The primary role of educational systems is socialization, to assist in the integration of the developing person into society with the expectation that they will contribute to its well-being through their achievements. We come to fit in, making use of what we have learned that includes the myths and stories of our culture, facts and details about the world, how things work - physically, psychologically, politically and economically.
In times of change especially, also generally by people who don’t wish to fit in, and typically thought about societies whose values are at odds with our own, the particular educational system is viewed more negatively as the creator of cogs to fit a ruinous machinery, be it consumerist, communist, Islamist, hunter-gatherer, nomadic, agricultural, or whatever.
While we tend to specialize during our course through that system into particular areas of study, we are always provided with the essentials that are meaningful to the culture. In general, we attempt to transmit our accumulated knowledge and wisdom only to the point where it does no conflict with the existing power structure. That there may be a great emphasis in some societies on the pursuit solely of scientific subjects betrays a value system that discourages free thought and promotes nonreflective conformity. Everything of this world is subject to power grounded in death, and schools will feed us any trash in order to maintain the social order.
I would imagine that’s what worries atheistic zealots, unaware that it has already happened and that they are victim. Fact is that restricting what should be taught in school to what Scientism believes to be science, would not merely stifle rational thought, but deprive us of the truth.