What you find is probably more indicative of your own thoughts than anything else, unless, of course, you’re telepathic. I suggest you approach a priest for spiritual direction in this matter.
Umm… no this is not based off of my own thoughts alone, ill admit that I care about money, but I DO NOT let it affect my moral judgement, such as a reason to sustain life. I’m very lucky in this, I am only seventeen and don’t have money, therefore it does not cloud my judgement. So talk to a priest about what?
Or, more prudently, one could refrain from thinking he has the “true vision of Jesus” and is therefore qualified to cleanse Temple…
Its not like some object, but I believe the Church doctrine, the Bible, and my faith… allowing me to see what God intends humans to do… and he does not want us to worship money or murder. Im not saying I’m like God but I believe me beliefs are relect the truth… how is that wrong? to believe that your faith is correct?
I don’t think you know what “ironic” means, nor do you understand the legalities of the death penalty system in Texas. Let me guess: You think President Bush, when Governor of Texas, was responsible for all of those executions.
Yes i suppose I did use the colliquial use of the word ironic, but I don’t know why that is relevant. And no I do not believe that President Bush was responsible… I never even talked about him. Everyone that condones, believes, or allows the death penalty is responsible is some way, but we as catholics need to be “universal” especially in protecting life… of EVERYONE
Obviously, but not in any sort of coherent manner. Perhaps you’d do well to come sit in on a few of my religion classes at the Catholic school in which I teach…
Which school is that… I hope to God that Im not talking to a St. Thomas teacher… that would be bad… no you don’t fit any of my teachers
The government is “unsure about the technicalities of when life starts.” Science demonstrates conclusively life is present from the moment of conception. Any high school biology textbook ought to be sufficient to confirm this fact.
Sure. I beleive that life is present at conception, but the legal system is uncertain not the church or biology.
Abortion isn’t allowed “during this period of uncertainty.” There is no period of uncertainty. Abortion is allowed during the entire course of pregnancy, right down to the very last day of pregnancy.
No your missing my point, not uncertainity in the period of pregancy. We are in a period of political uncertainty. It is allowed because there more sufficent evident for pro-choice… at least thats the way the government sees it. It is not set in concrete that abortion will always be allowed.
No, abortion and capital punishment aren’t equally bad. The Church says so, by the way…
Once again missing my point, I do not mean that the acts themselves are equal. But that capital punishment should be regarded as a bigger political issue, because they are physically killing as oppose to allowing. But Allowing and Killing are both bad, and should be stopped, but someone who watches a murder and sits back doesnt seem as bad as the murder. But they are both wrong. I know that they are not equally bad, because the Church allows it under certain and limited circumstances