Dear STAR WARS fans

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I’m looking forward to the closure of the series and I’m thrilled they are branching stories off of them. I was a bit disappointed in Solo …it was OK. I really enjoyed Rogue One…and I’m loving the Mandelorian! The Mandelorian works very well as a TV series rather than a movie and yes, some episodes ore better than others but they have all been entertaining. It isn’t like I disliked any of them! Baby Yoda is adorable.

See ya at the movies!
I’m looking forward to the closure of the series and I’m thrilled they are branching stories off of them. I was a bit disappointed in Solo …it was OK. I really enjoyed Rogue One…and I’m loving the Mandelorian! The Mandelorian works very well as a TV series rather than a movie and yes, some episodes ore better than others but they have all been entertaining. It isn’t like I disliked any of them! Baby Yoda is adorable.

See ya at the movies!
I am also very much enjoying The Mandalorian. The Child (aka ‘Baby Yoda’) is cute. But also there are some great action scenes.

Solo was fun, but it is in my opinion the least consequential of all the Star Wars movies.

Rogue One was AWESOME and an example of what we should have gotten with the prequels.
They could make an awesome movie or series based on the old republic. They made a couple of games about it and it was awesome!
Ive watched all the episodes of Star Wars in the past few days. I like all the old ones apart from Phantom Menace. Parts 7 and 8 has the most epic space battles but so much of it leaves me scratching my head.

Rey is strong in the force and even though her parents are nobody that is fine. Annikin’s parents were also nobody and he was strong in the force from very young.

However every Jedi that has ever appeared in a Star Wars film, book or comic had to go through rigorous training to be able to control the force and use a lightsabre. Most of them begin training as soon as they can walk like Kilo Ren.

Rey comes in with no training at all and is able to use the force in many ways. She was able to resist Kilo Ren’s use of the force on her, she was able to use the force to tell a storm trooper to free her, she picks up a lightsabre for the first time and beats Kilo Ren, she beats Luke Skywalker in a duel, she is capable of piloting the Millenium Falcon even better than Han Solo, she uses the force to save the resistance by making all those rocks levitate, she can do it all, born with it. Even Yoda says to Skywalker when he burns the tree with the Jedi bibles in it “there is nothing in those books that Rey doesn’t already know”… How?

The trilogy is also crying out for a love story.

Well I can go to the midnight screening in 2 hours but I think I will just go and watch it tmrw at IMAX 3D.
Rey is strong in the force and even though her parents are nobody that is fine. Annikin’s parents were also nobody and he was strong in the force from very young.
For me, when Kylo Ren told Rey that her parents were nobody in particular, I didn’t ever believe that was the whole story. It seems like most movie-goers assume that he was telling her the truth, and I’m not sure why that is taken for granted.
Rogue One was very good. It served as both an immediate prequel to Episode III (A New Hope), and is a rather good war movie.

I just rewatched Solo, and it’s an okay film. I just don’t think the actor they got to play a young Han Solo was all that great, but it’s not a bad film.

Without too many spoilers Episode 7 felt like a rehash. It’s cool to see Luke, Leia, Han and Chewie (though Chewbacca was in one of the prequel films as well). Not a bad film.

Episode 8 is a train wreck. The plotting, even by Star Wars standards, was terrible. There are elements I liked, but the entire second act is just a mess. The saddest part is, of course, that this was Carrie Fisher’s last film, so that makes it bittersweet as well.
Question: in either ep.4 or 5 there is a scene where Obi makes a comment that if Luke goes to the dark side, there is one other. At the time, everyone assumed he was referring to Leia…but Leia never really had or used the force. Could they now be implying that Rey is that other? The writers or Lukas may not have meant Rey at the time but have now tied the idea together?

I’m hoping to see it this weekend but tickets are scarce unless I want a crappy seat. I don’t. So, will wait until I can get seats where I want them! I really need to rewatch all eight episodes before I do, as well! Some of them have been a long time!
I don’t want to see the format of the trilogy end. And I don’t want the skywalker story-line to end. The recent trend of moving away from Jedi and Sith and the normalization of eastern theology in the series is annoying. That being said I do like the Ren Character and I hope he does not turn to the light. I also hope Rey survives the episode and is a powerful Jedi.
Rouge was good but a little bulky and rough. Also, no Jedi. But I found Solo extremely disappointing. As a stand alone sci fi movie that had no connection to star wars it would have been decent. But as a part of a Star wars family and an origin story of one of the most iconic characters of all time it fell horrifically flat and had a Marvel cheapness to it.
Didn’t like 8 at all. Hoping 9 fixes it.

One thing I have a problem with is that if the emperor returns then the end of Episode 6 meant nothing. It made the Anakin turn to the light worthless. At this pint it feels game of thronesy because the idea that some people can die and return and others cannot makes no sense.
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Question: in either ep.4 or 5 there is a scene where Obi makes a comment that if Luke goes to the dark side, there is one other. At the time, everyone assumed he was referring to Leia…but Leia never really had or used the force. Could they now be implying that Rey is that other? The writers or Lukas may not have meant Rey at the time but have now tied the idea together?
Hmmm, I had forgotten about that line, but that’s a very good question. I could see them circling back to that and using that to refer to Rey. Or Kylo Ren. 😜
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I am pleased to report that I enjoyed RISE OF SKYWALKER. In fact, it may turn out to be my favorite of the new trilogy.
The Holdo Maneuver broke the naval combat doctrine for me.

If she could do that, why not just attach a hyperdrive to a meteor, get a droid to fly it, and then smash star destroyers/Death Stars/planets at will?
After the tragedy of episode 8 I was going into part 9 with no expectations, in fact I was expecting a disaster. Maybe that’s why I didn’t think it was so bad.
I know the plot is full of holes that defy Star Wars canon but at least they surprised me by making Rey the grand daughter of Darth Sidious.

This is my ranking for the Star Wars films.
11* Ep 8: The last Jedi
10* Ep 1: Phantom Menace
9* Solo
8* Ep 7: The force awakens
7* Ep 9: Rise of Skywalker
6* Ep 2: Attack of the Clones
5* Ep 3: Revenge of the Sith
4* Ep 4: A new Hope
3* Rogue One
2* Ep 6: Return of the Jedi
1* Ep 5: Empire strikes Back

Share your episode ranks
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My rankings:
  1. A New Hope
  2. The Empire Strikes Back
  3. Rogue One
  4. Revenge of the Sith
  5. Return of the Jedi
  6. The Rise of Skywalker
  7. The Last Jedi
  8. The Force Awakens
  9. Solo
  10. Attack of the Clones
  11. The Phantom Menace
Not much of a Star Wars fan but how would the order go chronologically?

Edit…Oh wait…so Ep 1 would be the first film to watch and so on? Where would Solo and Rogue One fit in?
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Edit…Oh wait…so Ep 1 would be the first film to watch and so on? Where would Solo and Rogue One fit in?
Solo takes place between episode 3 and 4. I think about 10 years before episode 4.

Rogue One takes place immediately before Episode 4 (as it’s about the mission to steal the Death Star plans that is referenced in the opening crawl of ANH).
I saw the new one with some buddies on Thursday. Without giving any spoilers, I will say we had a wide range of opinion.

Of my two buddies who absolutely hated Last Jedi, one thought this new one completely redeemed it (he said it was “near perfect” and almost as good ESB), while the other thought it was no better than Last Jedi. Then again, he’s a guy who’s read every Expanded Universe book and hated that they declared them non-canonical, so he’s probably predisposed to dislike all the new movies.

Personally, I enjoyed Last Jedi and this new one, as opposed to Force Awakens, which I hated as a complete retread of prior storylines. But none of the new ones has come close to matching Rogue One, which was near perfect in my opinion.

Also, Babu Frik FTW!
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