It is well known that people frequently accuse others of their own faults and defects. Atheists often seek to give the impression, especially on this forum, that evolution is a sufficient explanation of reality which has replaced religion. They regard it as outdated superstition and describe religious education as “child abuse”. The Catholic Church has a far more balanced view in her teaching that our ultimate authority is our conscience regardless of what we claim to believe or disbelieve. It is ironic that some sceptics are more dogmatic and narrow-minded than those who they condemn as prejudiced and old-fashioned. They echo Marx’s view that religion is the opium of the people.It’s unconscionable to give children a book, which, in your own words, cannot give a scientific answer to questions about biology, to use as a scientific text book. Which is exactly what the DI was trying to do. To introduce their book into the science curriculum.
Good to see that at last you actually understand what the argument was about in the first place.
The persecution of Christians and other religious sects in China and elsewhere is undeniable evidence that militant atheism is even now being used to justify atrocities in flagrant violation of human rights nor is this a unique occurrence in the history of mankind. The rejection of Design is not an abstract philosophical issue but a decision which has resulted in needless suffering and death for millions of people. This is not surprising when people believe we alone decide what is good or evil, right or wrong, just or unjust - as if we are infallible. The Declaration of Human Rights isn’t based on human decisions but on Christ’s teaching that we all have one Father in heaven. The principles of liberty, equality and fraternity in particular don’t make sense if there is **no reason **why we exist. Being related solely due to an accident of birth is a hopelessly inadequate explanation. The blind Goddess (or Watchmaker according to Dawkins) is an illusion which does far more harm than any religion because it rejects the value, purpose and meaning of life. It destroys everything and leaves us with nothing whatsoever except regret and despair…