Dear STAR WARS fans

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Is there any Star Wars fans here?
With the final episode of the trilogy coming out next week what do people think the first 2?
Talk to me also about Rogue one and Solo.

Also has anyone been watching the series Baby Yoda and the Mandalorian?
I haven’t been a huge fan of number 7 and 8. I thought 8 was better than 7 though.
Rogue One I really liked as it filled in the blanks well between the original trilogy and 1,2,and 3.
Solo I thought was pretty good, but still not great. The Mandalorian I have really liked so far. It reminds me of the original trilogy as far as quality goes!
7 was a repeat of the 4th. The 8th was filled with plot twists, but had elements of the 5th and 6th. I must say I don’t think it was wise to have
Han and Luke die before Leia, even though Carrie Fisher is dead and Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford are still very much alive
I didn’t mind Rogue One or Solo. In Rogue One, it actually does Darth Vader justice, and provides an explanation for events directly prior to a New Hope. All in all, a good movie.
Solo had a more expanded universe, and connected several references to the Clone Wars, which I liked, especially the fact that
Darth Maul is officially back in the movies too, not just the Clone Wars and Rebels! I would really like to see him in Episode 9
I would love to watch the Mandalorian, but my family does not have Disney Plus. I’m looking forward to it, though.
I liked Solo, but I didn’t see it with high expectations. Rogue One is good, IMHO, and was an adequate backstory for New Hope. I am watching Mandalorian and enjoying it so far. Jon Favreau is not trying to be a social justice warrior and instead is just focusing on creating a good story so far.
Yea the I thought 7 was ok and left us with questions as to how Rey could be so skilled with a light saber and at one with the force. They should have used the chance to put the old characters together on set but.

8 was utterly disappointing in terms of Lukes story and head scratching in terms of Reys seemingly invincible powers. All in all the identity politics have over shadowed the story line.

I find most people liked Rogue One, me too and Solo was enjoyable. The Mandalorian is the best thing Disney has released yet that baby yoda is just so cute.
I have my ticket for next Thursday night and am looking forward to what will hopefully be an epic conclusion to the Skywalker saga.

I enjoyed both THE FORCE AWAKENS and THE LAST JEDI. Although, having rewatched TFA last night, I’ve come to the conclusion (shared by many) that nothing since touches the original trilogy, in terms of quality.

As for the “identity politics” … Star Wars has always had strong female characters. Leia was shooting at Stormtroopers in the very first movie in 1977. So that doesn’'t bother me.
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Ok fair enough. They should make a movie series about baby yoda but…

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Just adorable… LoL
nothing since touches the original trilogy
True I think most fans would agree.
As for the “identity politics” … Star Wars has always had strong female characters. Leia was shooting at Stormtroopers in the very first movie in 1977
Its not that shes female its the level of jedi skill she acquired without any training, far more advanced than just shooting at storm troopers. Beating Kilo Ren, a Skywalker trained from birth, the first time she picks up a light saber and over powering his mind with the force in the first episode.
Is there any Star Wars fans here?
With the final episode of the trilogy coming out next week what do people think the first 2?
The Force Awakens was mediocre and par for a JJ Abrams film. The Last Jedi was wretched and I’m still upset about what they did to Luke Skywalker.
Talk to me also about Rogue one and Solo.
Rogue One was excellent! No real complaints with it. Ben Mendelsohn is fantastic!

Solo was the exact opposite. Bad acting by Alden Ehrenreich and the girlfriend was completely unnecessary. I watched it once and was bored.
Also has anyone been watching the series Baby Yoda and the Mandalorian?
So far the series is good if not a little formulaic.
I’m still sort of reserving final judgment on episode 8 until I see episode 9. If everything gets wrapped up well, then it may be easier to see the place of 8 in the whole narrative.

I saw one article in which J.J. Abrams commented that he’s far better at starting stories than finishing them. That resonated with me in thinking about shows he started like Lost. He does seem to have a knack for setting up interesting plot threads that really draw you in. But as far as I can tell, he sets these things up without necessarily having an idea himself as to how he’s going to resolve them. That kind of makes sense when your starting a TV show without having any idea how many seasons it is going to run. For a movie trilogy, though…

So my expectations for Episode 9 are pretty tempered at the moment. I’ll go expecting a fun popcorn film with dazzling set pieces and appreciate it on that level. It would be pretty miraculous if it could wrap up not just the sequel trilogy but all previous Star Wars movies in anything resembling a cohesive and satisfying way. So I don’t really expect that to happen.
Episode 6 of the Mandalorian was fantastic after I thought it slowed down in 4 and 5.
In my opininion, they have dragged Star Wars out too far. They should of left it at the end of Return of the Jedi, which had a perfectly fine ending. I liked Rouge One, and Solo. They were good additives, but they should not of put in, The Force Awakens, and Last Jedi.
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With episode 9 being called “rise of Skywalker” I have an idea what is probably going to happen. Given that the only Skywalker left is Kylo Ren I think he will turn to the good side.

I was going to watch parts 7 and 8 again before watching 9 at the cinemas on Thursday. But after watching Rogue One again (which I thought was fantastic) I decided to watch all of the Star Wars episodes from 1 to 8 again before 9 comes out. I will then probably rate all the episodes from the worse to the best.
I’ve heard multiple theories and rumors. Nothing good in my opinion… The Emperor returning has some basis in the Expanded Universe novels.

I’m seeing the movie on Saturday. 😐
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There are a lot of videos on Youtube claiming episode 9 to be leaked but I’ve managed to hold myself from watching any of them. My expectations of this episode is low, perhaps i’ll be surprised
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Well, if not there’s always Wookie the Chew
I watched THE LAST JEDI on Friday night. Admiral Holdo (Laura Dern’s character) didn’t annoy me as much as on previous viewings. I still say the movie is not nearly as bad as some on the Internet say – though again, it doesn’t compare to the original trilogy.

Less than 100 hours till I see RISE OF SKYWALKER. Crossing my fingers for a strong ending.
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