I applaud you on your superb extremely well written, flowing, colorful prose, spot on analogy to surrealism and especially you not only referring to Dali, my favorite surrealist painter, but one of his greatest paintings, and one of my personal favorite paintings of all time.
And equally admirable is your dripping, yet perfect use of sarcasm and wit, painted with a pointed, yet delicate brush, culminating in a masterpiece. Your humor is certainly not dry.
I would challenge you to a battle of kits, but I think it would be a draw, but an enjoyable joust, nonetheless.
Seriously, well done, well done. I truly admire and respect that type of writing, even if we do disagree on anything. I salute, you, sir!
And equally admirable is your dripping, yet perfect use of sarcasm and wit, painted with a pointed, yet delicate brush, culminating in a masterpiece. Your humor is certainly not dry.
I would challenge you to a battle of kits, but I think it would be a draw, but an enjoyable joust, nonetheless.
Seriously, well done, well done. I truly admire and respect that type of writing, even if we do disagree on anything. I salute, you, sir!
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