Did your Bishop, Priest, or Minister talk about Terri Schiavo from the pulpit Today?

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Terri Groggy and Unresponsive: High fever last night likely due to infection caused by improper removal of the feeding tube

According to a trusted source, Terri developed a high fever last night, most likely due to infection caused by improper removal of the feeding tube… she is groggy and unresponsive, and may not make it much longer.


Please if you have a fax machine take a moment and contact by fax the offices of Congressman Robert Wexler: 19th District of Florida - FAX 202 225-5974
Email here

and Earl Blumenauer - FAX 202 225-8941, Email here

Their voice mails are already full! These two are going to oppose the legislation today that will save Terri Schiavo. Please stress the following: (copy and paste if needed or write your own message)

%between%This is NOT about interfering in states’ rights. It is the job of the Federal Government to ensure that State Law is followed and that Terri Schiavo and others like her receive their right of due process, which to this point, has been denied. The federal amendment will ensure that Terri and other disabled people like her will receive a review of the procedures followed by state courts - a right everyone is entitled to, especially in matters of life and death.

Please stand up for the life of those who are unable to speak for themselves and pass the Incapacitated Persons’ Legal Protection Act without delay. To allow Terri to die based on the hearsay testimony of a husband who has abandoned her, a lawyer who is a euthanasia advocate - and a judge who has allowed both state and federal law to be broken would be a gross travesty of justice. Judicial tyranny in this country must end!!

Cross posted at BlogsForTerri
He mentioned a woman being “taken off life support” in a sad/disapproving tone, but didn’t mention her name. (Besides, she wasn’t on life support)
I sent the fax. I’ll pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for Terri tonight.
I imagine the doctors aren’t allowed to treat her infection. :mad:
:confused: I am looking at the poll results and feel sad and disappointed that the ‘front line’ of the Church is NOT getting the message out.

Have our priests/bishops and ministers become ‘sheep’ themselves? Are they afraid to speak out?
4 marks:
No. I have also never heard the priest talk about abortion, the sexual molestation of pre-teen and teenage boys by clergy and religious, or purgatory and hell either. I have heard him proclaim from the pulpit, just before the election, that Catholics must not vote for candidates that support and defend capital punishment or the War in Iraq.

She, and those like her, were also not mentioned in the prayers of the faithful today. There was a brief homily (I can’t really remember what it was about-something generic in tone).
wow, come to Cincinnati, our bishop might need a spine, but our pastor has preached about Humanae vitae, Marriage as Eucharist, Terri’s right to life, the scandal and many other things that upset the herterodoxes in our parish.

We also have perpetual (mostly unexposed) Eucharistic Adoration. Our bishop doesn’t think that without a convent or seminary attached to our parish that we can sustain the hours of adoration. We just had our one year anniversary and our Parrochial Vicar really tied our accomplishment in with the Feast of St. Joseph.

I pray for my priests – and bishop – and thank God for the seminarians we can support in prayer – four times a day as we drive past taking and picking up children from school.
Our priest did not mention Terri, but he did take a few moments before Mass to talk about our Bishop’s (Bishop Brom) recent refusal to allow a Catholic funeral in the diocese for a local man whose business practices were in violation of church teaching. (He owned a gay bar, and a night club which catered to gays one day a week. He also allowed a gay pornographic movie to be filmed in the club)

The priest made it clear that he disagreed with the bishops decision, without actually saying “I disagree with the bishop”
I remember thinking, but what about Terri?
Our priest did not mention Terri, but he did take a few moments before Mass to talk about our Bishop’s (Bishop Brom) recent refusal to allow a Catholic funeral in the diocese for a local man whose business practices were in violation of church teaching. (He owned a gay bar, and a night club which catered to gays one day a week. He also allowed a gay pornographic movie to be filmed in the club)

The priest made it clear that he disagreed with the bishops decision, without actually saying “I disagree with the bishop”
I remember thinking, but what about Terri?
Well if Terri were a lesbian I am sure she’d have the support of the homosexual community. I am outraged that such trivialities take the place of real issues.

At the Masses that I assisted, I mentioned Terri in the “Prayers of The Faithful.” The deacon is allowed to add prayer requests.
I didn’t go to my Church today. I went to the Church that I used to go to regularly. There was no Homily at Mass. Terri Schiavo was mentioned in The Prayers of The Faithful. The Priest did talk about(at the end of Mass) how he visited the school at the Parish and spoke to 5th graders and asked them if they could tell him on what day did Christ die? Hardly any of them knew the answer! He asked parents to take time this Holy week and discuss what this week means and see that they understand! These are 5th graders!!
Of course this means that the PARENTS have to understand as well…OY VEY!!!
Brief mention of the congress situation was made and we prayed for her. We prayed for her last week as well. Also, there was info in the atrium with the names of congressmen to write if we wanted. I think our pro-life committee arranged the info in the atrium, but I’m not sure.

Our pastor is clearly on the side of getting her food and water as soon as possible.
Today at mass my pastor said nothing about Terri, nothing was mentioned on Palm Sunday either. On the day Terri’s feeding tube was removed, he did say that something like “it looks like they plan on pulling the plug on her {as my own note, WRONG, there is no “plug” as in machine keeping her alive} but somehow I do not think that will happen. Imagine how much money this costs :eek: :crying: .”

Since that day, the pastor has not said anything else about Terri. During daily mass today (during the prayers of the faithful after the homily), I prayed for “a miracle for Terri Schiavo” and the other person who prays for Terri said “Terri Schiavo, please Lord please” (as part of her petition for people she prayed protection and health for).
Did anyone listen to Open Line on EWTN Radio?
Barbara McGuiggin has a caller who commented on this very question: I.E. What to do about a priest who does not speak about Life Issues.
Barbara commented that you should walk right to the priest, with Charity and ask them why are you not talking about these issues.
The caller remarked that their priest just chuckled, lightly laughed as the priests response.

INO, if your priest isn’t talking about these Vital Issues, I’d tell the priest that you would leave and find a parish that IS teaching what the Church believes. If there is none in your area, go to an Eastern Catholic CHurch too, sacraments are Just as valid.
. . .Barbara commented that you should walk right to the priest, with Charity and ask them why are you not talking about these issues.
The caller remarked that their priest just chuckled, lightly laughed as the priests response.
. . …
He didn’t pat her lightly on the head while laughing lightly? He didn’t say, There there my dear. He’s trying to improve. 😉
A retired priest who sometimes fills in for our overworked pastor, gave the homily on Sunday. I was shocked that he talked about what he’d been hearing on NPR and said it was a difficult matter with no clear right or wrong.

Why is he listening to NPR instead of Catholic radio? I’m trying to take a charitable approach towards him and think that he just isn’t keeping himself very well informed during his retirement. 😦

Tricia Frances
My priest has not even mentioned Terri Schiavo in the last 6 weeks. And its very upsetting. Usually when we have the General Intercessions, they mention “the end of abortion, artificial contraception and euthanasia”. The only time it was finally mentioned (euthanasia) was during Good Friday’s General Intercessions.

Its very upsetting, especially since we’re supposed to defend life, especially of those who can not speak for themselves.
No mention in my parish unfortunately. However, at least I know for certain of one person, sorry, make that two people (my wife and I) who have been keeping her and her family in their prayers.
The deacon who led Morning prayer yesterday included reference ot her in his homily.

The pastor included her in his prayer at rehearsal this morning.
Our priest usually doesn’t address important issues in his homily.

The last one was about not to look too hard at only 5 certain issues regarding the election, and there were more issues of equal importance.

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