You meet my understanding of the term. If you would like to supply your own definition we can discuss it.
You say that your definition is based on the idea that a SJW believes their political beliefs are an embodiment of churich teaching or are morally superior? Do I have that right?
If I have that right, then I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I do not believe that.
As I keep say, the Church leaves the door open for government action. This is objective fact. You seem to concede that, so we will set it aside.
As I also keep saying:
I think you can definitely argue about how to implement certain aspects of doctrine that are left intentionally vague. But you can’t refuse to acknowledge that the Church leaves the door open when it comes to government action.
In other words, I neither think that my interpretation about how to uphold church teaching on social justice is the only interpretation nor do I think that my ideas perfectly embody catholic social justice teaching. Because the teachings are vague, no one can claim they’ve got it right.
You have in your mind a caricature of me. It is that caricature that you have decided is a SJW.
The actual me (the one that keeps saying I don’t think my way is the only way) is not a sjw.
How would I define the term? The term ‘Social Justice Warrior’ is a prejorative meant to disparage those who hold competing ideas on Social Justice. It is most often used by the far right to malign, marginalize, or otherwise dismiss those on the left who express a strong desire to have their government work to correct what they see as social issues.