If Adam was in fact a hominid, which could be defined as an animal not quite evolved to the state of humanness, then, as with all other animals, they do not share a “relationship” with God as that would require an intelligence and conscious thought. If this were the case then there was nothing to “break”. Consider this scenario: You place a raw steak on the floor in front of a highly intelligent dog and you tell him “Do not eat that steak!”. The dog knows that you do not want him not to touch it, but five minutes after you leave the room the odds are steak will be gone anyways. Did the dog “sin” by disobeying you, or was he just being a dog? He may have known that you did not want him to eat the steak but he couldn’t have know that doing so was an evil because he had no concept of evil. What exists is real, not what is coming tomorrow, and not principles of morality.I agree with you that “Adam” could very well have been a hominid who… (rest of quote remove to make room)…,whoever this “Adam” was, he did something, made some choice, after his coming to awareness, that broke his awesome relationship with God.
My relationship with God is very different that my mother’s or father’s, who, in their own way, were devout. If I do not inherit my father’s sins or any repercussions of my father’s sins then I am free to establish my own relationship with God. The relationship you describe seems to be more like that our spiritual soul might share with Him before we were conceived. But that relationship would have been based on awe rather than love because God could not create us already loving.And his descendants ever since have had to live with that broken relationship until God took the initiative to heal it through the Incarnation. That broken relationship is “the stain of Original Sin.” Not an inherited sin or guilt, but an inherited consequence, a lack of something we could all have had.
This is why I feel that the purpose of our physical existence is to learn to love, and it is the conscience (the knowledge of good and evil), and out free ability to act on it, which is our guide. Christ’s Incarnation, message, death and Resurrection most certainly give absolute credence to it.
If none of us have the “lack” as I described then I do feel that the concepts of the Immaculate Conception and Original Sin have to be reexamined. They could be true IF Adam and Eve were special specific creations. But if we are products of an evolutionary development then there was no literal “Garden of Eden”, no literal “Adam & Eve”, and no literal “Original Sin”.Mary’s Immaculate Conception means that she did not start with that lack;
I agree.but I don’t think there’s a practical possibility (even though his human will had the theoretical ability) that he would have said “No! My will be done!” and gone on about his life. Jesus also embodied the divine will, and the divine will does not change or oppose itself.