Da Vinci Code Rubish on Silver Screen

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I am a former Catholic, I attend a Church of about 3000 people and 75% of us were confirmed Roman Catholics. Do you think all 2250 of us won’t get to heaven?
If they don’t die in mortal sin they will go to Heaven since they are already a Catholic.

Too bad for you tho, leaving the body of Christ.

Like your sig. I consider myself an apologist “Wanna-be”. 😃

The Da Vinci Code saddens me, with the number of people who seriously believe it’s truth. It’s amazing!

So, at my Parish, I’ve been trying to put together a Ladies Bookclub, using Amy Wellburns book “decoding Da Vinci” to target how the Da Vinci Code is full of false ideas of history and the Church.

What’s interesting is that we’ve had early ice / snow conditions, and impossible conditions every night for the past several weeks. So, we’ve rescheduled to meet during the day. Please pray that this goes well, as we progress next week.

I suspect that this is messing with the plans of the one who seeks to destroy the faith of many Christians. Pray that Christ allows this simple ministry to bring light to souls through our simple efforts.

You will be the intention of our prayers at Wednesday’s Young Adult Apologetics Class… God Bless
I am not a Roman Catholic and I never will be. I am a born again believer in Christ. Catholics become very agitated when attacked by those of other faiths but many times they treat there supposed adversary in much the same manner. I agree with you about the Da Vinci code, it is a lot of trash. I am a former Catholic, I attend a Church of about 3000 people and 75% of us were confirmed Roman Catholics. Do you think all 2250 of us won’t get to heaven?
If you were baptized and knew the Truth, and have now rejected it and teach what is contrary to the Truth, you are currently a heretic.

As for your eternal destination…
ok, at the risk of being hanged here. I like the book. I intend to see the movie…well rent it. I took the book as what is was, fiction. Yes, i know, many people think it’s true and that is the problem. But I enjoyed it for the story, not the contraversial church aspect because that is pretty much impossible. I recommend the book to people, some people I know, I don’t because they are gullable, but again, I really enjoyed it. I liked the clues, the mystery etc. the characters. I hate the author however, because he’s cocky now. Why does infamy ruin so many people?
There is a new edition of Da Vinci Code on the market. It’s very high quality hardback with lots of illustrations and graphics of old documents. I suspect it’s targeted at the Christmas market. $35.00
So, an old lie with a new cover. Satan does have a great staff in his marketing department.
If you were baptized and knew the Truth, and have now rejected it and teach what is contrary to the Truth, you are currently a heretic.

As for your eternal destination…
Well, the truth of the matter is someone who is baptised Catholic and knowingly embraces heresy is excommunicated latae sententia. The constant teaching of the Church is that anyone who persists in a state of excommunication is outside of the salvic grace of God. Anyone who is outside of the salvic grace of God is not saved, i.e. damned. Sorry, I’ll pray for your (not you MrS, I mean uniChristian) reversion to Christ’s true Church.
I haven’t read the book, but I think I will. I know it is a work of fiction. It says so right on the inside cover. I might borrow it from a friend. I see it as that, a work of fiction. if it inspires someone to actually do they research, rather then taking the story as is, they will eventually find the Church.
Well I would say it is a way to him but not the only way because that would make it a cult would it not?
The fact is that Christianity has been a Jewish “cult” for over 2,000 years. :eek:
I am not a Roman Catholic and I never will be. I am a born again believer in Christ. Catholics become very agitated when attacked by those of other faiths but many times they treat there supposed adversary in much the same manner. I agree with you about the Da Vinci code, it is a lot of trash. I am a former Catholic, I attend a Church of about 3000 people and 75% of us were confirmed Roman Catholics. Do you think all 2250 of us won’t get to heaven?
And what are we Uni…Chopped liver?
it’s not even a good read!
You’re right…I didn’t care for the way it just never seemed to climax the way it should have. More anti -climax than anything.

as a Catholic, I’m just tired of answering the stupid charges that this sad excuse for a novel generates 😛
It’s important not to get worked up about works like this. Remember, controversy breeds interest. Hollywood execs know this, if they didn’t they do know after Mel Gibson’s triumph. Just politely point out where the book and the movie take liberties with historical fact.

Well this is serious blasphemy to say the least.
The book denies the divinity of Christ. The characters hold fictional positions at universities and he claims he had assistance in research from institutions that never helped him.
Yes, I just loved the quaint juxtaposition of Mr. Brown’s “This is a work of fiction” with BUT. . .all the documents, sources, etc. are REAL.

Real as in “Reality T.V.”, perhaps?

Honestly, this “scholar/ writer” has been proven totally wrong on so MANY issues by COMPETENT authorities, it’s amazing that he still has any credibility.

Typical of this era, though.
When eminent “historians” have the hubris to announce that OF COURSE their work on a person or subject takes into account their (the historian’s) own PERSONAL beliefs and experiences over and ABOVE any actual FACTS, then we’re going to see tenth rate HACKS like Mr. Brown thinking they can do the same.
I gagged the book down because I wanted to be able to say that I had read it when I refute it. I’m also reading the EXCELLENT Da Vinci Hoax by Olsen and Meisel.
Dan brown is a third rate author…the book was terrible. And I’m not speaking of the content, but the style and voice. If he’d written a novel on my favorite topic, I still wouldn’t have been able to get past the third chapter.
As far as “thriller,” it was so transparent that I was two steps ahead of him through most of the book.
I wish we could ignore it, but Catholics – not well catechized ones – are being deceived by this, ah, dross, and I’ll do what I can to straighten them out.
But always in a respectful and caring manner.
As far as the movie goes, it’ll probably make lots of money. We should ignore it. Talk to people one-on-one and don’t make a big deal out of the movie.
This, too, shall pass. Just be ready with FACTS to “deprogram” your friends who get sucked in to this sewage.

Thank you for your willingness to make my simple ministry the Prayer Intention of your Wednesday program. I appreciate any and all prayers that can be provided.

Uni - I don’t know what you’re doing, as you seem intent on bating people into suggesting that we can determine the state of your soul. The Catechism of the Catholic Church clearly states, (argh, I’ve been unable to locate the specific reference - anyone out there able to assist, I know I’ve read it) that Judgement is for God alone and that whether or not a person who dies while outside the Church founded by Christ goes to Heaven is for God, the final Judge, to determine. As did Paul, we believe that we must stay the course until the end of the race, lest we fall away. God desires that All Men come to Him, but it is up to us to continue to Love God and seek to do His will. It is in failing to do His will that Sin enters the world, injuring ourselves and others.

If we put more energy into doing His will and less focused on attaining our selfish desires, we would each be assisting in bringing His Kingdom into being.

Uni, please know that while you may find an occational Catholic who will profess to know the disposition of your soul and your final destination, the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church teaches that this is something between you and God. Please stop asking us to condemn you, as this is not our place.

**Oh, and back to the topic of this thread - **

Anyone considering reading Da Vinci Code - Please, if you are not well formed in your understanding of Catholic History or your faith is relatively new and fragile, I wouldn’t recommend that you read the book, at least not without having first read the books which illustrate the errors presented in it. His books have been specifically written with the intent of shaking the faith of Christians by planting seeds of doubt into our understanding of who Christ is and what He came to teach and accomplish. Do not put temptation before you if you are unprepared to address the lies presented. Even then, I would only recommend reading the book if you feel compelled to defend the Church to those who have been misled.

Go in Peace, to Love and Serve the Lord,

ok, at the risk of being hanged here. I like the book. I intend to see the movie…well rent it. I took the book as what is was, fiction. Yes, i know, many people think it’s true and that is the problem. But I enjoyed it for the story, not the contraversial church aspect because that is pretty much impossible. I recommend the book to people, some people I know, I don’t because they are gullable, but again, I really enjoyed it. I liked the clues, the mystery etc. the characters. I hate the author however, because he’s cocky now. Why does infamy ruin so many people?
Surely he was ruined to begin with, if he’s spreading this many lies about our faith. And “creative license” doesn’t cover all. This is anti-clerical, anti-Catholic stuff. Just because it’s “fiction” doesn’t excuse it. Sister Mary Explains It All was fiction. Godfather III was fiction. Stigmata was fiction.

This movie will give life to dying Protestant suspicions. People should be more fearful about lies spreading about our Church. This is bad.
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