It’s not only the complexity, but the unity of that physical entity that is inexplicable. To describe ourselves in terms of molecular, or cellular, or even organ systems and processes does not address the fact that we are each one being who perceives, thinks and acts. When I stub my toe, as much as others may wince and empathize, I alone, in the entire universe am the one who truly feels it. What accounts for that? And, how is it that we can know one another? In a billiard ball universe made up solely of atoms, there could be reactions but no relationships. This here, where monitor, retina, occipital, word processing and attentional cerebral cortices are united as components in the visualization and understanding of these words, is not explainable solely on the basis of material activity. What is clear is the existence of a personal, rational and relational spirit. And this must rest on an existential foundation that is personal, perfect in its relationality as Love, and involved in every aspect of His creation. We are designed to participate in our own creation, that we may come to know and love each other and our Creator.