“unchangeable” so there is no development between childhood and adulthood?
Body of course changes but body is not a simple elementary particle. It is constitute of elementary particles and it also has form. So what changes is not elementary particle but form.
The cells in our body are not constantly reproducing and dying?
The same rule that applies to body applies to cells too.
You can explain the human body simply by the interaction of Atoms? By the way, the answer to this last question is no. All theories of atomic theory are based on “all things being equal”, and do not describe the behaviour of atoms that are not free standing.
What is the difference between a free particle and confined one? None, if it is elementary. There is a big field of physics so called
condensed matter physics which is study of behavior of macro in term of micro and it is very well established. What would be point of searching for laws of physics which applies to micro if the laws are subject to change depending on the form!?
So what do these premises describe? If they are true, they must signify something in reality.
These premises describe how elementary particles interact with each other by exchanging virtual particles related to forces. For example two electron can interact with each other through exchange of a photon.
You can’t appeal to science for an account of the nature of causality; that argument would be circular and self-refuting.
That is what scientist do in advance before they could establish their theory. I mean they first study what things are (ontology) and then work around how things behaves knowing that what things are (epistemology).
If you do not understand this; you have no idea of the Aristotelian concept of Form. Substantial form is active; the mark of Substantial form is irreducible causal powers.
These I understand. What I don’t understand is how a changeless thing so called soul can integrate itself in a system explained by hylemorphic dualism at which the whole can represent some dynamic features.
Atomism isn’t a serious threat- because no one can actually take it seriously. For a number of reasons:
It is.
- Modern atomism rests on a very poorly defined notion of matter. Therefore its non-explanatory.
It is not poorly defined. I is very well defined. Matter is simply constitute of simple elementary particles each has some specific properties, such as mass, electrical charge etc.
- Water exists; composite substances are a death blow for Atomism.
Water exists and its behavior can be explained in term of micro very well.
As atomism can only concede accidental, and not substantial, change. Which is absurd.
What do you mean with accidental and substantial change?
- It is a performative contradiction. The atomist is forced to deny the validity of their senses, whilst using their sensory experience to attain knowledge. Therefore a premise of Atomism would imply that our senses are both reliable, and not reliable, in the same respect at the same time. Which is a formal contradiction.
First, consciousness is compatible with Atomism if you use correct interpretation. Please read
Second, what sort of knowledge Aristotle model provides about what nature of matter is? His model is very outdated.