Dallas-based food chain to accept Mexican-pesos

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I don’t know about Grand Rapids, but the company I worked for was a national retail chain and I originally started working at the company in NJ. The register there had the abilty to exchange the currency from Candian when I worked NJ. I think all registers were the same in all the stores nationwide. I never had a customer want to pay in Candian in NJ though so I don’t know.
Thanks Rayne89…do you know if the company you worked for had a national policy to accept canadian money? The registers may have just been manufactured to one standard -“copy exact” as some of my customers call it.

Anyway, the point seems moot, as others have explained very well that companies can do what they will in regards to legal tender.
About the language thing. Many Amish in this country speak a variation of German called “Pensilvainia Dutch” which is similar to a language found in Northern Germany.

We don’t go around scolding the Amish for this. They use american currency, but they also barter. Which we also don’t question. Its their business.

I know a few words in Native American…and I hope to learn more some day. Its a real part of our culture, but then again so is Italian, Irish etc. all words from wich we have borrowed terms.
About the language thing. Many Amish in this country speak a variation of German called “Pensilvainia Dutch” which is similar to a language found in Northern Germany.

We don’t go around scolding the Amish for this. They use american currency, but they also barter. Which we also don’t question. Its their business.

I know a few words in Native American…and I hope to learn more some day. Its a real part of our culture, but then again so is Italian, Irish etc. all words from wich we have borrowed terms.
Big difference is that the Amish don’t come across the border illegally and want you to cater to their language. I have no problem with legal immigrants coming in this country wanting to speak their native language in their own homes/communities, but they shouldn’t expect everyone else to cater to their original language.
Meggie;1849326 said:
Are the Amish here illegally? Do they know any English at all? Of course, they do. Do their children have to be taught ESL at school? You are comparing two totally different things. I have no problem with speaking your native tongue as long as the people who reside in this country do not have to go out of their way to learn your language. There should never be any reason in this country for employers to have in their ads…bi-lingual.

Big difference is that the Amish don’t come across the border illegally and want you to cater to their language.
I have Native American friends that would tell you European settlement of the USA was crossing borders illegally.

They are not ‘more so’ American than me… I was born here too.

If ppl wish to live in America they need to learn the English language.
Uh, these languages still exist. So do native Americans! They are every bit as American as you. Well, more because they are native!🙂

If ppl wish to live in America they need to learn the English language.
Are you suggesting that immigrants (legal or illegal) do not wish to learn the English language? I guess the 50 or so who show up at our church 4 nights a week come for the coffee and donuts!

I have Native American friends that would tell you European settlement of the USA was crossing borders illegally.

We also had slaves back in the old days…what does that have to do with ANYTHING now? I wonder where this country would be NOW if the European immigrants…oh, those awful people… would have stayed in Europe?😉 :heart:Blyss
We also had slaves back in the old days…what does that have to do with ANYTHING now? I wonder where this country would be NOW if the European immigrants…oh, those awful people… would have stayed in Europe?😉 ?Blyss
This country is great because of immigrants, then and now.

This country is great because of immigrants, then and now.

I don’t disagree…as my grandparents were immigrants…LEGAL immigrants. Illegal immigration does nothing good for a country.

I don’t disagree…as my grandparents were immigrants…LEGAL immigrants. Illegal immigration does nothing good for a country.

A large portion of the “Hispanic” community IS here legally.

Why do illegals come? Because there is work for them to do. We cry about illegal immigration and look the other way when illegal employers profit from cheap labor.

They are not ‘more so’ American than me… I was born here too.

If ppl wish to live in America they need to learn the English language.
Imagine this scenario, someone gets into the
American presidency who is completely corrupt, impoverishs our nation entirely and you and your family are left out in the cold, starving. At the same point in time Mexico actually gets some leadership that is not corrupt and thier economy takes a giant leap. What to do? Stay here and die because you can’t go to English speaking Canada, (say they have closed thier boarders because we suddenly started pouring in) or would you go to Spanish speaking Mexico and do your best to learn Spanish, it may take some time. ( This is presuming you don’t speak Spanish). I’ve had friends from all over the world, here legally, who have come here not having a complete command of English, I’ve helped when I can, I’ve never looked down on anyone who can’t yet speak English , and hope no one ever looks down on me when I travel, because all I can speak is English. I have friends from other countrys, where they are actually taught to be bilingual in grade school, who can speak fluently in 4 0r 5 languages.
Since this thread was wandered from the topic of the original post, it is now closed. Thanks to all who participated.
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