What I am arguing is that hylomorphism has serious problems so it cannot be accepted as a model which can explain death hence life after death. You want to accept a model which has problems, you are welcome. What are the problems:Your understanding of hylomophism, the matter-form structure of all natures/essences which have been created should be that of Thomas Aquinas since he enhanced the explanation of Aristotle. That being said, it is no problem for Christians, Jews, or Muslims for they all accept on Faith that the human soul is the form of man and that it survives the body upon death and that it will eventually be re-united with its body at the end of the world. So it is a problem only for non-believers.
- The form/soul is subject to change and decay but matter is not.
- The form/soul cannot sustain life upon death so all the feature related to life are lost, among them, memory, identity, rationality, feeling, etc. So what is the point of having a soul that cannot even guarantee the passage of identity?
- It requires resurrection namely reunion of matter and soul in order to allow life but what you get from reunion of a matter and soul with a corrupted soul that it could not function well upon death?