Life insurance. My mom raised me with that world-view. I resented it. I gave up a career, a car (although, now I have a nice car), but I still live in a small house with 5 kids
Your mother was teaching you the right thing. As for resenting her for giving a common sense teaching that’s between you and her.
Life insurance can be expensive, especially if a spouse has a pre-existing condition or one is on a limited income.
You’re right, life insurance is expensive. My husband does have pre existing health problems…which is one of the reasons we got the insurance. On the same day I came home with baby number 3 he was in the ER hooked up to heart machines…I was very scared, but my comfort was that my children would be provided for while we had time to recover the loss. If I had been working, instead of insurance, if something, God Forbid, did happen to my hubby, I would be forced to continue to work rather than stay home with my children and allow a true grieving period to run it’s course rather than deal with work and trying to greave and trying to care for my grieving children. We don’t buy extra anything, so we can pay for it. We don’t eat out, go to movies, buy beer or wine unless entertaining, which is very little. We don’t use credit cards, either. All of these things that we give up help pay for our insurance. My kids often don’t get the things their friends have because we can’t afford it, but if something happens to daddy, I have resources to keep them together. And that, is the best gift we can give them. Also, it is good to note, that if I went to work, it would cost us more money than staying home. I would have to purchase suits, pay for dry cleaning, pay for private schools, car insurance and gas would go up and I would have to pay for daycare for (now) one of the kids. Bought out lunches for everybody. Split shifts wouldn’t work for us because my “career” had been in the 9 to 5 job description.
Speaking of kids, off to the doctors with my boy I go. Which I can do without taking off from work. No stress of left behind work, loss of pay, or job security strain. Nope, for me, I can see my child is sick and stay by his side while he sleeps then take him to the doctor. Material sacrafices in life are worth that.
I hope and pray that whatever decisions parents make, they think of their kids first.