Recently I enrolled in a Math course to upgrade my skills. It struck me after starting to realize the beauty and perfection of mathematics, that it’s unthinkable (to me) that any mathematician could be agnostic/atheist.
In any case, concerning social progress, when you consider it deeply there exists objective morality. How do we explain the existence of it without a loving and all-knowing God?
My high school biology teacher was an atheist, but he said the thing that came closest to convincing him of the existence of God was the human body.
I know that atheists and agnostics question the existence of God. However, if this were just all due to a bunch of random mutations and fortuitous accidents, I believe the universe would be chaotic, but it’s not. It’s the epitome of organization down to the microsecond.
Well, consider the trillions of reactions and variables needed just to put the universe together. Are we to believe this all came together by accident, serendipity? Realize that had only ONE factor not cooperated…temperature, pH, gravity, magnetism, electricity, chemistry, etc., there would have been no life.
Everything came together by magic, chance? I don’t think so. The probability of all those
coming together so that not only the human body but the ecosystems and all the rest act together as one single unit.
The Earth is just the right distance from the sun to support life, and despite rotating and revolving at an alarming rate, we are protected by an atmosphere which shields us from the harmful sun’s rays, keeps oxygen at exactly the right proportions, all at the right temperature. We are protected from the cold of deep space and its lack of oxygen, lack of gravity.
Despite all this, we don’t fly off into space. We are kept in place, have plants which produce oxygen for us. We produce carbon dioxide, just happens to be what the plants need. We get sunlight, which we both need, coinidentally.
What would you say were I to claim that my computer evolved all by itself without any outside intervention whatsoever, no creator, no nothing? It just simply came into existence. You can look at my computer and find that very improbable. The probability of all those systems coming into existence, by themselves, without any outside intervention, just so perfectly is so improbable, it’s basically impossible.
Well, you have countless variables. The odds are against it randomly coming into existence all by itself.
My computer was created. How would you prove, either way, that it was created or wasn’t? It would probably be difficult to prove. However, you can look at it and decide for yourselves that it is highly doubtful it just appeared.
In a similar way, look at the body and the universe, the absolute perfection of it, and you will see that it didn’t just…happen.