What if someone wrote a fictional book portraying Hitler as a saintly man, who never killed the Jews. That’s right, Hitler was framed by some evildoer and now he’s taking the blame as a devil incarnate throughout history. You think the Jews would let it rest. Hey, it’s only fictional, why be so offensive right!First off I am not bashing any Catholics…my post did not bash Catholics.
You are entitled to your opinion of what trash is…heck some people may say that the Bible is trash in their eyes **(please note: I am not one of those people) . **So is the thinking that all books of fiction should never talk about the Catholic fate if it goes against church teachings???
But to attack someone because they enjoyed something that you didnt…that sounds really un-Christian to me!
Smart man that this Dan Brown didn’t write anything fictional or offensive about Islam or their Mohammed; otherwise, he wouldn’t live long to enjoy his fame!
Yeah, offending Christianity is always a safe way to go…