So I start to explain what is holymorphic dualism in simple words: Holymorphic dualism is a theory which states that beings are composed of inseparable matter and form. What is matter? The stuff which is everywhere. What is form? Form is simply a set of properties of a being which they could manifest themselves by matter. A living being is assigned to have a form so called soul.
The problem of death: What is soul when death happen? It is obvious that the set of properties that defines soul is subject to change upon death so it is obvious that soul is nothing more than any other form upon death hence soul is a simple form like other forms. Only dust is left after death hence there is no being and no form.
As you see the changeability is a serious threat to immortality of soul so we have to either accept that soul is not changeable or it is changeable. The problem of immortality is resolved when soul is changeless but soul then cannot be the form hence it lose its functionality when we are dealing with holymorphic dualism.
The problem of death: What is soul when death happen? It is obvious that the set of properties that defines soul is subject to change upon death so it is obvious that soul is nothing more than any other form upon death hence soul is a simple form like other forms. Only dust is left after death hence there is no being and no form.
As you see the changeability is a serious threat to immortality of soul so we have to either accept that soul is not changeable or it is changeable. The problem of immortality is resolved when soul is changeless but soul then cannot be the form hence it lose its functionality when we are dealing with holymorphic dualism.