Day 2 Trump March Rally Nov. 15th

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I applaud you on your superb extremely well written, flowing, colorful prose, spot on analogy to surrealism and especially you not only referring to Dali, my favorite surrealist painter, but one of his greatest paintings, and one of my personal favorite paintings of all time.
And equally admirable is your dripping, yet perfect use of sarcasm and wit, painted with a pointed, yet delicate brush, culminating in a masterpiece. Your humor is certainly not dry.
I would challenge you to a battle of kits, but I think it would be a draw, but an enjoyable joust, nonetheless.
Seriously, well done, well done. I truly admire and respect that type of writing, even if we do disagree on anything. I salute, you, sir!
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Agreed. Facts are stubborn things. People are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.
We choose truth over facts. ~Joe Biden

Are people entitled to their own truths or does the entitlement stop at facts?
You know very well that it was a gaffe. Anyone can be quoted out of context, esp. if they make a mistake or mistakes. I do, do you? We could easily mention the 35,000 plus documented lies (or is that word not permitted on the forum? BUT each one has been verified, thus true) that the current Impeached Forever President has told since 12:01 P.M. EST Jan. 20, 2017? Try quoting each of those. Oy!
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You know very well that it was a gaffe. Anyone can be quoted out of context, esp. if they make a mistake or mistakes. I do, do you? We could easily mention the 35,000 plus documented lies (or is that word not permitted on the forum? BUT each one has been verified, thus true) that the current Impeached Forever President has told since 12:01 P.M. EST Jan. 20, 2017? Try quoting each of those. Oy!
I went over each of them with a fine toothed comb. [The same fine toothed comb used in Michigan to check ballots.] Turns out 34, 998 were opinions that disagreed with the media’s “truth,” one was a gaffe and one a genuine white lie fib.

Edit: I changed white lie to fib so I wouldn’t be accused of white supremacy or racism. Apparently, it is wrong-think to believe white lies are more innocent than other kinds of lies. 😁
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Oy veh! You should know that I’ve only quoted that particular question by Pilate because I was being facetious because you did indeed quote a factual, and truthful, quote from President-elect Biden, a question that was made in error, a gaffe. And it was a mistake, not a lie. Those who have not made a gaffe, throw the first stone. I’m a Christian, and there is only One Truth, that of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
You're pretty darn quick, I give you that. You're in the wrong profession, whatever that may be. Your memory skills are unfathomable You evidently can process everything that was said or done over the past 4 years in an instant, a feat no supercomputer, nor any person, can master. But the "media" comment, I can't answer for that because I am a mere human, but I do know that there is no "one" media, and I think you know that. I'll pretend that you don't know what "media" means in that it is not a monolithic entity, has existed since the time humans first started painting pictures in caves, first started the alphabet, scrolls, papyrus, printed book, newspaper, the telegraph, magazines, radio, television, networks, cable, social media, blogs, etc. You may not know this, but the media is not a monolithic entity, and not limited to one specific medium, which is why "media" is the plural of "medium". For that matter, each particular medium, if one chooses one such a print media, each entity, such a newspapers, numbers in the several thousands, at least, in the USA alone. If you can show me a photo of "the media", then I would better understand. I never saw a "media".
What is a “white lie” anyway? Are there lies that cover the entire color spectrum, lies that can be found in the colors of the rainbow, or a box of crayons? Are purple lies any worse than white lies? Yellow lies? Beige lies? 50 shades of gray lies? Please educate my ignorant self. Is that something defined in the Bible, Sacred Tradition? Can one go to confession and confess to a priest that one has told “white lies”, other types of lies, or lies that or mortal sins? Can “white lies” be mortal sins?
I never actually heard that a white lie had anything to do with racism. The entomology of the word originates 500 years ago and has to do with morality or immorality, first used in a religious theological context. Probably from the teaching that “The Light” is good, and “The Dark”, originating from evil, the dark arts, Satan, etc. is bad.The Bible distinguishes light from dark as being good vs. evil, having nothing to do with race. I don’t know where you learned that it is racist, or anyone using it as being racist. Unless you were brought up learning that there was or is a racial difference. I never ever heard of “black lies”, have you? See what I’ saying? I would assume that back then in the Middle Ages, a “white lie” is more benign sin than a much more darker, graver sins such as murder, blasphemy, theft, putting sugar in grits, grammatical mistakes, not using the Oxford Comma, wearing pajamas and flip-flops in Walmart, typing in all caps, watcing Duck Dynasty, not using paragraphs (sic) run ons (sic), comma splices(sic), etc. Not that I would commit such atrocities…
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Oh, yeah, she is one of the masterminds of that vast Deep State Conspiracy, itself being a part of the larger globalist, New World Order, Illuminati, One World Government conspiracy trying to control our minds with implants through the help of aliens who implant chips in our brains in their spaceships who operate out of Area 51 with the Deep State’s assistance. They must send mind control signals to the implants to try to control us to wear masks and lockdown. I suggest everyone should wear an aluminum foil hat, covering one’s windows and papering one’s walls with aluminum foil to stop any such alien and Deep State signals. I’ve actually heard serious minded people claim this and even wilder conspiracy theories in the past 4 years…
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 Don't lecture me on racism. I wasn't born under a rock, white or otherwise, so to speak.....
Do you live in a multi-cultural, multi-racial, multi-ethnic area as I do? Do you have family, other relatives, ancestors, that are persons of color as I do? Have you ever talked with actual persons of color as ask THEM what THEY consider "racist"? Practically everything on that list is pure silliness, and if people do consider all those things racists, then they are on the fringe. They are not representative of all people of color as much as the KKK or neo-Nazis are representatives of white people. 
 Seriously, where one lives or was raised has a lot to do with one's perspective. 
  You cited Accredited Times AND Breitbart as legitimate "news" sources? Do you really base your research and your opinions from sites such as these?
You know very well that it was a gaffe.
Generally a gaffe can be readily deciphered into a common and understood phrase.
They just miss a word or some other error.

What exactly was he trying to say:
" We choose truth over facts."

What word has he substituted incorrectly?

If you want to say it is a gaffe, fine. But I still am baffled as to what exactly he was trying to say.
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