With all due respect, you are not the son of God, who came to redeem mankind, mankind is male and female.
The terms, True God and True Man are given to Jesus.
Man is used to describe male and female, that I have come to learn since I questioned why man is used in the bible so much as reference to humanity. Also the word brothers, apparently included sisters among the address in scriptures.
Jesus assumed human nature as a male, I think it was once thought that females were not saved (St. Gregory Nazianzen, “What is not assumed is not saved.” )
But we don’t believe that because we believe that Jesus was fully God and fully Human.
So when thinking about Jesus we can see he shows us what it means to be human, male and female, not excluding one or the other. Hence why women serving as priestess makes sense, they too could partake in the ontological change that happens during ordination.