocean. They can flow into storm drains, and end up on the nose of a baby bottlenose dolphin. Or something like that.

I blame it on the fact that that it doesn’t get cold enough along the coast to have a good freeze to kill off all the politicians.
It’s surprising how many people in the city areas around here have chicken cages in their yards for fresh eggs, and to make home made Chicken Mc Nuggets.
Now I got the Green Acres theme playing in my head, with Arnold the pig.
It’s surprising how many people in the city areas around here have chicken cages in their yards for fresh eggs, and to make home made Chicken Mc Nuggets.
You mean cages just sitting out in the yard?😯 Here and there we have folks with a chicken coop and a little yard for the birds to peck around in.
Back in the day my cousins and I would play in the old chicken coop at my aunt and uncle’s place which was in the city. It was left over from Depression days.
My mum grew up in the city,her father passed away when she was little and her own mother did a great job rearing the four.She had hens and a large garden in the city during the depression years.
Back on the old CAF there was a member who raised her own chickens. Her stories of “free-range chickens” were hair-raising. The phrase “pecking order” is based on how chickens treat each other, and free-range chickens have higher rates of death because the chickens will kill each other. IOW, chickens in cages live longer and healthier lives than free-range chickens.

She had to fit the chickens with blinders to keep them from seeing each other to the sides, only straight ahead. That, and removing the spurs, is the only way to minimize (not prevent) the aggression.
When I was a kid, I kept two hens (Silkies - all white and bantam-sized) and a large Pekin duck in a side yard of our house here in the city. They all gave us eggs. I would open the gate and let them poke around the grass in the front yard, and passing cars would slow down to gawk at farm critters in the big city.
the chickens will kill each other
One time I lifted a piece of wood in the chicken yard exposing a nest of baby mice. Those two chickens of mine hustled over and quickly consumed those mice! Brutal! I thought of it later when watching Jurassic Park and hearing the scientist explain how birds descended from dinosaurs.
My mum grew up in the city,her father passed away when she was little and her own mother did a great job rearing the four.She had hens and a large garden in the city during the depression years.
My mother’s mom passed away during the depression, and then one of her brothers was hit by a train and died. Somehow my grandfather carried on with the chicken coop and a large city yard planted with potatoes. Mom’s other brother, now 91, still doesn’t eat potatoes if he can avoid it. He’d had enough long ago.
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