Did any Eastern Catholic churches cancel Divine Liturgies

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Well my archdiocese cancelled masses but there are melkite ukranian and maronite churches within a 20 minute drive have they cancelled divine liturgies
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Not sure where you are, but my own parish hasn’t cancelled Divine Liturgy. We just won’t be having coffee hour afterward.
I posted this thread earlier:
Archeparchy of Philadelphia dispensation Eastern Catholicism
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Archeparchy of Philadelphia has dispensed the faithful from attending Sunday Divine Liturgy until further notice due to the coronavirus: [dispensation] Montgomery County (where my parish is located) has the majority of coronavirus cases at this time. Please pray to the Most Holy Ever-Virgin Mother of God to extend Her Holy Veil over our Archeparchy and protect us from the just wrath of God. Open to us the doors of mercy, O blessed Mother of God, that we who plac…
Have you checked out the websites for the parishes nearest you?
I live in Boston so I assume Philadelphia is the eparchy that it falls under
Boston would be the Melkite Greek Catholic Eparchy of Newton.
Are you in the maronite diocese in Brooklyn the maronite is my last resort as the church is ugly but if I have to go there for mass im going.
That’s where I’d go if I were in the area. Bishop Samra is incredible.

EDIT: Bishop Samra likely wouldn’t be celebrating Liturgy. Looks like it’d be Fr. Philip Raczka.
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I also want to see the thing that the bishop does with the candles I forget what its called

I know what you’re talking about. Seen it several times. I can’t think of the name either. ☺️
You mean blessing with the trikirion and dikirion? That’s always special. (See the Divine Liturgy here: https://ugccmusic.com/)

The trikirion (3 branched candle on one stem) represents the Holy Trinity. The dikirion (2 branched candle on one stem) represents Christ Who has two natures, Divine and human, in the unity of His Divine Person (c.f. Council of Chalcedon, the Fourth Ecumenical Council).
It’s the blessing with the trikirion & dikirion. I explained it to him.
Suggestion: Their webmaster needs to seriously update their website. The last bulletin is from 2015 and it has an event from 2016.
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