Darwin's Theory of Evolution is not scientific

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The Church itself in it’s discussions on the matter encourages Catholics to integrate scientific thought on evolution with our faith.
No, she teaches just the opposite – faithful must exercise caution with all but proven facts.

Some imprudently and indiscreetly hold that evolution, which has not been fully proved even in the domain of natural sciences, explains the origin of all things …

In fact, not a few insistently demand that the Catholic religion take these sciences into account as much as possible. This certainly would be praiseworthy in the case of clearly proved facts; but caution must be used when there is rather question of hypotheses …
The Church itself in it’s discussions on the matter encourages Catholics to integrate scientific thought on evolution with our faith.
No, she teaches just the opposite – faithful must exercise caution with all but proven facts.
I’d suggest you pause and think about the short exchange above.
Can you see that you are drawing a false dichotomy? Why do you do that?
I’d suggest you pause and think about the short exchange above.
I’d suggest you read the encyclical. Note that HH PiusXII does not use the word “encourage” even once. Note that he does use the word “caution” four times. Then look up the definition of the two verbs.

encourage: to persuade somebody to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do

caution: to warn somebody about the possible dangers or problems of something.

Do you not see that difference?
Pope Pius XII. The Church, not science, gets the final say.

"36. For these reasons the Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter - for the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God. However, this must be done in such a way that the reasons for both opinions, that is, those favorable and those unfavorable to evolution, be weighed and judged with the necessary seriousness, moderation and measure, and provided that all are prepared to submit to the judgment of the Church, to whom Christ has given the mission of interpreting authentically the Sacred Scriptures and of defending the dogmas of faith.[11] "
It’s also in that paragraph that he did allow Catholics to accept evolution, even of mankind.
And you won’t see it as the Church doesn’t really like refuting ancient teachings that are directly found in the scriptures. Aquinas can and did pull it off but there ain’t too many “Aquinas’” around nowadays.

Church teachings are not and never been static entities, but most often these changes are made without specifically negating long-held beliefs. It’s sorta like prostitution in many states whereas it’s still against the law but they usually don’t enforce it in many to most cases. Bad parallel, eh? 😉
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But the Church has wisely not declared as doctrine anything that is contradictory to science.
This sorta reminds me of a rule-of-thumb in Judaism, namely if a particular interpretation goes against reason, go with reason and look for alternative interpretations.
Can you explain the development of novel organs or body parts in a creature that never had them, like wings?
This is foundational to evolution. For example, an animal uses its arms to assist in jumping, or gliding, etc and those that have mutations that benefit that action are selected.
I’m truly shocked that there are people in the 21st century that think humans magically came from dirt.
How do you explain the fossil record? The genetic code? The evolution that occurs today that we can see?
The fossil record shows abrupt appearance, stasis and variation within,
This doesn’t in ANYWAY disprove evolution. In fact, it is a discussion point among scientists today. Specifically, does evolution happen in short, rapid changes (keep in mind we are still talking about thousands if not millions of years) or is it gradual? The answer is probably both, as there is evidence for both. But regardless, you are justifying evolution by saying this. It’s part of the theory.
Ring species? No longer thought to be true.
Oh boy. You probably read the title of a few articles and didn’t study the substance. When (some) scientists say there are no true ring species, they are NOT saying evolution isn’t true. They are not even saying that the concept of ring species isn’t true. They are talking about continuous gene flow across thousands if not millions of years. When they say there are no true ring species, they mean that - in their opinion - there always is a some traumatic and/or significant geological event that fully separates the ends of a ring species. But the concept of a ring species is still valid - they are saying some significant event caused the speciation. Read this, from a PROPONENT of evolution:

Revelation from God easily trumps man made observations and reasoning.
I would agree except there are no revelations from God, only men that CLAIM they spoke to God and are relaying the message, usually to promote personal gain or an agenda. If you can show me an actual revelation from God, I’ll listen to you.

Meanwhile, you can rage all you want against the dying of the ridiculous and indefensible notion that is creationism. But education, evidence and facts will be your downfall. The truth always wins.
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