Thanks GG, looks like I have my work cut out for me.1935 FDR creates social security. Americans get hooked on governments providing needs.
Educational Testing Service is formed, merging the College Entrance Examination Board, the Cooperative Test Service, the Graduate Records Office, the National Committee on Teachers Examinations and others, with huge grants from the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. These testing services continued the work of eugenicists like Carl Brigham (originator of the SAT) who did research “proving” that immigrants were feeble-minded.
1970- Congress enacts Title X of the Public Health Services Act, providing funding for family planning services, educational programs, and research. The White House Conference on Children recommends “consumer-determined, publicly funded programs of 1) family life, sex and population education and, 2) voluntary family planning services and safe abortion, available for all.”
1998- President Clinton and the man investigating his behavior provide Americans with months of teachable moments about sexuality. Viagra, a drug for treating erectile dysfunction, explodes on the market.