I don’t believe God sees women as lower than men
I know some men and even some women,see women as lower than men.
When looking at the hierarchy of the church, it’s strange not to see women a long side men.
Not being ‘alongside men’ in the hierarchy doesn’t make women lower or second class. It makes them not part of the hierarchy. So dang what?
I am sure that Miriam, sister of Aaron and Moses, was just as capable as they were. She was probably at least as devout and ‘well spoken’ as Aaron was, and at least as loving and devout as Moses. I’m also sure that she didn’t kvetch at the well with the other Israelite women, “So yeah, everybody is all Moses Moses Moses but who’s the one here that is going around and making sure that the kids are all fed and the men are all fed, that we aren’t leaving a 40 year pile of litter in the desert, etc. I am, that’s who! God should have given ME the job of leading the people. I would have asked for directions so we weren’t wandering 40 years!”
For some reason, people nowadays seem to consider ‘roles’ as being the criterion of worth. What ever happened to people trying to be the best and holiest people that they could be?
How many saints do we have who really never accomplished anything in their lives (as opposed to the ‘successful’ people in the world’). St. Therese of the Child Jesus died at a young age, in a convent. She never had any ‘rank’. She took glory in being ‘little’.
And it goes for men, too. Why do people think being a priest is meant to be some great big status symbol and some ‘power’? Seriously? Priests give up homes, family, prestige, wealth, personal autonomy, AND in their stead, they take on the care of not just their own souls, but those of the ones they serve.
But no, you’re only important, as a woman (or a man) in how you look to others, not how you look to God. It’s the ‘outside’ that matters, apparently. It’s the title, it’s the ‘status’, it’s what you want, when you want, how you want. Oh sure, we’ll pretend that it’s all about fairness. We’ll pretend that it’s what God wants (because sure as shooting, actually doing what He says doesn’t get us what WE want, does it now?) We’ll make God into our image and likeness and never, ever have Him act in a way we don’t understand, or in which we have to sacrifice some of our needs and wants because surely ‘our God’ only wants us to have what we want!