Destruction of the Family in the US

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I am sure that I am missing many pieces to this puzzle so please insert any other pertinent information that has aided in the demise of the Family Unit in the United States.

1938 A judge lifts the federal ban on birth control, preventing the birth of our children.

1960 The first oral contraceptive was approved by the US FDA for contraception.

1965 The United States Supreme Court gives married couples the right to use birth control.

1968 US FDA approves intrauterine devices (IUDs) for contraception.

1969 California is the first U.S. state to adopt “no-fault” divorces in the United States, other states would soon follow.

1972 The United States Supreme Court legalizes birth control for all citizens of the US.

1973 The United States Supreme Court legalizes abortion, the killing of our children.

1973 Pressure from insurance carriers that had to pay for treatments and the development of a politically active gay community in the United States, leads the Board of Directors of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (Declasified as a mental disorder.)

2000 The first abortion pill was approved for use in the United States by the US FDA.

2003 The United States Supreme Court reversed the constitutionality of sodomy laws, invalidating sodomy laws in the last remaining states.

2015 The United States Supreme Court legalizes same sex marriage.
That’s a very good list. The destruction of the family was well underway long before the concept of gay marriage. I would add to the list - rampant promiscuity caused by the advent of the pill combined with all the trash you see on TV and movies. This promiscuity has resulted in all these unwed mothers you see nowadays, which leads to the notion that you don’t need to be married to have kids. There is also a direct fall in religiosity among these unwed mothers who don’t have time to take their kids to church. Less religion=less marriage. Of course, I can’t assign any particular year to these concepts. It’s just been a downward spiral. Women entering the workforce in large numbers has had an impact also.
That’s a very good list. The destruction of the family was well underway long before the concept of gay marriage. I would add to the list - rampant promiscuity caused by the advent of the pill combined with all the trash you see on TV and movies. This promiscuity has resulted in all these unwed mothers you see nowadays, which leads to the notion that you don’t need to be married to have kids. There is also a direct fall in religiosity among these unwed mothers who don’t have time to take their kids to church. Less religion=less marriage. Of course, I can’t assign any particular year to these concepts. It’s just been a downward spiral. Women entering the workforce in large numbers has had an impact also.
Very good points, I will try to incorporate those and give a range of years that they took place in.

Thanks for the (name removed by moderator)ut!
I am sure that I am missing many pieces to this puzzle so please insert any other pertinent information that has aided in the demise of the Family Unit in the United States.

1938 A judge lifts the federal ban on birth control, preventing the birth of our children.

1960 The first oral contraceptive was approved by the US FDA for contraception.

1965 The United States Supreme Court gives married couples the right to use birth control.

1968 US FDA approves intrauterine devices (IUDs) for contraception.

1969 California is the first U.S. state to adopt “no-fault” divorces in the United States, other states would soon follow.

1972 The United States Supreme Court legalizes birth control for all citizens of the US.

1973 The United States Supreme Court legalizes abortion, the killing of our children.

1973 Pressure from insurance carriers that had to pay for treatments and the development of a politically active gay community in the United States, leads the Board of Directors of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (Declasified as a mental disorder.)

2000 The first abortion pill was approved for use in the United States by the US FDA.
a Divorce
2003 The United States Supreme Court reversed the constitutionality of sodomy laws, invalidating sodomy laws in the last remaining states.

2015 The United States Supreme Court legalizes same sex marriage.
Thank goodness that no one has made me use birth control, get a divorce, have an abortion, engage in any sexual act I did not want to, or lastly marry a person I didn’t want to. I find it really ridiculous to even lump the marriage equality issue with that of abortion. One involves two consenting adults and the other is taking a human life.:confused:
Deacon Bill, my wife and I used a similar list when we taught NFP. Ours started with the 1930 Lambeth Conference where the Anglican Church reversed the 1920 conference’s rejection of contraception. Most major Christian groups followed over the next 40 years.

The other one we have in our notes is the 1963 publication of “The Feminine Mystique” which helped jump start second wave feminism. Mrs Friedman later went on to help found NOW, National Organization of Women. It is not that her book outright rejected marriage, but tended to push an idea that women shouldn’t settle for being mothers.

We also talked about Paul VI’s predictions in Humanae Vitae if contraceptive use became wide spread. We have now gone even further than His Holiness predicted.
Thank goodness that no one has made me use birth control, get a divorce, have an abortion, engage in any sexual act I did not want to, or lastly marry a person I didn’t want to. I find it really ridiculous to even lump the marriage equality issue with that of abortion. One involves two consenting adults and the other is taking a human life.:confused:
They are intimately tied together in the base psychology. Both treat sexually as a means of pleasure. Full Stop. They exclude the biological imperative to procreate as a secondary concern. Rather than sexual pleasure being a positive reward for continuing the species, it is now simply a means to self gratification with zero consequences.
That’s a very good list. The destruction of the family was well underway long before the concept of gay marriage. I would add to the list - rampant promiscuity caused by the advent of the pill combined with all the trash you see on TV and movies. This promiscuity has resulted in all these unwed mothers you see nowadays, which leads to the notion that you don’t need to be married to have kids. There is also a direct fall in religiosity among these unwed mothers who don’t have time to take their kids to church. Less religion=less marriage. Of course, I can’t assign any particular year to these concepts. It’s just been a downward spiral. Women entering the workforce in large numbers has had an impact also.
Let’s not forget pornography.
1935 FDR creates social security. Americans get hooked on governments providing needs.

Educational Testing Service is formed, merging the College Entrance Examination Board, the Cooperative Test Service, the Graduate Records Office, the National Committee on Teachers Examinations and others, with huge grants from the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. These testing services continued the work of eugenicists like Carl Brigham (originator of the SAT) who did research “proving” that immigrants were feeble-minded.

1970- Congress enacts Title X of the Public Health Services Act, providing funding for family planning services, educational programs, and research. The White House Conference on Children recommends “consumer-determined, publicly funded programs of 1) family life, sex and population education and, 2) voluntary family planning services and safe abortion, available for all.”

1998- President Clinton and the man investigating his behavior provide Americans with months of teachable moments about sexuality. Viagra, a drug for treating erectile dysfunction, explodes on the market.’-tears-revisited
On many occasions, I’ve thought of the old saying “don’t remove a fence unless you know why it was put up.” As a society, we have removed many fences over the past fifty years because we thought they were relics of an oppressive past that unreasonably restricted human freedom. Anyone who works in the courts should be able to recognize the empirical evidence that shows why those fences were put up. Instead of promoting human freedom, removal of the fences has robbed many, especially the poor and uneducated, of the freedom to become what human beings are capable of being.
Unfortunately, too many people have a vested interest in the fences remaining down, and no one knows how to put them back up, even if we wanted to.”
Christi pax,


St. Peter and St. Paul, pray for us!
Thank goodness that no one has made me use birth control, get a divorce, have an abortion, engage in any sexual act I did not want to, or lastly marry a person I didn’t want to. I find it really ridiculous to even lump the marriage equality issue with that of abortion. One involves two consenting adults and the other is taking a human life.:confused:
On point. Agreed.
Thank goodness that no one has made me use birth control, get a divorce, have an abortion, engage in any sexual act I did not want to, or lastly marry a person I didn’t want to. I find it really ridiculous to even lump the marriage equality issue with that of abortion. One involves two consenting adults and the other is taking a human life.:confused:
Don’t like slavery? Don’t own one!
Thank goodness that no one has made me use birth control, get a divorce, have an abortion, engage in any sexual act I did not want to, or lastly marry a person I didn’t want to. I find it really ridiculous to even lump the marriage equality issue with that of abortion. One involves two consenting adults and the other is taking a human life.:confused:
First of all, it’s not marriage “equality”. Regardless of what any government says, there is no such thing as marriage “equality”.

But why is that one issue being singled out here?
Let’s not forget pornography.
I think the banner years we can assign to porn are at least two: the date of widespread VCR ownership, and then the year of widespread Internet membership. Both of these innovations greatly reduced the shame and stigma attached to obtaining porn, and lowered the barrier to entry, not to mentiin making it increasingly accessible to younger and younger children.
Another thing that may have contributed to the demise of the family is welfare and lack of jobs. Women on welfare get paid more money with each child they have. This takes the place of a father’s income, hence no father is needed (financially anyway). Then the lack of jobs in some areas ensures that the father will not be able to contribute even if he wanted to. The state ends up becoming the “father.”
Another thing that may have contributed to the demise of the family is welfare and lack of jobs. Women on welfare get paid more money with each child they have. This takes the place of a father’s income, hence no father is needed (financially anyway). Then the lack of jobs in some areas ensures that the father will not be able to contribute even if he wanted to. The state ends up becoming the “father.”
:clapping: :yup:
Thank goodness that no one has made me use birth control, get a divorce, have an abortion, engage in any sexual act I did not want to, or lastly marry a person I didn’t want to. I find it really ridiculous to even lump the marriage equality issue with that of abortion. One involves two consenting adults and the other is taking a human life.:confused:
The focus here is the erosion of the family unit in the US. Both abortion and same sex marriage have grave effects on the family in America.
Deacon Bill, my wife and I used a similar list when we taught NFP. Ours started with the 1930 Lambeth Conference where the Anglican Church reversed the 1920 conference’s rejection of contraception. Most major Christian groups followed over the next 40 years.

The other one we have in our notes is the 1963 publication of “The Feminine Mystique” which helped jump start second wave feminism. Mrs Friedman later went on to help found NOW, National Organization of Women. It is not that her book outright rejected marriage, but tended to push an idea that women shouldn’t settle for being mothers.

We also talked about Paul VI’s predictions in Humanae Vitae if contraceptive use became wide spread. We have now gone even further than His Holiness predicted.
Thanks Usige I completely wiffed on the feminist movement, great points!
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