I have actually quoted the quote in its entirity not relied on sandwiching my opinion amongst individudal snippets as you have. Aside from calumnies I’m not really sure what the point of this post, there clearly was pre-occupation with seeking the ‘gifts’ of pentecost according to pentecostal i.e heretical beliefs as demonstrated by the reading material and theme of the retreat.I think you are right, at least in your case, jmj. Since you have rejected all the confirmations of the movement I mentioned in my last popes, and the normal instruction to the movement by the successors of Peter, I don’t really think there is any source that can be provided that you can accept.
I am glad that you are able to admit that your perception about “the pre-occupation with tongues” is just your deduction. I do see something very different when I read the account.
Curious…no mention or “pre-occupation” with tongues here…
Gee…no mention of tongues here either…
Gee…no mention of tongues here either…
Which one of these is the “heterodox instruction” you were talking about?
How are any of these not “orthodox practices”?
No mention of “pre-occupation with tongues” here either. Hmmm.
I notice that Catholics renew their baptismal vows during liturgy. Do you think doing so outside of liturgy is inappropriate?
No mention of tongues here either.
Any tongues here?
It may be that this “pre-occupation” is in the eye of the beholder?