Defense of the abortion/Discussion about Ethics

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In your mind, you labaled me as such.
Don’t pretand that’s not true, l know when someone does that.

l don’t think my statement fit into any of those.
There is a difference between good and bad faith dicussion, l expected bad faith dicussions to happen on twitter, not on Christian forums.
As for fetus and sentience:
l don’t think so, dementia results in a reduction of thinking ability and memory.
To my knowlage, it doesn’t ever fully remove those abiliti
OK, I assume a dog would have have more moral worth than a newborn human though?
l don’t know the exect details, but they would be on a similar level
In your mind, you labaled me as such.
Don’t pretand that’s not true, l know when someone does that.
In my mind? Are you a mind reader? Why not just back your arguments up with fact as requested rather then wasting energy attacking me.

That article is 1992, it is almost 30 yo. Science moves on, find more current science,
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l talk to people online all the time online, about many controversial topics.
l know when someone has a negative preconception.
l talk to people online all the time online, about many controversial topics.
l know when someone has a negative preconception.
I have no idea what you have or have not done in your life, Talk about the topic, dont make it personal.
You can’t say that after you labaled me and my argument as ‘my body my choice’.
When l didn’t even dicuss that, by doing so you tried to fit me into the catagory of ‘my body my choice’ activist.
Pro-choice is a political/philosopical position that abortion should be legal.

l didn’t bring politics in it, by you saying ‘my body my choice’ you tried to place me in the same box as your average advocate.
I think any reasonable person would consider a termination 4 weeks before birth to be more distressing and almost impossible to be morally justified …
How about 4 week and a day before birth? 4 weeks and 2 days?
As for sentience, there is no science to prove sentience because sentience is not a scientific concept.
Above you admit your ignorance of when a child becomes sentient and because you are ignorant you may kill the other. ?

You claim that one’s knowledge of sentience in another is purely subjective. So, to be consistent, your moral philosophy would allow the mother to kill her unborn or born child until the moment she heard her child cry.
I think any reasonable person would consider a termination 4 weeks before birth to be more distressing and almost impossible to be morally justified …
How about 4 week and a day before birth? 4 weeks and 2 days?
No difference that makes any difference. Now, I hope you’re not going to keep dropping the due date and ask when the change in attitude happens. There is no bright line. There is no specific date. But that doesn’t detract the point that women who have abortions treat very early abortions very differently to very late ones. As does everyone else.

Would you like to deny that?
Sentience is a scale, you can be more or less sentient.
Fetus gets very limited sentience after about 20 weaks of pregnancy.
Abortion would be justified because benefits to the women(lack of pain, change of the body, and freedom) outweight the death of a being with a minimal sentience.
Sentience at it’s core is the ability to suffer and feel pain in a meaningful way.
Conscious is a step above that
And than personhood.
But that doesn’t detract the point that women who have abortions treat very early abortions very differently to very late ones. As does everyone else.

Would you like to deny that?
At one point everyone treated black people differently to white people. Did they have less value?
Pro-choice is a political/philosopical position that abortion should be legal.

l didn’t bring politics in it, by you saying ‘my body my choice’ you tried to place me in the same box as your average advocate.
You are advocating pro choice ,
As a pro-choice supporter, l would like to discuss/debate the ethics of abortion, mostly focusing on what l perceive to be two strongest arguments in favor of it, person/life distinction and the The Violinist Analogy.
you wish to discuss and / or debate your stance on this forum and your first point is bound up in science. The violinst analogy is about my body my choice to a degree and is well used in college ethics. Are you using this analogy at college now?

Has any taken up the kidnapped for a kidney debate yet? I have not read others discussions here
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Sentience is a scale, you can be more or less sentient.
Where on the scale does the child gain personhood in your scheme?
Fetus gets very limited sentience after about 20 weaks of pregnancy.
? You already admitted that you cannot know what you now claim to know. Please explain.
Abortion would be justified because benefits to the women(lack of pain, change of the body, and freedom) outweight the death of a being with a minimal sentience.
What exactly (we’re discussing the killing of a living being) is “minimal sentience”? When is sentience in the child greater than “minimal”?

If there are no objective, measurable methods to determine what “minimal sentience” is and exactly when “minimal sentience” occurs then you moral philosophy on directly aborting a child is nothing more than a feeble attempt to justify murder following licentious behavior.
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