No, my definition stands. I lived through the Civil Rights movement led by the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. The 1960s did not just happen all by itself. People were not swept away by unknown causes and people. The protests against the Vietnam War ended when the Vietnam War ended but the radicals kept working, along with the media, to poison the American mind in each decade that followed till today. Slogans are not arguments. Harmful drugs are cool? No. They were harmful then and they are harmful now. Rock n’ Roll has turned into women degrading, profanity spewing, violent non-music.Thanks Ed.
I cannot rationally believe that Progressives have always wanted to legitimise sin. Maybe we are talking past each other and are not using the same meaning for the word, progressive. Throughout recent history the progressive movement helped outlaw child labor, women’s suffrage, the Civil Rights Movement, and equal pay issues - where is the sin here? St. Pope John XXIII realized that in order for the Church too stay revelent in a swiftly changing world that VII was necessary. Papa Francis advocated for the USA and Cuba to once again form diplomatic relations. He also wrote a brilliant treatise on the environment and our duty to protect it. Was Pope Francis being progressive when he brought these matters too the forefront for the world to ponder? I think, without a doubt he was.
The events of the 1960’s trouble you greatly, Ed, I get that, but not every progressive idea or development has to do with the explosion of sex, drugs and Rock-n-roll ( LOL!) that happened in the mid sixties. The assassinations and the Vietnam War played greatly into the culture of that time. Things were changing so quickly that we were all caught up in the whirlwind. Just my 2 cents on the progressive movement being evil. Hope your weather in SoCal is better than ours up Interstate 5!!!![]()
No, the Vietnam War was entered into honorably by our troops but we dropped more bombs than we did on all of Europe during WW II on a smaller piece of land and what? From 1965 to the fall of Saigon in 1975, and the Vietcong did not have B-52 bombers or carrier aircraft, and we lost? No, it was not that big a deal. Not really. As far as everyday life was concerned. There were plenty of World War II and Korean War veterans around, and the reception our troops got when they returned was terrible. Awful.
The assassinations were and are a totally different subject. I watched black and white cry together as President Kennedy’s funeral procession moved down the street. I understand why Malcolm X, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr, and Robert Kennedy had to go. But that’s another subject I won’t continue here, in this thread.
Pope John XXIII was unconcerned about the Church being “relevant.” Here is his opening speech at the start of the Second Vatican Council:
The “progressives” I speak of know who they are and what they stand for and all of it is bad. Right and wrong are not part of their dialogue. As one said, “I believe in human potential.” Whatever else this person believes, in terms of where right and wrong words and actions come from, I don’t know. But this person, and others, still want the wrong things to happen.
There are issues that need to be addressed, but it seems the god Change needs to be fed daily. And that is what Progressives want - the opposite of boredom, just change. Lots of change. We still pay the same bills, go to work, drive cars and live, in a basic sense, like we did 50 years ago, but what has changed? Progressives, relabeled, renamed, repackaged so we can’t tell that the exact same thinking of the 1960s has NOT changed - at all - is still with us. The Culture of Death is not a slogan. It means moving toward mental, emotional and spiritual death as well.