Did Mary know that Jesus was God?

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You wrote, “Certainly he was Omipotent as the Son of God. But he had a human nature and it was in his human nature that he was helpless.”
Are you saying that Jesus was sort of two different people at once with one being helpless and the other being Omnipotent?
This part of your post did not appear the first time that I clicked “Quote”,

“So while he lived and suffered as a man, he gave up nothing of his Divne nature. He was still the Second Person of the Trinity. One can say that he did not always display his Divinity, his " Omnis, " as you say. But that power was exhibited whenever he worked miracles, forgave sins, read the thoughts of men, or prophesied the future ( " …destroy this temple and I raise it up in three days…” ). These are things only God can do. So there were times when the Divine was not evident and other times when it was evident."
Or could Jesus have been relying on the Father and the Holy Spirit?
You wrote, “And what about what the angel told Zacharia, that John would be precursor to God’s anointed one.”

“Anointed one” does NOT mean God.
The Church teaches that this referred to Jesus Christ.
Cyrus, who was not even a Jew, was an anointed one and there were other “anointed ones”, which translates as Messiah in Hebrew and Christ in Greek, before Jesus.
Yes, so?

You also wrote, “” No, I think we must say Mary knew she was giving birth to the Son of God, the Divine God-Man."
No, I do not think that “we must say Mary knew she was giving birth to the Son of God, the Divine God-Man”, you can if you want but I sure don’t.
O.K., but I think you are wrong.
I think that this was something that was not even conceived of by any of the Jews up to that time or any person, Jew or non-Jew, that studied the Jewish writings whether biblical or commentaries on the biblical.
God revealed it in Genisis. And their other Old Testament prophacies fortelling his coming as well.
It was through hind-sight that people saw things in the bible, after the “fact”, quite a bit after, of the Incarnation.
Mary " considered this things in her mind. " She was considering what was said in the Old Testament.
I very much think Mary, who was probably somewhere roughly between 12 and 14 years of age, accepted what was told to her purely on faith and believing that Gabriel was from God.
Yes, she accepted on faith that she was going to give birh to the Son of God. She didn’t define it in Theological terms. But she knew it was to be a man who was God.
And like it says, “Faith is a gift” from God and I think that Mary’s “gift” in this department was quite a good one and she accepted this “gift” and used this “gift” when answering God thru Gabriel.

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