Deacon using parish bulletins to take potshots at conservatives

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The social justice coordinator at the parish I attend writes a column in the bulletin where she flat out defends legal abortion (“there are fewer abortions since it’s become legal!”). She is a dyed in the wool liberal Democrat and grew up in the 60’s, etc. I brought it up to our archbishop and he said her column was indeed concerning and suggested I express concerns to the pastor. This was disappointing as the pastor is a big liberal himself and probably has no problem with her column. My main concern is that she is allowed to put her personal political beliefs that contradict teaching in the bulletin.
Oh, it must be man’s fault!!!
So the Ozone hole wasn’t due to man made CFC’s ?? And we should have done nothing about that?? It was all a lie ?? (by analogy…)
In 1976 the United States National Academy of Sciences released a report concluding that the ozone depletion hypothesis was strongly supported by the scientific evidence. In response the United States, Canada and Norway banned the use of CFCs in aerosol spray cans in 1978
she flat out defends legal abortion (“there are fewer abortions since it’s become legal!”).
This statement is not a defense of abortion, it is simply a statistic. I would have asked the source for the statistic.

These numbers are literally one click away from anyone with an internet connection:

Tell your priest if the bulletin is a vehicle for political opinion then you would like to write a rebuttal or an opinion piece also. In fact get a bunch of you to ask him.

After all we want dialogue, correct?
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This statement is not a defense of abortion, it is simply a statistic.
It may be a true statistic but I think what @Joseph159 was saying is that she used the statement as part of her defense for abortion.

For those (like this coordinator) using that kind of “logic” it’s about as sound as saying we should kill more people so less people go hungry.
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Before casting dispersion on someone else in a public forum, I’d hope the accuser would at least post the context of use of this statistic. The statistic alone, in and of itself, is just that.
I’d be very upset if a parish publication made direct reference from yesterday’s gospel to current political issues, taking a side and applying Jesus’s criticism to the other side and, by inference, to individuals within the parish.

It’s intended personally, and I’d take it personally. I’d think about cutting back my financial contributions and/or volunteer work for the parish. You shouldn’t be paying to be insulted by your parish.

I had an Anglican priest friend who during the SSM marriage debate here (in Australia) likened the Christian opponents of SSM to the pharisees stoning the Woman Caught in Adultery. That was the end of a forty year friendship. Curiously, like your deacon, this priest also publishes regularly with good (predictable) theological messages but interspersed with strong left wing politics from time to time.

You’ve raised it once with the deacon and got no response, so it’s time to go to the parish priest. Possibly. He’s probably aware of these publications, or should be. We are not obliged to put ourselves in an awkward position with a pre-determined outcome. But give it strong consideration (ie. talking to the priest).

ps. It’s very interesting that the deacon says he “welcomes feedback”, and then ignored your helpful criticism. My Anglican priest friend was just like that - his apparent “openness to dialog” was just a ruse for gaining advantage for himself. Responding is a waste of one’s valuable time, and even counter productive as you’ve “shown your hand”, which he could use against you later.
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My honest opinion is that the USCCB gives great prominence to things like immigration, climate change, and the death penalty to avoid addressing issues that are likely to upset the majority left-wing media, like abortion and homosexuality. That way they can claim to be “so busy” with these other “pressing” issues that they just don’t have the time to address anything else.
My experience has been different. I have observed that the USCCB gives a balanced coverage of many issues, whether they be more politically left-leaning (immigration, death penalty) or conservative (abortion, marriage).

They’re in a tough position, because everything they say is going to tick someone off. If the bishops start talking about immigration, conservative Catholics claim that the USCCB is in bed with the Democrats. If they talk about abortion, then leftists say that they’re too far to the right.
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Like I said she is a dyed in the wool Democrat. Most likely she does not want to stray from the party orthodoxy. As long as you were advocating for welfare for the children you are pro life in her mind.
I hope you first talk with your parish priest. If he does nothing then make an appointment with your bishop.
Sadly, it isn’t likely that this deacon will ever publicly apologize or retract his junk but he should.
I wish the Church would expect and demand public apologies.

This is a good question. Why don’t we hear individuals in the Church make public apologies for their indiscretions or bad behavior ?
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. I brought it up to our archbishop and he said her column was indeed concerning and suggested I express concerns to the pastor.
He is right.
Go up the proper channels.

You may be surprised with your priest, and the bishop need not be involved.
I often feel like when he catches my eye at Mass, he still has disdain for my “evil” beliefs.
This is you, making up something in your head. This is not a fact.
Not so fast! Have experienced this myself.

But the ambo, or the parish bulletin is one place where politics has no place. But, for progressives, that is their soapbox and they won’t shut up.

One might not notice this if they are also left of center.
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Because he welcomes feedback, I wrote him back and kindly stated that I enjoyed many of his columns, as they have provided me with inspiration to move closer to God. However, in this instance, I felt he crossed the line. He never responded. Because I used my real name (I never intended to hide myself and did my best to remain respectful), I often feel like when he catches my eye at Mass, he still has disdain for my “evil” beliefs.
Pray for him. Really. He is under his temptations same as we all are. If he brings division in the Church under the strong emotion stemmed out of his political beliefs (whatever color) he needs your prayers.
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