Technically, the government is everybody. The Catholic Church is ready to accept any risk. During World War II, certain forces could have moved against the Vatican itself. A photograph from the time period shows a German soldier, rifle raised in salute, at the steps of the Vatican.The difference between God given equality of all humans He creates and the way the Government uses the term is instructive. The Government is much more inclined to only look at the “contractual law” view of the issue. There is no moral truth automatically built into the assessement of quality.
Here again is another example of when the separation of Church and State concept is taken to the maximum. Gives pause for thought…when Church and State are closely linked, then normally it is the religion practiced by the majority of the population that rules all the citizens. When the religion is Christianity, and especially CC version, then our truths prevail.
When the “religion” of the masses is the Secular version, then our truths are at risk.
One might ask why then the CC is attempting to selectively engage the US Government on key topics of interest, when it stands the real risk of being forced to accept other decisions as part of that engagement.
Regarding adoptions by LGBT persons, the Church simply closed the doors to adoption agencies where it worked. The Church is unafraid.