I do understand, and that is not an objection to anything I wrote. There are natural processes that seem to require explanation. Either they were created (or are being controlled) by a dude or by something unlike a dude. The track record of explaining phenomena around us has never uncovered that behind some process there was a magical person directing it. This does not mean that there is not some dude behind everything, but that conclusion seems to rely too heavily on intuition and not at all on data.You don’t understand. Christians don’t believe that God created the whole universe exactly as it is and then just walked away. We believe that God created the universe and then continued to guide it from there. We don’t necessarily know what the universe looked like when God first created it. It is perfectly reasonable to think that God created a world that looked considerably different, and then guided the shaping of it; not necessarily hand-crafting the crystals and trees, but rather deciding how He wanted them to be and setting events in place so that it may happen.
For instance, in Genesis, the world is described as being created in stages. God created the light, then the darkness, then the sky, the land, the water, ect. It happens step by step. So why can’t we assume that the formation of the world that we can obverse is just a continuation of those many steps? God created the world because He loved it, so isn’t it completely logical to assume that he still takes an active part in creating and shaping it today?