Let’s look at the core of the current crisis starting at the mid-1960s.
In order to convince people, especially Christians, was to gradually change their thinking in subtle ways and with lofty or worthy sounding goals and with words that would touch them emotionally, at first. The ground has to be cultivated first with bits of lies that seem to sound reasonable. Keep in mind, since I was there I knew American society was far more trusting of its leaders, its institutions and its experts. But the ground had to be cultivated and prepared first. You can’t get people thinking the wrong things overnight about the family, or the negative reaction would shut down the anti-family campaign quickly. Slow and gentle was the way - at first.
1966 The National Organization for Women is founded. Among its founders is Betty Friedan who would compare the family to “a comfortable concentration camp.” It exists today, just go to
1967 Yes, The Pill was approved by the FDA in 1960, but the marketing push began in the April 7, 1967 cover story by Time magazine about The Pill. The word Freedom would always be the most abused term, but, at the time, people trusted Time magazine more.
“Contraception: Freedom from Fear.” Fear of what? That “bundle of joy,” that “gift from God”? That’s right - babies are now the subject of fear.
Meanwhile, young people on their way to Catholic institutions of higher learning, did not know about the ‘freedom’ coming for them and their young minds, and what it meant for the future. Again, the wrong kind of ‘freedom.’
1968 After hearing from his advisers regarding their thoughts about artificial contraception, Pope Paul VI decides not to follow their advice and affirms constant Church teaching against artificial contraception by having Humanae Vitae published. The reaction was swift and the 5 year plan was put into full motion.
"Within 24 hours,
in an event unprecedented in the history of the Church, [bolding added] more than 200 dissenting theologians signed a full-page ad in The New York Times in protest. Not only did they declare their disagreement with encyclical’s teaching; they went one step further, far beyond their authority as theologians, and actually encouraged dissent among the lay faithful.
"They asserted the following: “Therefore, as Roman Catholic theologians, conscious of our duty and our limitations, we conclude that spouses may responsibly decide according to their conscience that artificial contraception in some circumstances is permissible and indeed necessary to preserve and foster the values and sacredness of marriage.”
Source: Regnum Christi
1969 The ultimate form of contraception was the next lie to be sold. NARAL, or the National Abortion Rights Action League, is founded. Thanks to Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who was part of the Planning Committee, the tactics and methods used to sell abortion to the American people are now known.
Did we know? No. Not at the time.
1970 Now, how to make people think about sex a lot more? Well, in 1968, about the worst you could legally do was Playboy, and the local liquor store that sold a few ‘girlie’ magazines behind the counter. Now, millions of dollars of expensive printing, hiring prostitutes, photographers, leasing or renting buildings and Adult Bookstores appear everywhere. Distribution has to be in place, employees hired. Who did all this?
You go from partially nude to nude women to graphic photos and films of sex acts. And let’s turn some regular bars into topless bars and open strip - gentlemen’s -clubs. It’s legal so it must be OK or that’s the lie you told yourself when you walked in. I did.
1971 Let’s start spreading the lies a bit further and cause conflict and confusion among the sexes. Ms. magazine (yes, that’s where that divisive word comes from) is co-founded by radical feminist Gloria Steinem who said, “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.” The Women’s Liberation Movement is here. You should hate being a housewife or a mother. Men, all men, are the enemy, including those men running the Catholic Church. “Sisters! Throw off the chains of your oppression!” What is the proper role for women? Get power! You are in charge! Get a high-powered career! Forget kids. Or, if YOU want them, leave them at Day Care, and when they’re old enough, give them a key. 18 and out. Or abortion.
Those “male chauvenist pigs” – that’s us, guys – only want to treat you like sex objects. They don’t care. It’s time for you to take advantage of men and get sex from who you want on your terms.
1972 A nice sounding and pleasant woman appears on TV. She explains why women should have legal abortions. I watch and I’m confused. Why would a woman want this, aside from cases of rape or incest? That’s what I heard. I couldn’t believe it.
1973 The US Supreme Court, not the people, citing “penumbras” and “emanations” from the Constitution, legalize abortion. I’m sick to my stomach. I feel betrayed. There was also mention of a vague “right to privacy,” but Jane Roe, whose real name is Norma McCorvey, never got an abortion. She is a Catholic now.
As a priest said on Catholic Radio, “Things went nuts.” in seminaries in the 1970s. As a priest stated here, they were taught Humanae Vitae in Seminary but were left with the impression that the Church would change its teaching about artificial contraception someday. Too many priests would later tell their parishioners who asked about artificial contraception that ‘it was a personal conscience matter.’ That’s changed.