Jim,Thank you Greylorn for being so genuine and real - for being human. You disarmed me completely. As far as your question about why did an Omnipotent God create a world full of jerks, fools? … I don’t have an answer to either … but I know how much of a jerk I can be at times and at the same time know I am wanted by God … I accept that I am completely known and this omniscence of God - knowing all things - that He wanted and chose me as well as each of us… otherwise I wouldn’t be.
As far as my earlier experience of knowing I am wanted by God that I mentioned earlier that happened to me, I can only say I don’t know why God did that for me other than how bruised and damaged I was. I don’t want to get into too much detail - but in a nutshell I used to be in a prison of self-hatred and no self worth. The Lord lifted me up and allowed me an experience of His love … that has been slowly changing my life.
I know we are not enemies but fellow travellers on the same path of trying to figure out meaning and purpose. One author I think you would really like is CS Lewis. He is one of my favorites and you remind me a little of him. He thought very clearly, logically, methodically and also shows a very human side. Have you ever read anything by him such as Mere Christianity?
I look forward to hearing from you again … Jim
Many years ago when I had a wife and children I would read to them every night (when I was not at work) because they were not allowed to watch our 7" B&W TV. C.S. Lewis was among the authors I chose: specifically his Chronicles of Narnia series, 40 years in advance of their current popularity. I personally but privately read Lewis’ other writings on Christianity. They are fine for Christians, but my desire to set a personal course for the reconciliation of God with science had already set in, and I was no longer a regular Christian.
If you wish to pursue my ideas further, let me know, and I will supply my website URL in a private communication.
If you are content with your current beliefs, there is no point in considering the ideas on this site. They are for the discontent, the agnostics and atheists, and trained Christians doubting their dogma.