Amen. Rape is not about sex, it’s about violence. Thanks for pointing this out.
Way to misconstrue what I said. I’m not talking about rape. I’m just saying that virginity is basically a physical thing in women. I never said I considered raped women “not virgins”.Please read some serious work on rape and sexual assault. Anyone who defines rape as “destroying” a woman’s virginity, or who sees it as “sexual activity” doesn’t understand what rape is. I realize this is not a place for debate, but you are simply not right. There is a lot you can read about what rape is and is not. I hope you will do so.
Yeah, but it’s not a bar to priesthood if he’s not. a large number of candidates for the priesthood now are not virgins.It could effect their life as a Dominican.
Dioceses want to know if a young man is a virgin in the application for seminary…
It makes perfect sense. People who lived very sinful lives became great Saints. I think of St Paul and others.The article is talking about the Vatican muddying the waters in regards to the criteria for a consecrated virgin. The criteria has always required that the woman had never engaged in consensual sexual relations. This document says that a woman practicing “Second Virginity” would be accepted.
This. Personally I don´t understand this whole virginity as vocation thing, too. Not having previous marriages makes sense for me in some cases, but chastity and a pure state of mind is not always intactPlease read some serious work on rape and sexual assault. Anyone who defines rape as “destroying” a woman’s virginity, or who sees it as “sexual activity” doesn’t understand what rape is. I realize this is not a place for debate, but you are simply not right. There is a lot you can read about what rape is and is not. I hope you will do so.
a) when the person is “technically” a virgin, and
b) is something you can restore after a bad or sinful past.
To the angry “rape is not sex” crowd: ask a women who has been raped in her past if she felt this was just a physical crime or forced sex, with all physical components of sex - loss of virginity (the physical virginity, not the pure state of mind) included. Rape as a crime is -for the rapist - not about sex, but about power, but on the victim´s side, it´s about sex, too. It´s both and therefore that hurtful.
One problem I see with those physically defined vocations is that those aspects can get mixed in a bad way.
That’s a redefininition of the term. Chastity is about chastity.Virginity is about chastity, not intact or broken hymens.
It actually is a loss of virginity. I mean, it may not be consensual but it is a loss of virginity.That is not loss of virginity. Being a victim of a violent act has nothing to do with virginity! Assault is an act of violence, not a sexual act–and certainly not one with the complicity of the victim!
Yeah. This is exactly why I think the whole virgin vocation thing is problematic.I cannot see any difference between a woman who sneaks around in private having consensual sex with a man, then confesses and is absolved, and a woman who openly has sex with a man outside marriage, then confesses and is absolved. For that matter, I would think a widow who had sex with a man within a valid marriage is on the same level as well. Yet this “virgin” business differentiales between all these cases. It makes no sense to me.