Dating / Courtship 101 Question

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I guess I have rejection issues, plus I don’t want her to have a bad opinion of me. Both are rather irrational, perhaps.

But I hear young women talking about being asked out by older men and how they say negative things about the guy etc. etc.

Who knows, I might ask yet, just to finally get it over with. Today would have been a good time, but she acted like she didn’t want to talk or she had somewhere to go. She kind of took me off guard and scared me 🙂 as I was minding my own business and she just came out of the adoration chapel as I was walking by. God has a funny sense of humor, but I think it might have been a sign to say that, “no, she’s not interested in you, so you can put that to rest.”

On a loosely related note…the Community of the Beatitudes superior for that community said I should go on a discernment retreat next month. I strangely happened to be sitting by him at a special dinner a week ago or so. And we hit it off.

I will go to a cave like St. Bendeict and stay there, I think.
So, the suspense is building up. Have you gone to lunch with the young lady yet @JamalChristophr?

Inquiring minds want to know!
Nope. I decided it was ridiculous and imprudent for me to approach her as it would make her uncomfortable and the age gap was too far to be reasonable by the vast majority of people standards.

Discerning it in prayer, it doesn’t seem right to me, and she hasn’t given me any real cue that I should pursue it. So I’m dropping it.
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Fair enough. Although I have a motive. I would love to be a bridesmaid or flower girl, or something, and if you have no GF, that’s unlikely.

How about…Hey would you like to hang out sometime? Then say lunch, dinner, coffee a movie a trip to Hawaii…? Kinda an ice breaker…
Thanks, but I sense that she is uncomfortable, for one reason or another, and I’m backing off. I see her all the time and so making the interaction more awkward than it already is would make things difficult for both of us.
Too bad…sometimes a bit of humor breaks the ice… maybe just be a friend then…I married mine…best decision I ever made…Good luck mate!
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