Stay with me.
If there is nothing this god needs or does not need, why does it have a will? Does it need a will?
a will is an intregal part of being, we are saying that he does not need things external to himself.
your argument seems to be that we popped out of nothing, a complete violation of causality, how is that any better than a creation from a self existent, infinite G-d?
your argument lacks what aquinas’ would call ‘sufficient reason’
you say it just happened for no reason, we give the reason as G-d
as usual your arguments fail from a lack of understanding as to what we believe and why, then you endlessly argue in circles with faulty reasoning.
you offer the same defeated arguments to people that have not heard them yet, and still they are shown to be insufficient.
and ignore those people who have previously defeated those arguments.
youve been beating a dead horse for months, why dont you switch tactics?
the ‘i refuse to belive in a G-d who allows suffering’ is just a refusal to accept what scripture has said for thousands of years. that means its only your opinion, and not a premise for a logical argument, but i am sure that you will continue to ignore me
but frankly, if you believed ti yourself you would not spend so much time here trying to convince us it is true