I don’t need to research more.
There is probably nothing more dangerous than a person who claims to be so educated that he or she does not have a need to ever learn more about the world around them.
I am just going to humbly request that you take the time to at least watch the video above. It is generally about how factual information is to be taken out of schools and replaced with social curriculums that will reform the way our children believe in order to bring in societal changes. I have researched this for many, many years. This is not education. It is destruction of all that is free in our country. I sound extreme, but I am not. I am passionate about preservation of our natural rights and freedoms.
I do honestly believe those who love children the most are the parents, families. Most will make certain their kids are protected. I believe their child’s education is their territory, whether they homeschool, private school, unschool. . I respect their wishes, as long as they are loving, and it is not for me to understand and agree with their beliefs. I have no domain over their children and neither do you. As for those who need help, the only way to not attach an agenda, as far as I can see, is a voucher plan of some sort where parents and not statists remain in control of the education dollars. Believe it or not, I ache for the ones who fall through the cracks. I just don’t think that justifies building schools that will eventually be used against us. There has to be another answer. States build their greatest desired constituents. People build their greatest selves. Do people build their greatest selves in prison like institution settings like those of public schools? Are natural settings more conducive to learning and growing?
So the government offers public schools for those inattentive parents to use for free. It then collects money from all for this greater good.
Those are contradictory sentences. In the first sentence you say is free and in the second sentence, it has to be paid for. Which is it?
Parents are able to educate their children how they see fit.
No, that is absolutely not the case when the education has to comply with federal standards. If we continue on this path, the state will monopolize every aspect of “education,” as they do in parts of Europe where kids can be taken from parents who attempt to homeschool their kids.
Please do the research. It is vital you understand what is going on.