The notion that people who are gay are more inclined to deviancy and sexual abuse is the message that Daniel Mattson tries to send in a recent article, “Why Men Like Me Should Not Be Priests,” that someone posted in another thread:But why do we blame homosexuality (as an inclination) in itself for these horrible same-sex acts, and NOT heterosexuality itself for horrible opposite-sex acts?
It’s because, sadly, many in the church regard homosexuality as inherently sinful: That is, they may say that same-sex attraction is “not sinful.” They may say only the “acts” are sinful. But often, what they really mean is that same-sex attraction inclines one to deviancy. So the homosexual is ultimately viewed as “sinner” — it’s just a matter of degree, of how bad.
So a person like me, a Catholic who is also SSA and tries to follow church teaching as best I can, reads these articles as ESSENTIALLY saying that I am bound to mess up horribly. That I have a pre-disposition to pedophilia, or molestation, or sexual abuse. That I’m not able to pursue chastity as nobly as the straight person is.
That I’m objectively disordered beyond my same-sex attraction: That I’m more or less inevitably ordered to engage in some horrendous deviant sexual act.
That’s what is sounds like to me.
https://www.firstthings.com/web-exclusives/2018/08/why-men-like-me-should-not-be-priestsmen with homosexual tendencies find it particularly difficult to live out the demands of chastity. The vast majority of scandals in the Church since 2002 involve homosexual priests profoundly failing in chastity. This is no surprise to me. Chastity, I’m convinced (and the evidence bears this out), is much harder for men with a homosexual inclination than for others.
Fr. James Lloyd, C.S.P., a priest with a PhD in psychology from NYU, has worked with homosexual men (including priests) for more than 30 years as a clinical psychologist. On the subject of chastity and homosexual priests, he says, “It is clear enough from clinical evidence that the psychic energy needed to contain homosexual drives is far greater than that needed by the straying heterosexual.”
So, according to Mattson, gay men are different than straight men because they have an insatiable drive to have as much sex as possible, a drive that it is almost impossible for them to contain. Maybe Mattson is thinking of himself and believes that his own insatiable drives are shared by all gay men.
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