Defense of the abortion/Discussion about Ethics

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But l agree. Mother is worth more than a baby however, when the baby is born killing it would produce no good for anyone. Therefor it would be a killing for the sake of killing, which is immoral
Killing for the sake of killing is immoral because it would produce no good for anyone not because it’s morally wrong to take a life? Sounds cold and statistical. I’m afraid real life is not like that.
Intuition always exists, you could go by a ethical reductionism and say ask ‘why why why’.
It’s always going to end up on some intuition.
My intuition is that person is not morally obligated to be a host for someone, even if that results in someone being saved.

If you disagree, than you would be fine with forced blood transfusion for example and any other forced use of someones body to help another person.

Empathy is useful, but it can’t form a moral system. l have empathy, that’s why l am pro-choice. l feel much more empathy for a mother who is forced to suffer for something she doesn’t want, than a fetus or embryo, who don’t have any traits necessity for being a human(not as a species).

How? l was clear that sentience comes in degrees, even a bug would have some very limited sentience.

l don’t think my logical system is absolutely perfect, far from it. But generally consequentialism is the strongest school of normitive ethics. Sentience based approach l used seems to be most consistent, as if you reject it, than you either have to accept eastern view of ‘Life has value on it’s own’ or view of some religions (Only humans have moral worth)
That would case many problems.
Many things are considered a life, even cells and plants.
So, is killing them as bad as killing dogs or humans?
All sane human agrees that killing dogs is wrong, but why?
l say, because dogs are sentience and conscience, they can experience emotions etc.
And l base my morality on that.
All sane human agrees that killing dogs is wrong, but why?
l say, because dogs are sentience and conscience, they can experience emotions etc.
And l base my morality on that.
Say I’m starving and I have to kill either a dog or a newborn human who can’t feel pain to eat it to survive. Which should I kill?
My intuition is that person is not morally obligated to be a host for someone, even if that results in someone being saved.
Then we can only hope that no one ever finds themselves dependent on you. So long.
You would be justified in killing either or.
As morality doesn’t exist in life/death situation.
As dog is more sentient, it would have higher moral value, so killing it would be ‘worse’ than killing a baby.
You would be justified in killing either or.
As morality doesn’t exist in life/death situation.
As dog is more sentient, it would have higher moral value, so killing it would be ‘worse’ than killing a baby.
Are you vegan?
Literally no, but l agree with Vegan philosophy.
Though l am not fully against humans not eating meat, l am against the idea that animals suffer just for profit. It makes me sick.
Can you recognize the lack of morality in the following hypothetical, regardless of whether you consider the twins persons or life?
  1. A mother is pregnant with twins
  2. She believes she can only afford one child
  3. She elects to kill one of the children.
Or perhaps the following hypothetical might be easier to recognize the lack of morality:
  1. A mother is pregnant with twins (a boy and a girl)
  2. The mother believes the daughter will have a hard life in a unfair world
  3. She elects to kill the daughter
Regarding the violinist analogy:
The analogy falls short in that the violinist requires unnatural man-made technology to keep the violinist alive, whereas a child in the womb isn’t plugged in with something unnatural.

And applying the analogy equally:
If someone forced a man-made plug between a mother and her child in the womb in efforts to keep the child alive, the mother is not morally obligated to remain plugged.
However, I can’t imagine a plausible scenario.
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First example:
That action would be immoral if we look at the world today, adoption is possible as well.
So if women wants one child, giving birth to another wouldn’t make her situation worse, so she would be justified in killing it.
If there was an example where food had enough food just for her and one child, and had no help, than l think killing the other fetus would be justified.

Second example:
This really depends on the intention, if women REALLY just didn’t want her child to suffer, than l think she would be MORALLY justified(she wouldn’t act immorally), intentions matter.
l see things like death, pain, and lack of freedom as intrinsically bad things, and health,life and freedom as intrinsically good. Those things can’t ever be not bad.
Someone can however have a justification for actions that would result in loss of those things.

That does seem to be an arbitrary naturalistic distinction, why would it matter that one is natural and other one isn’t?
You would be justified in killing either or.
As morality doesn’t exist in life/death situation.
As dog is more sentient, it would have higher moral value, so killing it would be ‘worse’ than killing a baby.
Sorry but the only thing I can deduce from these comments is that you deliberately being Insincere or you are grossly immature.
l based my argument on real life.

l asked myself, why do we value certain animals more than the others.
It always ends up with sentience, dog has more value than a bug because dog can feel much more pain, is conscience and can feel emotions
l disagree.
l don’t see profit every as a good reason to justify any moral action, profit is what makes man forget what morality is. you say,birth, according to new research.

Learning language begins in the womb -

Babies begin thinking before birth

And even recognize faces and respond from other shapes they ignore - from the womb

A fetus is the earliest stage of a human person - its worth does not change in relation to its stage of development from conception to natural death. Whether you murder an unborn baby, or murder a 25 year old, or a 65 year old - its all murder, it is all immoral …No person is truly valued or safe from extermination if your life only has meaning if it is desired by another. If a person can kill another person based on their personal desires, economic circumstances or whim then no one is safe.

I hope you never become a parent until your biased opinions change - I find your arguments illogical and your respect for others non-existent due to changes in you “opinions” of what makes their life have value. I would be fearful for those around you, especially if they loose some factor you deem important for their life to have worth .
Your arguments (value system) is more apropos to computer games than real life. If I took your view then love is nothing more than animal sexual attraction, nothing else.
l looked at the links, both apply only to third trimester, and both are instinctual. They are no conscience behaviors.

Second point doesn’t leave me much room to respond. Why give life some specific value?
l can accept if you believe that, by in that case you have to accept that ALL life as equal. Even the life of plants, bugs and cells.

Only factor they can lose for me to deem their life worthless is sentience, that can only happen in the case of total braindeath.
l am not a naturalist, also love is an emotion, it has nothing to do with morality.
Love could be just a chemical reaction in a human brain, or it could be a part of a human soul.
Either way, that wouldn’t go against my theory
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