Destruction of the Family in the US

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1935 FDR creates social security. Americans get hooked on governments providing needs.

Educational Testing Service is formed, merging the College Entrance Examination Board, the Cooperative Test Service, the Graduate Records Office, the National Committee on Teachers Examinations and others, with huge grants from the Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations. These testing services continued the work of eugenicists like Carl Brigham (originator of the SAT) who did research “proving” that immigrants were feeble-minded.

1970- Congress enacts Title X of the Public Health Services Act, providing funding for family planning services, educational programs, and research. The White House Conference on Children recommends “consumer-determined, publicly funded programs of 1) family life, sex and population education and, 2) voluntary family planning services and safe abortion, available for all.”

1998- President Clinton and the man investigating his behavior provide Americans with months of teachable moments about sexuality. Viagra, a drug for treating erectile dysfunction, explodes on the market.
Thanks GG, looks like I have my work cut out for me.
I think the banner years we can assign to porn are at least two: the date of widespread VCR ownership, and then the year of widespread Internet membership. Both of these innovations greatly reduced the shame and stigma attached to obtaining porn, and lowered the barrier to entry, not to mentiin making it increasingly accessible to younger and younger children.
Thanks Elizium, you solved that one for me!

Another thing that may have contributed to the demise of the family is welfare and lack of jobs. Women on welfare get paid more money with each child they have. This takes the place of a father’s income, hence no father is needed (financially anyway). Then the lack of jobs in some areas ensures that the father will not be able to contribute even if he wanted to. The state ends up becoming the “father.”
Great point, thanks Boom!
First of all, it’s not marriage “equality”. Regardless of what any government says, there is no such thing as marriage “equality”.

But why is that one issue being singled out here?
Your attitude is just fine, because you were not (I am assuming here), born LGBTQ. The picture of the two seniors from Dallas who had been in a committed relationship for 54 years and were finally allowed to marry last week, was eye opening, even for my dear friend who is a rolling in the aisle evangelical. In the end, this ruling, based on the Equal Protection Clause, it’s about personal relationships. It is so much easier to deny people civil rights when we deem them a nebulous group with no viable face our feelings, rather than our children, friends and co-workers. :rolleyes:
Your attitude is just fine, because you were not (I am assuming here), born LGBTQ. The picture of the two seniors from Dallas who had been in a committed relationship for 54 years and were finally allowed to marry last week, was eye opening, even for my dear friend who is a rolling in the aisle evangelical. In the end, this ruling, based on the Equal Protection Clause, it’s about personal relationships. It is so much easier to deny people civil rights when we deem them a nebulous group with no viable face our feelings, rather than our children, friends and co-workers. :rolleyes:
Exactly…they are neighbors…friends…Co workers…your real estate agents…the cashier at Walmart…the guy who loads the lumber in your truck from Lowes…your banker…your auto insurer…your florist…and yes…family members. You can’t live in a fishbowl. Great post as always kozlosap 🙂
Thank goodness that no one has made me use birth control, get a divorce, have an abortion, engage in any sexual act I did not want to, or lastly marry a person I didn’t want to. I find it really ridiculous to even lump the marriage equality issue with that of abortion. One involves two consenting adults and the other is taking a human life.:confused:
Consenting adults is often brought up as the only standard for morality. It is basically do what thou wilt, so long as the other person agrees. What I find strange is that so many champion this as the only moral rule and yet we have tens of thousands of laws that prohibit all manner of consenting human activity. If this were the only rule why do we have a minumum wage? The employee is not forced to take a wage. He consents to it. Why do we have restaurant inspections? No one is forced to eat at a restaurant. He consents to it. The only area where consent is the only consideration is in evil sex acts.
Consenting adults is often brought up as the only standard for morality. It is basically do what thou wilt, so long as the other person agrees. What I find strange is that so many champion this as the only moral rule and yet we have tens of thousands of laws that prohibit all manner of consenting human activity. If this were the only rule why do we have a minumum wage? The employee is not forced to take a wage. He consents to it. Why do we have restaurant inspections? No one is forced to eat at a restaurant. He consents to it. The only area where consent is the only consideration is in evil sex acts.
I don’t find myself preoccupied with the sex lives of gay couples. I am preoccupied about a a fly in my soup and that a male employee performing the same job as I is getting a higher salary.
I am sure that I am missing many pieces to this puzzle so please insert any other pertinent information that has aided in the demise of the Family Unit in the United States…
Though not specific to the USA, the 1930 Anglican Lambeth Conference taught that artificial birth control was not always a sin for the first time in Christian History.
I would add to the list - rampant promiscuity caused by the advent of the pill
Contraception is the root cause.

Though not specific to the USA, the 1930 Anglican Lambeth Conference taught that artificial birth control was not always a sin for the first time in Christian History.

Contraception is the root cause.

Thanks Tim that was a very important first step.

All others please note that this is a thread about the erosion of the family unit in America not about same gender sex or their rights, please take these discussions to other threads concerning them.

I don’t find myself preoccupied with the sex lives of gay couples. I am preoccupied about a a fly in my soup and that a male employee performing the same job as I is getting a higher salary.
A fly in your soup! That isn’t going to hurt you. The gay lifestyle will. It spreads disease. People have gotten bad blood from homosexual donors. It costs you money as a taxpayer as you are forced to pay for homosexual programs and increased health care costs. Although this may be partially offset by the lower life expectancy. You’ll be forced to promote it if you are employed or have a business. Their sex lives are being forced on us so it absolutely concerns me and every other person.

Male employees are not getting paid more for the same job. If that were so then employers would hire nothing but women. It is impossible to believe that employers systematically want to pay men more for the same job. These are people who ignore race and nationality to get the lowest cost labor. But even if it were again this is consensual.

Preoccupied is a false characterization. Having concern for the issue is what this is.
A fly in your soup! That isn’t going to hurt you. The gay lifestyle will. It spreads disease. People have gotten bad blood from homosexual donors. It costs you money as a taxpayer as you are forced to pay for homosexual programs and increased health care costs. Although this may be partially offset by the lower life expectancy. You’ll be forced to promote it if you are employed or have a business. Their sex lives are being forced on us so it absolutely concerns me and every other person.

Male employees are not getting paid more for the same job. If that were so then employers would hire nothing but women. It is impossible to believe that employers systematically want to pay men more for the same job. These are people who ignore race and nationality to get the lowest cost labor. But even if it were again this is consensual.

Preoccupied is a false characterization. Having concern for the issue is what this is.
News Flash Obesity coupled with heart disease is causing the health care crisis. Obese children are diagnosed with heart disease by the time they reach their teens. There are 4 gay couples in my neighborhood and I have shook hands with all and attended a neighborhood bbq…and lo and behold…I’m still here. And News Flash 2…women make 87% of what a man makes doing the same job in the private sector. I work in the public sector and men in the same grade and career series make exactly what I make.
News Flash Obesity coupled with heart disease is causing the health care crisis. Obese children are diagnosed with heart disease by the time they reach their teens. There are 4 gay couples in my neighborhood and I have shook hands with all and attended a neighborhood bbq…and lo and behold…I’m still here. And News Flash 2…women make 87% of what a man makes doing the same job in the private sector. I work in the public sector and men in the same grade and career series make exactly what I make.
I agree obesity is a health care problem. I don’t think the state should be involved in promoting health. But if they are going to, as most people seem to want, then homosexuality and overeating should all be discouraged and illegal.

I didn’t say shaking hands with homosexuals would give you a disease. But having sexual relations with them is very likely to. This is how women get HIV.

I know lots of stats are put forth to show women make less then men. As I said it defies reason. It is hard to quantify the same level of work. So it is also possible that women are not providing the same level of work and thus get paid less.
I know lots of stats are put forth to show women make less then men. As I said it defies reason. It is hard to quantify the same level of work. So it is also possible that women are not providing the same level of work and thus get paid less.
Oh, good grief. Do you spend a lot of your time insulting half the population?
That’s a very good list. The destruction of the family was well underway long before the concept of gay marriage. I would add to the list - rampant promiscuity caused by the advent of the pill combined with all the trash you see on TV and movies. This promiscuity has resulted in all these unwed mothers you see nowadays, which leads to the notion that you don’t need to be married to have kids. There is also a direct fall in religiosity among these unwed mothers who don’t have time to take their kids to church. Less religion=less marriage. Of course, I can’t assign any particular year to these concepts. It’s just been a downward spiral. Women entering the workforce in large numbers has had an impact also.
Women have always been in the workforce. They worked in the fields before industrialization and worked with their husbands and children in factories after industrialization. The view that women mostly stayed at home supported by their husbands was confined to the middle classes and above. I come from a working class background and the women in my family going way back always had employment, working with husband and children usually in family businesses.
Oh, good grief. Do you spend a lot of your time insulting half the population?
I would kindly ask for all to remain on the subject at hand, which is the erosion of the Family in the US, and the causes that have created this throughout the years.

I agree obesity is a health care problem. I don’t think the state should be involved in promoting health. But if they are going to, as most people seem to want, then homosexuality and overeating should all be discouraged and illegal.

I didn’t say shaking hands with homosexuals would give you a disease. But having sexual relations with them is very likely to. This is how women get HIV.

I know lots of stats are put forth to show women make less then men. As I said it defies reason. It is hard to quantify the same level of work. So it is also possible that women are not providing the same level of work and thus get paid less.
How do you know? :rolleyes:
The focus here is the erosion of the family unit in the US. Both abortion and same sex marriage have grave effects on the family in America.
The acceptance of the idea of artificial contraception started the ball rolling. Correct me if I am wrong, but were the Anglicans the first among Christians to accept this idea?
I agree obesity is a health care problem. I don’t think the state should be involved in promoting health. But if they are going to, as most people seem to want, then homosexuality and overeating should all be discouraged and illegal.

I didn’t say shaking hands with homosexuals would give you a disease. But having sexual relations with them is very likely to. This is how women get HIV.

I know lots of stats are put forth to show women make less then men. As I said it defies reason. It is hard to quantify the same level of work. So it is also possible that women are not providing the same level of work and thus get paid less.
So don’t have sex with a gay person. I have never concerned myself with that…married 34 years to one man. Your last sentence as an American astounds me.

The family was unraveling way before gays came along…and even before the pill. It’s about two adults who decided they cannot appreciate that they will squabble now and then…getting through that is golden. There are 3 A’s…the deal breakers…Abuse…Addiction…and Adultery…
The acceptance of the idea of artificial contraception started the ball rolling. Correct me if I am wrong, but were the Anglicans the first among Christians to accept this idea?
Yep back in the 1930s, have that one now. Thanks.
Here’s another thing I just remembered. When I was in high school, they had just started the practice of allowing pregnant girls to stay in school with the rest of the kids. That would be in the '70s. Not too long before that, pregnant girls were sent away to another school, which was a source of shame that discouraged other girls from following in their footsteps.

I remember looking in amazement at a girl in one of my classes, watching her belly grow bigger with each passing week. I had never seen anything like that. But the fact that she remained with us gave her condition a sort of legitimacy, like it was not a big deal to be pregnant and not only unwed, but still a minor in school. In fact, the other girls seemed to be excited for her, setting the stage for normalization and more unwed mothers in the future.
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