Curmudgeons Under Down

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If I did smoke, it would have to be these locally-made St. Elmo cigars. I would have to go back in time to get them though šŸ˜ , as this ad is from 1909. Come to think of it, all the folks who are still unhappy about Vatican II changes and modern society can come back in time with me, and we can all enjoy our St. Elmo cigars together.
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Are the complementary box of matches named ā€œSt. Elmoā€™s Fireā€? šŸš¬
You need some coffee with that,
One big cricket thatā€™s flying around my room,šŸ¦—
Five mosquitos that snuck in the window,
A wheelbarrow of windfall apples half rotted,
Some chook manure (chicken ) šŸ“
Some old tea bags gathered back up from said chicken"s yard,
Whatever floatsom and jetsom THT can gather ,šŸ¦‘
And leftover dregs from Govs brew,green scum included.
All well stewed today for several hours and left outdoors in the sun.
And because Iā€™m feeling extra generous,a fat spider in each cup ready to lay eggs that my daughter complains about in the garden šŸ•·ļø
Cheers šŸ˜ˆ
Not bad. The apples gave it the zing it needed. Any more of those crickets? Very light, delicate addition.

Thanks. :coffee:
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I was laughing trying to type on my iPad before,a moth kept bumping into the screenHere you go,stir that into your coffee šŸ™‚
Itā€™s a real night for insects here!
There was a gnat in our basement office. Donā€™t insects go up, not down? Is that not what to fly means? I want all the advantages (few) of a basement office, such as bugs going up, not down.
All well stewed today for several hours and left outdoors in the sun.
And because Iā€™m feeling extra generous,a fat spider in each cup ready to lay eggs that my daughter complains about in the garden šŸ•·ļø
Iā€™m not one to ever complain about the :coffee:, but are you sure about the spiders ready to lay their eggs? Arenā€™t they worth good money at the local Chinese restaurant?
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Thatā€™s what Australianā€™s say about Melbourne!

I think Indiana is almost the spiritual home of the Mudgies. If thereā€™s nothing else to grip about, then you can always grip about the weather. We could then make Melbourne our Southern Hemisphere base.
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Yes poor spiders,they are very plump spinning webs on the front veranda.Its almost Autumn and they will make their egg sacs and die.Their husbands are the skinniest little things and it would be pointless to add them to coffee.I quickly take down the webs and tell the spiders to safely make them elsewhere before my daughter returns in the evening.
We could then make Melbourne our Southern Hemisphere base.
That sounds like a plan to me. Three days ago the temp. was around 12 F, then yesterday it went up to 73 F. Now it is back to 37 F. The weather forecasters called for snow, but we had thunderstorms instead.
Your approaching Spring reminds me of a ship trying to come to port through rough breakers after Stormy seas or something
Fourty years after hearing of the Black Widow, and learning that itā€™s related to our Redback, and fourty years after listening to Alice Cooperā€™s song of the same name, with its Vincent Price ā€œhorrorā€ monologue, Iā€™ve finally ā€œgotā€ where the name comes from!

Iā€™m not the smartest grump in the Curmudgeonarium, nor even the grumpiest. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜­
Hey, the friction of the high speed Internet keeps nice and hot. No worries.
If the cable gets cut, I have some string we run across the ocean and two paper cups for either end so we can keep in touch.
Hereā€™s some interesting Black Widow Spider trivia.

During WW II the Black Widowā€™s silk was used for the crosshairs in the Nordon bombsight. The U.S. Army actually farmed the things for their silk.

At one time the number one spot on the body for Black Widow bites was the buttocks. This occurred back in the day when the use of outhouses was common.
It is said that every home in Southern Ca has at least 1 resident Black Widow. I train ours for the Halloween extravaganza.
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