Destruction of the Family in the US

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Thanks Ed.

I cannot rationally believe that Progressives have always wanted to legitimise sin. Maybe we are talking past each other and are not using the same meaning for the word, progressive. Throughout recent history the progressive movement helped outlaw child labor, women’s suffrage, the Civil Rights Movement, and equal pay issues - where is the sin here? St. Pope John XXIII realized that in order for the Church too stay revelent in a swiftly changing world that VII was necessary. Papa Francis advocated for the USA and Cuba to once again form diplomatic relations. He also wrote a brilliant treatise on the environment and our duty to protect it. Was Pope Francis being progressive when he brought these matters too the forefront for the world to ponder? I think, without a doubt he was.

The events of the 1960’s trouble you greatly, Ed, I get that, but not every progressive idea or development has to do with the explosion of sex, drugs and Rock-n-roll ( LOL!) that happened in the mid sixties. The assassinations and the Vietnam War played greatly into the culture of that time. Things were changing so quickly that we were all caught up in the whirlwind. Just my 2 cents on the progressive movement being evil. Hope your weather in SoCal is better than ours up Interstate 5!!!:rolleyes:
No, my definition stands. I lived through the Civil Rights movement led by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. The 1960s did not just happen all by itself. People were not swept away by unknown causes and people. The protests against the Vietnam War ended when the Vietnam War ended but the radicals kept working, along with the media, to poison the American mind in each decade that followed till today. Slogans are not arguments. Harmful drugs are cool? No. They were harmful then and they are harmful now. Rock n’ Roll has turned into women degrading, profanity spewing, violent non-music.

No, the Vietnam War was entered into honorably by our troops but we dropped more bombs than we did on all of Europe during WW II on a smaller piece of land and what? From 1965 to the fall of Saigon in 1975, and the Vietcong did not have B-52 bombers or carrier aircraft, and we lost? No, it was not that big a deal. Not really. As far as everyday life was concerned. There were plenty of World War II and Korean War veterans around, and the reception our troops got when they returned was terrible. Awful.

The assassinations were and are a totally different subject. I watched black and white cry together as President Kennedy’s funeral procession moved down the street. I understand why Malcolm X, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr, and Robert Kennedy had to go. But that’s another subject I won’t continue here, in this thread.

Pope John XXIII was unconcerned about the Church being “relevant.” Here is his opening speech at the start of the Second Vatican Council:

The “progressives” I speak of know who they are and what they stand for and all of it is bad. Right and wrong are not part of their dialogue. As one said, “I believe in human potential.” Whatever else this person believes, in terms of where right and wrong words and actions come from, I don’t know. But this person, and others, still want the wrong things to happen.

There are issues that need to be addressed, but it seems the god Change needs to be fed daily. And that is what Progressives want - the opposite of boredom, just change. Lots of change. We still pay the same bills, go to work, drive cars and live, in a basic sense, like we did 50 years ago, but what has changed? Progressives, relabeled, renamed, repackaged so we can’t tell that the exact same thinking of the 1960s has NOT changed - at all - is still with us. The Culture of Death is not a slogan. It means moving toward mental, emotional and spiritual death as well.

No, my definition stands. I lived through the Civil Rights movement led by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. The 1960s did not just happen all by itself. People were not swept away by unknown causes and people. The protests against the Vietnam War ended when the Vietnam War ended but the radicals kept working, along with the media, to poison the American mind in each decade that followed till today. Slogans are not arguments. Harmful drugs are cool? No. They were harmful then and they are harmful now. Rock n’ Roll has turned into women degrading, profanity spewing, violent non-music.

No, the Vietnam War was entered into honorably by our troops but we dropped more bombs than we did on all of Europe during WW II on a smaller piece of land and what? From 1965 to the fall of Saigon in 1975, and the Vietcong did not have B-52 bombers or carrier aircraft, and we lost? No, it was not that big a deal. Not really. As far as everyday life was concerned. There were plenty of World War II and Korean War veterans around, and the reception our troops got when they returned was terrible. Awful.

The assassinations were and are a totally different subject. I watched black and white cry together as President Kennedy’s funeral procession moved down the street. I understand why Malcolm X, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr, and Robert Kennedy had to go. But that’s another subject I won’t continue here, in this thread.

Pope John XXIII was unconcerned about the Church being “relevant.” Here is his opening speech at the start of the Second Vatican Council:

The “progressives” I speak of know who they are and what they stand for and all of it is bad. Right and wrong are not part of their dialogue. As one said, “I believe in human potential.” Whatever else this person believes, in terms of where right and wrong words and actions come from, I don’t know. But this person, and others, still want the wrong things to happen.

There are issues that need to be addressed, but it seems the god Change needs to be fed daily. And that is what Progressives want - the opposite of boredom, just change. Lots of change. We still pay the same bills, go to work, drive cars and live, in a basic sense, like we did 50 years ago, but what has changed? Progressives, relabeled, renamed, repackaged so we can’t tell that the exact same thinking of the 1960s has NOT changed - at all - is still with us. The Culture of Death is not a slogan. It means moving toward mental, emotional and spiritual death as well.

Thanks for clarifying! I am sad though, that you think I want the world to be evil and embroiled in the culture of death. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 😦
Thanks for clarifying! I am sad though, that you think I want the world to be evil and embroiled in the culture of death. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 😦
I do not see ed pointing at you in his statements he refers to specific people (unnamed) that are leading this culture war and see religion as the “enemy of the state.”
OK so here is the list so far. Any other items that I have missed?

1930 Lambeth Conference where the Anglican Church reversed the 1920 conference’s rejection of contraception. Most major Christian groups followed over the next 40 years.

1935 FDR creates social security. Americans begin to depend on governments providing needs instead of having to work for them.

1938 A judge lifts the federal ban on birth control.

1960 The first oral contraceptive was approved by the US FDA for contraception.

1963 Publication of “The Feminine Mystique” which helped jump start second wave feminism. Mrs. Friedman later went on to help found NOW, National Organization of Women. It is not that her book outright rejected marriage, but tended to push an idea that women shouldn’t settle for being mothers.

1963 The United States Supreme Court abolished state-sponsored prayer in public schools.

1965 The United States Supreme Court gives married couples the right to use birth control.

1968 US FDA approves intrauterine devices (IUDs) for contraception.

1969 California is the first U.S. state to adopt “no-fault” divorces in the United States, other states would soon follow.

1970- Congress enacts Title X of the Public Health Services Act, providing funding for family planning services, educational programs, and research. The White House Conference on Children recommends “consumer-determined, publicly funded programs of 1) family life, sex and population education and, 2) voluntary family planning services and safe abortion, available for all.”

1972 The United States Supreme Court legalizes birth control for all citizens, initiating rampant promiscuity in the US. Female reproductive self-control was seen as essential for full economic independence from men.

1973 The United States Supreme Court legalizes abortion, the legalized killing of our children begins.

1973 Pressure from insurance carriers that had to pay for treatments and the development of a politically active gay community in the United States, leads the Board of Directors of the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. (Declasified as a mental disorder.)

1975 Video Cassette Recorders (VCRs) are introduced to the mass market allowing for pornography to be viewed in privacy of the home, greatly reducing the shame and stigma attached to obtaining porn, and lowered the barrier to entry, not to mention making it increasingly accessible to younger and younger children.

1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web would be free to anyone, with no fees allowing for even greater access to pornography.

1998- Viagra, a drug for treating erectile dysfunction, explodes on the market, again focusing on the availability of sex without responsibility.

2000 The first abortion pill was approved for use in the United States by the US FDA.

2003 The United States Supreme Court reversed the constitutionality of sodomy laws, invalidating sodomy laws in the last remaining states.

2015 The United States Supreme Court legalizes same sex marriage, redefining what marriage has meant for thousands of years.

Thanks for this thread & post. I agree with it all.:o God bless you!

It is a SAD time for America & the world. Now, we (HOLLYWEIRD:() will continue to export even more FILTH in every possible way. So, we can continue to contaminate others.😦




The presence of Viagra, the Feminine Mystique, CERN and the VCR on the list make it read less like a list of legitimate grievances, and more like a stealth parody of Moral Majority talking points.

It’s impossible to take seriously.
The presence of Viagra, the Feminine Mystique, CERN and the VCR on the list make it read less like a list of legitimate grievances, and more like a stealth parody of Moral Majority talking points.

It’s impossible to take seriously.
That is interesting you think so.
That is interesting you think so.
Yes, especially the examples of the VCR and the WWW.

Why not extend the timeline and blame Thomas Edison for the invention of the kinetoscope? It made the actual filming of pornography possible. Why not blame the printing press, which made the mass publication of literary erotica (e.g. Fanny Hill) viable?
Yes, especially the examples of the VCR and the WWW.

Why not extend the timeline and blame Thomas Edison for the invention of the kinetoscope? It made the actual filming of pornography possible. Why not blame the printing press, which made the mass publication of literary erotica (e.g. Fanny Hill) viable?
Before you completely dismiss that part of my case you may want to do a bit of investigation on porn addiction in this country which was unheard of prior to the 1980s.
Before you completely dismiss that part of my case you may want to do a bit of investigation on porn addiction in this country which was unheard of prior to the 1980s.
It was there…well hidden.
Thanks for clarifying! I am sad though, that you think I want the world to be evil and embroiled in the culture of death. Nothing could be farther from the truth. 😦
Unfortunately, we are all not sitting in a room where everyone can see each other. I know others read what others write, so no personal offense meant. I’m sorry that you took it that way.

Unfortunately, we are all not sitting in a room where everyone can see each other. I know others read what others write, so no personal offense meant. I’m sorry that you took it that way.

Thank you, Ed.
Peace & Joy:)
Before you completely dismiss that part of my case you may want to do a bit of investigation on porn addiction in this country which was unheard of prior to the 1980s.
You know, in the 1800s, during the halcyon days of the Victorian era, prostitution was omnipresent in this country. There were guidebooks and advertisements in major newspapers, and the whole thing operated under an air of quasi-legality. Do you think their clientele were merely unmarried bachelors? Indeed, why isn’t the publication of the Gentleman’s Directory on your list?

The sex drive of the American male has always been there, and there have always–always–been unseemly ways to relieve it. Pornography has merely displaced some of these channels.
You know, in the 1800s, during the halcyon days of the Victorian era, prostitution was omnipresent in this country. There were guidebooks and advertisements in major newspapers, and the whole thing operated under an air of quasi-legality. Do you think their clientele were merely unmarried bachelors? Indeed, why isn’t the publication of the Gentleman’s Directory on your list?

The sex drive of the American male has always been there, and there have always–always–been unseemly ways to relieve it. Pornography has merely displaced some of these channels.
Unfortunately it has also had an adverse effect on numerous marriages.
First of all, it’s not marriage “equality”. Regardless of what any government says, there is no such thing as marriage “equality”.

But why is that one issue being singled out here?
It’s a propaganda ploy. Who could be against equality?
Exactly right. One must use the correct words to get the desired reaction.

The difference between God given equality of all humans He creates and the way the Government uses the term is instructive. The Government is much more inclined to only look at the “contractual law” view of the issue. There is no moral truth automatically built into the assessement of quality.

Here again is another example of when the separation of Church and State concept is taken to the maximum. Gives pause for thought…when Church and State are closely linked, then normally it is the religion practiced by the majority of the population that rules all the citizens. When the religion is Christianity, and especially CC version, then our truths prevail.

When the “religion” of the masses is the Secular version, then our truths are at risk.

One might ask why then the CC is attempting to selectively engage the US Government on key topics of interest, when it stands the real risk of being forced to accept other decisions as part of that engagement.

One might ask why then the CC is attempting to selectively engage the US Government on key topics of interest, when it stands the real risk of being forced to accept other decisions as part of that engagement.
Perhaps it knows if it doesn’t, it will be required to accept other decisions that are worse.
Perhaps it knows if it doesn’t, it will be required to accept other decisions that are worse.
Good observation. Yet, one can be realatively certain that once Caesar is engaged in any way that could be considered contractual or supportive of a piece of legislation, we are open to that slippery slope of compromise.

Don’t know if we have a choice…but since the Magisterium is to speak of Truth, it must be very careful of finding itself in a “it’s the best we could do” position.

Of most concern to me is the turning of the Magisterium ever more to the secular governments, mostly because the CC population will not devote enough time, talent and treasure to keeping their ministries funded and staffed. That returns us to the topic of only 36% of Catholics participating at Mass regularly, and only 20% of that group engaged in the various service ministries. Theoretically at least, we should have the resources to stand alone on many issues.
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