Defense of the abortion/Discussion about Ethics

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Human rights are a legal concept. And l reject the view that humans have some intrinsic value,
human value comes from the fact that humans are the most sentient animals.
Human rights never mean’t to be applied to fetuses, human rights came from the enlightenment, from what l know that terms was always applied to born humans, not humans as a species.
Yes, but it doesn’t allowed me to make a sentence that is shorter than 10 latters
Human rights are a legal concept.
I disagree. Human rights at their core are fundamental, not legal. Women in Afghanistan have a fundamental right to leave the home and go to school without getting acid splashed in their faces, even if they don’t have a legal right. If one day the Supreme Court reversed the legal right to abortion, pro-choicers would protest on the (alleged) grounds that there’s a fundamental right to the procedure.
And l reject the view that humans have some intrinsic value,
human value comes from the fact that humans are the most sentient animals.
Those are your personal prejudices speaking. From the standpoint of non-discrimination, nobody should be killed or deprived of any fundamental human rights just because they’re the wrong ethnicity, level of ability, sexual orientation, level of development, etc.
Yes, but it doesn’t allowed me to make a sentence that is shorter than 10 latters
From what we have said the only characteristic of personhood newborn humans exhibit is ability to feel pain, or am I missing something?
No, that’s not the characteristic of personhood, but of sentience.
Newborns can experience pain, and have limited interaction with the environment, two of many characteristics of sentience.
Characteristics of personhood would be the ability to think and reason.
l think l was not clear enough, human rights exist because humans are so sentient that they are deserving of such rights. l don’t think human have rights because they are humans, l think humans have rights because they are the most sentient beings.

level of development is the key, as it distinguishes between human person and human organism, l think the latter has no moral worth.

You can be a person and any of the things above, but you can’t be a person and a zygote.
To my knowlage, yes but not before a year or so.
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Though their thinking is quite different than what we call ‘thinking’.
Their thinking is more like starting to understand some basics of the world.
Senses, genetics and instincts l think.
The older the baby, the more developed the brain is and the more logic it is able to use.
l think that 1 month old baby is more sentient than a rat.
Though not by a long shot
That’s pretty much the same, as brain doesn’t develop a lot in just one month.
If you replaced rat with a chimpanzee, l would say that chimp has a higher moral value.
l don’t count such things as sentience.
If human couldn’t experience pain, that would affect it’s moral worth in my opinion.
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