diffrence between a catholic and a christian

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Actually, the Catholic Church changed the wording in the Nicene Creed as it should have read “The Father through the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Or something to that effect. Also, the position of the Pope is based on an obscure interpretation of a few lines in the Bible and I think is only an excuse for power. The Eastern Patriarchs don’t have nearly the same power that th Pope has. In fact, I will go as far as to say it is heretical as I believe only God has the right to make the judgment that the Pope does. Also in the Nicene Creed is the word Catholic, which, at the time meant Universal in Greek. Now, when you say the word Catholic you are talking about a sect of Christianity. The wording is taken out of context and the meaning has been changed. The true word of the Apostles is only kept through the Eastern Orthodox Rites (specifically with the Patriarch in Constantinople who is surrounded by a bunch of Turks out to kill him) as the Creed was originally written in Greek, and the meaning has changed when it was translated into Latin. This further drove the Catholic Church from the Apostles’ teachings.
The primacy of Peter, who was later named “Pope” our our common lingo is not obscure but pretty direct in the Bible, thorugh several passeges and including context. I would encourage you to read the Bible with both eyes open as well as your heart and soul to actually “hear” the word of God. There are many threads on this on this forum.

Secondly, please read my earlier post, but in case you don’t care to, I will restate myself, which is also the official position of the Catholic Church. The word “Catholic” as you have stated it does indeed come from the Greek word for “Universal.” However, there is a difference in the upper case and lower case “C” at the beginning of the word. The capitalization signifies the Church Christ instituted, born out of his side just as woman was born out of the side of Adam.

The small “c” stands more commonly for the word “universal” which applies to all of true Christianity.

Now, while you’re referring to the power the Pope has, I ask that you consider that that power was given to him from above…just as the air you are breathing right now is given to you by God.

I also must assume you are referring to the “infallability” of the Pope. Do you understand that this infallability is in matters of faith and morals only, not in his personal judgments and life? Do you further understand that his infallability comes directly from God via the Holy Spirit who guides him?

You have no faith at all if you really believe that God doesn’t have the power to speak through anyone, especially his chosen son.

We of the Catholic (note the large “C”) faith believe that God is more powerful than the doubt man carries in his heart and can make sure that the Church instituted by the Savior will not fall in spite of the secular and other arguments against it.
Catholocism is a sect of Christianity.
That happens to have over 1 billion members. Just a little sect, is all. 1/6 of the worlds population.

How many does your sect have?
Actually, the Catholic Church changed the wording in the Nicene Creed as it should have read “The Father through the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Or something to that effect. Also, the position of the Pope is based on an obscure interpretation of a few lines in the Bible and I think is only an excuse for power. The Eastern Patriarchs don’t have nearly the same power that th Pope has. In fact, I will go as far as to say it is heretical as I believe only God has the right to make the judgment that the Pope does. Also in the Nicene Creed is the word Catholic, which, at the time meant Universal in Greek. Now, when you say the word Catholic you are talking about a sect of Christianity. The wording is taken out of context and the meaning has been changed. The true word of the Apostles is only kept through the Eastern Orthodox Rites (specifically with the Patriarch in Constantinople who is surrounded by a bunch of Turks out to kill him) as the Creed was originally written in Greek, and the meaning has changed when it was translated into Latin. This further drove the Catholic Church from the Apostles’ teachings.
This thread is not about the Filioque. The wording is “proceeds from the Father and the Son”. The meaning is equal to the Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son. The filioque was changed to combat heresy in the 5th century at a council in Spain(forget the name). It was perfectly within the right of the Church to change it. It did not change any teaching of the Church. The Church always taught that the Spirit proceeded from the Father through the Son, from all eternity.

The eastern Orthodox changed the heirarchy of the Church. Irenaeus said in the 2nd century, “All Churches should agree with the Church of Rome on account of its pre-eminent authority” In the very next paragraph he gives the first 13 bishops of Rome from the apostles. Now, the Orthodox Church does not recognize the authority of the bishop of Rome like Irenaeus taught. They teach that all bishops have equal authority. That is the biggest contradiction there is. Yet they still accept Irenaeus’s writings as truth.

The Orthodox have changed there church and left the true Church. This is from the council of Chalcedon.
Serious illnesses call for greater helps, as you know, most blessed [father]; and therefore Christ our true God, who is the creator and governing power of all things, gave a wise physician, namely your God-honoured sanctity, to drive away by force the contagion of heretical pestilence by the remedies of orthodoxy, and to give the strength of health to the members of the church. Therefore to thee, as to the bishop of the first see of the Universal Church, we leave what must be done, since you willingly take for your standing ground the firm rock of the faith, as we know from having read your true confession in the letter sent by your fatherly beatitude to the most pious emperor: and we acknowledge that this letter was divinely written (perscriptas) as by the Chief of the Apostles, and through it we have cast out the heretical sect of many errors which had recently sprung up…
Actually, the Catholic Church changed the wording in the Nicene Creed as it should have read “The Father through the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Or something to that effect. Also, the position of the Pope is based on an obscure interpretation of a few lines in the Bible and I think is only an excuse for power. The Eastern Patriarchs don’t have nearly the same power that th Pope has. In fact, I will go as far as to say it is heretical as I believe only God has the right to make the judgment that the Pope does. Also in the Nicene Creed is the word Catholic, which, at the time meant Universal in Greek. Now, when you say the word Catholic you are talking about a sect of Christianity. The wording is taken out of context and the meaning has been changed. The true word of the Apostles is only kept through the Eastern Orthodox Rites (specifically with the Patriarch in Constantinople who is surrounded by a bunch of Turks out to kill him) as the Creed was originally written in Greek, and the meaning has changed when it was translated into Latin. This further drove the Catholic Church from the Apostles’ teachings.
The Orthodox even reject the authority of Peter over the rest of the apostles. They will say that James had more authority than Peter and then they reject the fathers when they say things like “And if any should say, “How then did James receive the chair at Jerusalem?” I would make this reply, that He appointed Peter(3) teacher, not of the chair, but of the world.”[Chrysostom Gospel according to John Homily LXXXIII]

No offense, but I think the Orthodox are almost as selective with the Church Fathers as the protestants regarding this issue.
Actually, the Catholic Church changed the wording in the Nicene Creed as it should have read “The Father through the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Or something to that effect. Also, the position of the Pope is based on an obscure interpretation of a few lines in the Bible and I think is only an excuse for power. The Eastern Patriarchs don’t have nearly the same power that th Pope has. In fact, I will go as far as to say it is heretical as I believe only God has the right to make the judgment that the Pope does. Also in the Nicene Creed is the word Catholic, which, at the time meant Universal in Greek. Now, when you say the word Catholic you are talking about a sect of Christianity. The wording is taken out of context and the meaning has been changed. The true word of the Apostles is only kept through the Eastern Orthodox Rites (specifically with the Patriarch in Constantinople who is surrounded by a bunch of Turks out to kill him) as the Creed was originally written in Greek, and the meaning has changed when it was translated into Latin. This further drove the Catholic Church from the Apostles’ teachings.
Any honest Orthodox who knows the faith will admitt that the Spirit proceeds from the Father through the Son.
Thank you very much for your answers. I really respect your religion, I see no other religion that is as dedicated to their beliefs other than Muslims, lets face it they are very dedicated. I, myself, have never heard of Mohammad and don’t understand their theory nor do I want to sometimes because of the actions of some of the followers (not saying that they are all like that either). I do question baptizing as an infant, because the exact words in the bible are to confess with thy mouth and be baptized, so yes, I am still confused on how catholics think that by baptizing as an infant will ensure they’re getting into Heaven. All children are protected by God and he says so. Until they are the age of understanding, we are to take our children to Christ and lead them in the way, to the Lord, but everyone has a choice to make, do we accept or do we not. Our God is great and granted us the freedom to choose so as an infant you are inforcing a decision for a child that was just given to you by the Lord (our children are on loan to us and we have to lead them in the right path to ensure they get back to where they came from). So I guess my thing about it is, Catholics make a decision for their child, not the child making the decision for him/her self. For some reason or another I really thought that the confirmation was a way for them to decide. You must be baptized to get into heaven and Jesus did it to show us how it should be done. He was baptized by John the Baptizer (not literally a Baptist(religion) like to stress that point) When Jesus was an adult. He did not do it when he was a baby, thus showing us it is a decision you must make, it is a life long commitment to God, like the marriage between Jesus and the Church. We should be baptized and live like Jesus, as a child you have no choice in what is being done. A baby can’t say… OK STOP… I want to think about what you are about to do to me, because this is a life time commitment here. Can’t I decide this on my own when I know what I am getting into. An infant is pure, it is the world that makes sin such an easy thing to do. So why would an infant needs to be cleansed of sin when they are pure? I have been a Christian for almost 10 years and still have questions, obviously, and still wonder what certain versuses mean. You can look at the Gospel of Thomas and he says that women will not enter into the kingdom of God, well now that is a scary thought. Jesus befriended more women then men, more of his followers were women. So of course, we wonder if what we have been taught, or what has been instilled into our heads is correct. You can look at the dedication of the Muslim religion and how dedicated they are to their God and we ponder the very being of it. Because we believe that Christ is the Messiah (I don’t think, I know, btw) but how is it that they are so dedicated and we are not? Ok now on to the other stuff. As for praying, does he not say come to me in prayer, where it is quiet and nothing can interrupt your time with the Lord. That is your time with the Lord, why not ask him yourself for your needs, he answers prayers, just ask HIM. (Thank goodness for those unanswered prayers too)!! As for the the writings you spoke of, I have never heard of those before. There is more chapters in a Catholic bible than in the King James or NIV. I have never seen “Catholic” in either of those bibles, because if it were in fact in there, wouldn’t we all want to be Catholic because it says it in there? I know I would want to be. I have asked many questions regarding many different faiths and religions. I have attended many churches, Catholic as well, I was raised a Baptist, never willing to sway from their beliefs until my eyes were opened to what the word really says. I think the safest bet is to follow it as well as we can and to strive to live like Jesus lived as hard as it may be, that is all of our goals, correct. I am now a Church of Christ because they are dedicated to baptizing and I can’t imagine not having that secruity in my life. I have a healthy son and he should not have been, but many hours of prayer and believing that he would take care of the situation, I know without a doubt there is a God and there is a Jesus and he died for all of us, even those that mock him (which really ticks me off and I know I shouldn’t get angry but it is hard not to when people want to take it out of everything…arrrggghhhh) Anyway, Thanks again… I now have a clearer mindset about the beliefs of Catholics. I am also very sorry to hear about the Pope, he was a great man and changed the world. It was a sad day.
This can be confusing. To be Catholic means to follow the Catholic church’s credo. All christians are catholic if they follow Jesus’ teaching, because all christian churches started with him, then went their seperate ways. To get the best answer, go to www.catholic.com. There is a library with a wealth of information. 🙂

I’m using a quick reference, but these passages may help you understand infant baptism: The commentary after the “–” is mine.

Matt 19:14: “Let the Children come to me” – Jesus did not turn children away from him. Why then, would they not be welcome to be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?

Josh 24:15: “As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD” – this is referring to the whole HOUSE< which would include children as well as adults.

Matt 18:14 (it is not the will of God that children should be damned.)

Luke 18:17 “whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” – referring to the unquestioning faith of a child. Why should they not be baptized, then, if their faith is the example an adult should follow?

Acts 16:15 (Paul and Silas baptize Lydia and her whole household) --this, again, refers to an entire household, which includes children.

Acts 16:30 (Paul and Silas baptize a prison guard and whole family) -again, children are a part of the family, no matter what the age.

Acts 18:8 (Crispus and his entire family are baptized)

1 Cor 1:16 “I baptized the household of Stephanas”

There are actually more verses. But the theme is obvious and logical. Jesus loved children, and we all seem to agree that we are born into original sin. Jesus constantly refers to children, and the apostles were always baptizing children along with the adults of the family.

If they were only baptizing adults, teh Bible would not cite entire families, but would state the adults of the family also. Therefore it is implied and logical within the context that children are being welcomed into the household of God no matter what their age.
Mary is the daughter of the Father, the mother of the Son of God, and the spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is more than a mere vessel. She spent her life with God. She embodies motherhood. She was the mother of the church. On the cross Jesus said “Woman, here is your son.” And to James he said, “Here is your mother.” He knew he was going to the Father, and then would send the holy spirit to the disciples and in so doing make them his brothers. We pray with Mary to Jesus. As for baptizing infants: Jesus said ‘let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such is the kingdom of heaven.’ Also, it is our responsibility to choose life for our children. When they are teenagers, it is *their *reponsibilty to either confirm their life in Jesus, (this is the sacrament of Confirmation),or deny it and choose death. We have more chapters in our bible because it is not our version, as in the King James Version, it was written by apostles and scholars with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We do not take out the books we don’t agree with. We also pray to the saints, because it says to in the bible. I hope you get the information you need to clarify your faith. God bless you. I will pray for the guidance of the spirit for you.
Ok, I looked this up, what makes you think it was the Catholic (religion)Church he made. I am confused. As for the person that started this forum, I have no idea why they think that you are not christians. I thought people that practice the belief in God and Jesus (CHRIST) were CHRISTians… maybe I am wrong. Now where we do differ is how Catholics pray to Mary, baptize infants, have more chapters in their bible than the King James version, pray to saints. I have read the bible enough to know that I go to God with my prayers because they are ONLY answered in the name of his son, we should also pray for the saints. As for Mary, I have all the respect for her in the world, but other than being chosen by God to give birth to Jesus. I really don’t understand why you pray to her, literally I would like that answered, please. Baptizm… this is where it gets interesting… mk 16:16. Can an infant believe? Or do you baptize later in life as well. I really am curious, I am not in anyway disrespecting the Catholics, I really have questions about the religion. Anyone who would like to share their opinions or beliefs please feel free. I really would like to know why we are so different when we are ALL praising God and his son, Jesus? Shouldn’t we be able to get along since we are striving for the same thing. Eternity with OUR maker?
Thank you very much for your answers. I really respect your religion, I see no other religion that is as dedicated to their beliefs other than Muslims, lets face it they are very dedicated. I, myself, have never heard of Mohammad and don’t understand their theory nor do I want to sometimes because of the actions of some of the followers (not saying that they are all like that either).
I have to agree, they are extremely dedicated. But, it is often out of fear. The Muslims are so tough on there people.
I do question baptizing as an infant, because the exact words in the bible are to confess with thy mouth and be baptized, so yes, I am still confused on how catholics think that by baptizing as an infant will ensure they’re getting into Heaven. All children are protected by God and he says so. Until they are the age of understanding, we are to take our children to Christ and lead them in the way, to the Lord, but everyone has a choice to make, do we accept or do we not. Our God is great and granted us the freedom to choose so as an infant you are inforcing a decision for a child that was just given to you by the Lord (our children are on loan to us and we have to lead them in the right path to ensure they get back to where they came from). So I guess my thing about it is, Catholics make a decision for their child, not the child making the decision for him/her self.
Christ told them to let the children come to him. That is what we are doing. The bible says that baptism is necisary for salvation. We can’t say that a child is not saved if they die, but the Church was taught, by Christ, that salvation came to the baptized. That is the commandment of the Church.

We are directed to teach our children the ways of Christ and to lead them to Christ. We have to make decisions for them when they are young. When they are older they can make the decisions themselves to follow it or to reject it.
For some reason or another I really thought that the confirmation was a way for them to decide. You must be baptized to get into heaven and Jesus did it to show us how it should be done.
Confirmation is a decision they make, they choose whether they want to be confirmed or not. That is a decision they need to make.
He was baptized by John the Baptizer (not literally a Baptist(religion) like to stress that point) When Jesus was an adult.
I am glad you make that point, because some Baptists claim that he was the first Baptist(as in the religion).
He did not do it when he was a baby, thus showing us it is a decision you must make, it is a life long commitment to God, like the marriage between Jesus and the Church.
Yes, but the thing is that Christ could not be baptized as a baby because John the Baptist was only a few months older then him. It would be kind of funny to see though a baby baptizing another baby.
We should be baptized and live like Jesus, as a child you have no choice in what is being done. A baby can’t say… OK STOP… I want to think about what you are about to do to me, because this is a life time commitment here. Can’t I decide this on my own when I know what I am getting into.
Like I said above, it is our job to lead our children in the faith, from the time they are born. They can choose to accept or reject it when they get older.
An infant is pure, it is the world that makes sin such an easy thing to do. So why would an infant needs to be cleansed of sin when they are pure?
It is no actual sin that they have commited or anything they are guilty of. Original Sin is not an actual sin, it is the loss of Original Holyness. Adam and Eve were created as holy beings. They were created in full union with God. Through them we have lost our union with God. It is through baptism that we are restored to this union.

If an adult is baptized then there is actual sin that is remmited.
I have been a Christian for almost 10 years and still have questions, obviously, and still wonder what certain versuses mean. You can look at the Gospel of Thomas and he says that women will not enter into the kingdom of God, well now that is a scary thought. Jesus befriended more women then men, more of his followers were women. So of course, we wonder if what we have been taught, or what has been instilled into our heads is correct.
The gospel of Thomas is heretical along with the other gnostic writings. I really don’t think they are very good to read.
You can look at the dedication of the Muslim religion and how dedicated they are to their God and we ponder the very being of it. Because we believe that Christ is the Messiah (I don’t think, I know, btw) but how is it that they are so dedicated and we are not?
They are dedicated out of fear, whereas Christians are dedicated out of desire and want to know God. Mohammed built Islam through conquering rather than martyrdom like Christianity.
Ok now on to the other stuff. As for praying, does he not say come to me in prayer, where it is quiet and nothing can interrupt your time with the Lord. That is your time with the Lord, why not ask him yourself for your needs, he answers prayers, just ask HIM.
We do pray directly to him also, but all prayers are directed to him. By praying to a saint we are simultaneously praying to God. Think about it, if I ask a saint to pray to God for me, it is in worship of God that I am asking this. Also, it is God that allows us to do this. Have you ever or would you ask a friend to pray for you? That is the same as us asking the saints to pray for us. When a person dies, they do not cease to be a hand or a foot of the body of Christ, they are further made a hand or foot of the body of Christ. The Church is a suppernatural thing as well as an earthly thing. The Catholic Church calls it the “Church Triumphant” and the “Church Militant” meaning the church that has already succeeded in the trials and are with Christ and the Church that is now on earth and is still fighting against the evil of the world. The whole Church, both Triumphant and Militant, is in communion with eachother. We can speak with our brothers and sisters in heaven through prayer. It is so beautiful.
(Thank goodness for those unanswered prayers too)!!
Yes, thank goodness for those unanswered prayers.(the song by Garth Brooks is good too.)
As for the the writings you spoke of, I have never heard of those before.
You can find them on line at this link. catholicfirst.com/churchfathersindex.cfm They are the early Christians writings. They tell us basically what they taught. There are many other writings of theirs that are not published in English, but this is most of what we have in English. There are 37 volumes here.
There is more chapters in a Catholic bible than in the King James or NIV.
Yes, there are seven more books in the Catholic bible along with a few chapters in the book of Daniel. Other than that, they are the same. The numbering is a little different though.
I have never seen “Catholic” in either of those bibles, because if it were in fact in there, wouldn’t we all want to be Catholic because it says it in there? I know I would want to be.
It is good that you truely desire to know the truth. There are many people that are very prejudice and obstinate that they will not listen. It is good to see that you would do what ever God would desire of you.

The earliest written use of Catholic we have being used for Christianity is in Ignatius’s writings. Those are some of the earliest writings we have though, 100AD, so it is pretty early. Chances are that the term was in use prior to that because there is no explanaition of it in his writings.
I have asked many questions regarding many different faiths and religions. I have attended many churches, Catholic as well, I was raised a Baptist, never willing to sway from their beliefs until my eyes were opened to what the word really says. I think the safest bet is to follow it as well as we can and to strive to live like Jesus lived as hard as it may be, that is all of our goals, correct. I am now a Church of Christ because they are dedicated to baptizing and I can’t imagine not having that secruity in my life.
I am glad you are searching for the absolute truth, that is what everyone should be doing.
I have a healthy son and he should not have been, but many hours of prayer and believing that he would take care of the situation, I know without a doubt there is a God and there is a Jesus and he died for all of us, even those that mock him (which really ticks me off and I know I shouldn’t get angry but it is hard not to when people want to take it out of everything…arrrggghhhh) Anyway, Thanks again… I now have a clearer mindset about the beliefs of Catholics. I am also very sorry to hear about the Pope, he was a great man and changed the world. It was a sad day.
I am glad to hear that your son is healthy. Hopefully those who mock him will realize there errors and be converted. No problem, I am glad to write about the faith. Thanks about the pope. He was a wonderful man, and is in heaven with God now.
That happens to have over 1 billion members. Just a little sect, is all. 1/6 of the worlds population.

How many does your sect have?
No doubt the Catholic faith has the largest number of persons throughout the world that are Christians; but in the USA, Baptists who are also Christians and Catholics are almost equal in terms of numbers.

I would like to emphasize that neither Baptists, Methodists, or Presbyterians consider Mormons, Jehovah Witness, or Christian Scientists as Christians. In fact, my Bible has information on how you should approach persons of these convictions to convert them. Sorry about the mistake on when the Catholic began. I haven’t had Bible in a long time. I would like to know more about the differences between Orthodox, Celtic Catholics, and Roman Catholics. Were these a result of the Great Schism?
urban legends:
No doubt the Catholic faith has the largest number of persons throughout the world that are Christians; but in the USA, Baptists who are also Christians and Catholics are almost equal in terms of numbers.

I would like to emphasize that neither Baptists, Methodists, or Presbyterians consider Mormons, Jehovah Witness, or Christian Scientists as Christians. In fact, my Bible has information on how you should approach persons of these convictions to convert them. Sorry about the mistake on when the Catholic began. I haven’t had Bible in a long time. I would like to know more about the differences between Orthodox, Celtic Catholics, and Roman Catholics. Were these a result of the Great Schism?
The Celtic Catholics are a church that claims roots from the archbishop of Cantebury, but they are a 20th century church. The Eastern Orthodox are a result of the Great schism. I am not really sure about the teachings of the Celtic Catholics, but the Eastern Orthodox are very similar to the Catholics in communion with Rome. The main difference is that they do not follow the pope. The Orthodox also don’t say the filioque in the creed, but the filioque is only used in the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church. In the eastern Rites they do not use it. There are also differences in the ways that doctrines are expressed between the eastern Christians(Orthodox and Eastern rite Catholic) and western(Latin rite Catholics), but they come down to the same meaning.

There is no reason to apologize.
Jimmy, thank you for all your responses they are very enlightening. I enjoyed reading everything you responded to. You seem very educated in your religion. I wish most people would do that, maybe just maybe this world would be better. I have no idea why I have had so many questions here lately, maybe it is due to the Pope and watching a lot of easter specials last week. I feel very secure with my Christanity and will never waiver from it, at least with the Grace of God I won’t. I read what you said about the baptism of infants and I think that is based on one verse, like our religion is based on that one verse, the Repent and be baptized. My personal opinion is that if we do what is asked of us and do as he commanded then we should all enter into the kingdom. Well let me take that back about the one verse, there is many verses in both religions that make us both believe and follow what we have been taught. But those two different verses are what we have based our discussion on. Maybe that came out better.LOL. I know you haven’t asked, but I want to share with you why we believe in adult , teen, baptism. We believe that is a life commitment and a personal decision. We are buried into the water as in his death and brought back up in the likeness of his resurrection. Just like Jesus was baptized. He made the desicion on his own to become what he did, he could have walked away (in many instances), He’s the man though and he didn’t. I totally agree with you on people (Baptists in general) thinking that John the “Baptist” was of a Baptist religion, like I said I was brought up a Baptist and heck I thought it, If he was a Baptist then how can I go wrong, well I was wrong. I have no doubts in my faith now. I love to study the word and what other peoples views are, I love hearing other peoples insights on their religion. It gives me comfort to know that we can all one day rejoice in the kingdom. There are many people that I don’t think will make it there and that is their decision, I was put on this earth to learn and to witness but not to preach, I am a woman so I do believe that they should not lead a church or be preachers. He said they are not to and it freaks me out how woman become preachers, ministers or whatever they call themselves. It is wrong. In no way shape or form should we not witness and express our faith but we are not to lead.

So I like hearing others and of course, learning more. Knowledge is power I have been told…LOL… A lot of people think that Church of Christ think we are the only ones going to heaven and that is wrong, we do not think that. We believe that whomever repents and is baptized and trys to live a Godly life will be with God when they go home. Does your religion think that they are the “only” ones or do you believe the same thing? I want to thank you again, you have been so great in your explanations and very easy to talk(write) to. I am enjoying these discussion.
So I like hearing others and of course, learning more. Knowledge is power I have been told…LOL… A lot of people think that Church of Christ think we are the only ones going to heaven and that is wrong, we do not think that. We believe that whomever repents and is baptized and trys to live a Godly life will be with God when they go home. Does your religion think that they are the “only” ones or do you believe the same thing? I want to thank you again, you have been so great in your explanations and very easy to talk(write) to. I am enjoying these discussion.
Hello Buca1110, I am enjoying the discussion too. I can only speak shortly right now though because I have to go do some studying for some tests.

We believe that the Catholic Church is the “fullness of truth”. The teachings of the apostles were handed down through the centuries to us. The teaching is that salvation come to the members of the Church, but the boundaries of the Church are not really defined. All Christians baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are a part of the Church in a way, even though they may not be Catholic. Anyone who is baptized and believes and is repentant of there sins will see God.

There is also what is called a “Baptism of Desire” and “Baptism of Blood”(martyrdom). “Baptism of Blood” basically says that a man who has not been baptized into the Church may be saved if he desires with his whole heart to know that truth, and if he did he would decide to be baptized. If he leads a good life, then he will be saved. “Baptism of Blood” is for the people who have died for the faith but have not been baptized.

But, the Catholic Church also teaches that you need to desire God in order to recieve salvation. For example, assuming that the Catholic Church is the fullness of truth. If a person leaves the Catholic Church even if he remains Christian, and knows all the truth of the Catholic Church, but leaves anyways, then he can not recieve heaven because by rejecting the fulness of the truth he is rejecting God. Or if someone is so obstinate and prejudiced that they are unwilling to even listen, then they can not be saved. These people can’t claim an invincible ignorance because they have outright rejected it.

It all basically boils down to repentance and the desire to know God.

I have enjoyed these discussions too and look forward to more in the future, but right now I got to go study.
Can someone give me the exact passages in the Bible that states that Peter has full authority over the Church and all his successors shall reign as the head of the Church?

P.S. I believe there are around 250,000,000 members in the Orthodox Church.
Can someone give me the exact passages in the Bible that states that Peter has full authority over the Church and all his successors shall reign as the head of the Church?

P.S. I believe there are around 250,000,000 members in the Orthodox Church.
The Church is not sola scriptura, but I can tell you that Irenaeus believe the bishop of Rome had authority over the whole Church. Chrysostom believed that Peter was the leader of the whole world, as he says. Rome is the only Church that is ever refered to as the Apostolic see, it is even in ecumenical councils.

Orthodox are very selective with the Church Fathers.
The Church is not sola scriptura, but I can tell you that Irenaeus believe the bishop of Rome had authority over the whole Church. Chrysostom believed that Peter was the leader of the whole world, as he says. Rome is the only Church that is ever refered to as the Apostolic see, it is even in ecumenical councils.

Orthodox are very selective with the Church Fathers.
I am not EXTREMELY religious, but I can tell you that the Orthodox Church can trace its lineage all the way back to the Apostles just as easily as the Catholics can. In fact Peter went through Greece before Rome and some of the first people to convert to Chrstianity were Greeks.
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