diffrence between a catholic and a christian

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Most ,“CATHOLICS = UNIVERSAL in/en latin,” don’t THINK of them SELVES as ISLANDS on themselves, with themselves and the LORD ,“mono e mono…” It’s more a complex ,“BODY THING,” which interacts UNIVERSALLY… And like today, April 3rd’s Gospel of St. Thomas believing, they don’t NEED to be re-DEEMED from MORTAL SIN to ,“BELIEVE JESUS…” 👍

They have a ,“GRASP of the TEN COMMANDMENTS of MORTAL WOUNDS,” the greatest Commandment and the golden rule, without SEEING THEM not keep with consequences, till a ,“second chance,” is the only ,“HOPE…”
I am not EXTREMELY religious, but I can tell you that the Orthodox Church can trace its lineage all the way back to the Apostles just as easily as the Catholics can. In fact Peter went through Greece before Rome and some of the first people to convert to Chrstianity were Greeks.
Yep, that’s just what our Priest said in RCIA class.
🙂 Peace, CM
First, all Catholics are Christians. Not all Christians proclaim themselves Catholic.

Second, I recommend the book titled Catholic and Christian: An Explanation of Commonly Misunderstood Catholic Beliefs, which should answer many questions you may have about Catholicism in comparison to the other Christian denominations (although this book does mainly focus on the reformation denominations that fell out of the reformation in the 1500s).
I am not EXTREMELY religious, but I can tell you that the Orthodox Church can trace its lineage all the way back to the Apostles just as easily as the Catholics can. In fact Peter went through Greece before Rome and some of the first people to convert to Chrstianity were Greeks.
Neither I nor the rest of the Catholic Church deny that. Your bishops can trace themselves back to the apostles. I think the Orthodox Church is great, but they have some need now to call everything heretical that is not directly said by them, even when there is nothing wrong with the teaching. I hope to see union in the future between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches.
Some observations/corrections:

The rcc was NOT the first church. Peter was not the first pope. These are all religious myths.

The first Christian Churches were independent, born-again believers who congregated locally under the authority of a pastor (aka bishop, elder, etc.).

The rcc started when Constantine made “christianity” the state religion of the Roman empire in 325AD. He fundamentally changed the doctrine of biblical Christianity to fit his political purposes. The rcc is the descendent of this church-state.

Throughout the past 2000 years real Christian existed and were called by many names: Paulicians, Waldensians, Hugonauts, Anabaptists, etc. Many thousands of these Christians were killed by the corrupt rcc.

Protestants were primarily catholics who disagreed with the rcc and left. Many of them were truly born again; but Christianity has existed since the time of Christ. And it has nothing to do with the rcc.
Some observations/corrections:

The rcc was NOT the first church. Peter was not the first pope. These are all religious myths.

The first Christian Churches were independent, born-again believers who congregated locally under the authority of a pastor (aka bishop, elder, etc.).

The rcc started when Constantine made “christianity” the state religion of the Roman empire in 325AD. He fundamentally changed the doctrine of biblical Christianity to fit his political purposes. The rcc is the descendent of this church-state.

Throughout the past 2000 years real Christian existed and were called by many names: Paulicians, Waldensians, Hugonauts, Anabaptists, etc. Many thousands of these Christians were killed by the corrupt rcc.

Protestants were primarily catholics who disagreed with the rcc and left. Many of them were truly born again; but Christianity has existed since the time of Christ. And it has nothing to do with the rcc.
History dictates otherwise.

“To be steeped in history is to cease to be protestant.” – John Cardinal Newman.
Some observations/corrections:

The rcc was NOT the first church. Peter was not the first pope. These are all religious myths.

The first Christian Churches were independent, born-again believers who congregated locally under the authority of a pastor (aka bishop, elder, etc.).

The rcc started when Constantine made “christianity” the state religion of the Roman empire in 325AD. He fundamentally changed the doctrine of biblical Christianity to fit his political purposes. The rcc is the descendent of this church-state.

Throughout the past 2000 years real Christian existed and were called by many names: Paulicians, Waldensians, Hugonauts, Anabaptists, etc. Many thousands of these Christians were killed by the corrupt rcc.

Protestants were primarily catholics who disagreed with the rcc and left. Many of them were truly born again; but Christianity has existed since the time of Christ. And it has nothing to do with the rcc.
You are going to have to offer proof for your statements, they are unsopported in history. Protestantism is the result of the protestnat reformation in the 16th century.

I can show you passages from Church fathers like Irenaeus saying that “All Churches should agree with the Church of Rome on account of its pre-eminent authority.”[Against Heresies Book III Chapter III]

I can show you where the early Christians believed in intercessory prayer like Hermas said, “[The Shepherd said:] ‘But those who are weak and slothful in prayer, hesitate to ask anything from the Lord; but the Lord is full of compassion, and gives without fail to all who ask him. But you, [Hermas,] having been strengthened by the holy angel [you saw], and having obtained from him such intercession, and not being slothful, why do not you ask of the Lord understanding, and receive it from him?’” (*The Shepherd *3:5:4 [A.D. 80]).

I can show you where Irenaeus compares Mary to Eve and like Eve was disobedient, she was obedient to God.[Against Heresies Book V Chapter XIX]. I can show this doctrine in the writings of Turtulian and Justin if you would like.

Or, when Ignatius calls the Church, “The Catholic Church”[to the Tralians] This is also shown in the writings of Justin and Irenaeus and Clement and Turtulian.

Or when Ignatius talks about eating the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist.[to the Romans, also to the Smyrnians]

I can show you all the doctrines of the Catholic Church in the early fathers of the Church. The early Church was clearly Catholic

I just laugh when you claim the heretics are your roots. I would have to guess you have read the “Trail of Blood”. That is such a gross distortion of the history and can not be supported.
Those who called themselves Christians yet remained unregenerate did not originate with the rcc. Origen and many others predated the rcc and provided historical precendence for many of the doctrinal errors the rcc commonly practices today.

The bottom line is that two religions exist in the world today:
  1. DO–where man does something to earn merit with God and puffs himself and his religion up to deceive himself that he is good enoug
  2. DONE–Christ paid the price for our sin and only be receiving HIM through faith can we receive the gift of God–eternal life
History dictates otherwise.

“To be steeped in history is to cease to be protestant.” – John Cardinal Newman.
I would say from exoerience, “to be steeped in the Bible is to cease to be catholic.”
Those who called themselves Christians yet remained unregenerate did not originate with the rcc. Origen and many others predated the rcc and provided historical precendence for many of the doctrinal errors the rcc commonly practices today.

The bottom line is that two religions exist in the world today:
  1. DO–where man does something to earn merit with God and puffs himself and his religion up to deceive himself that he is good enoug
  2. DONE–Christ paid the price for our sin and only be receiving HIM through faith can we receive the gift of God–eternal life
Please show proof for this belief of yours. Until you do, it is just a pipe dream of yours. Proof is necisary for an arguement. I would like to see the quotes from the early Church fathers that express protestant doctrines.

There are two religons, first is the “one, holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church” and the other is the false teachings of the reformers.
I would say from exoerience, “to be steeped in the Bible is to cease to be catholic.”
hahaha, Scott Hahn, Tim Staples, Gery Matatics, and several others would disagree with you and actually say, “To be steeped in the bible is to cease to be protestant.”
Those who called themselves Christians yet remained unregenerate did not originate with the rcc. Origen and many others predated the rcc and provided historical precendence for many of the doctrinal errors the rcc commonly practices today.

The bottom line is that two religions exist in the world today:
  1. DO–where man does something to earn merit with God and puffs himself and his religion up to deceive himself that he is good enoug
  2. DONE–Christ paid the price for our sin and only be receiving HIM through faith can we receive the gift of God–eternal life
I have shown you proof of the Catholic Church in the first 2 centuries, now is your turn to show me your proof.

In fact, I will add to the Irenaeus quote on the Church of Rome. He goes on in the next paragraph to give all the 13 bishops of Rome up to that time, traced from the apostles. He then says in the next chapter that no one has any reason to be outside of “the Catholic Church.”
I have shown you proof of the Catholic Church in the first 2 centuries, now is your turn to show me your proof."
  1. I care far more about what the Bible says that men
  2. The problem with trying to authenticate our views based on exant writings of men who lived 1900 years ago is that we do not agree on what a Christian is–now or then.
That is the acid test. I would point to Foxe’s Book of Martyrs for documentation of a biblical (not protestant) world view of Christians that predate the rcc and obviously protestants
Born_Again said:
1) I care far more about what the Bible says that men
  1. The problem with trying to authenticate our views based on exant writings of men who lived 1900 years ago is that we do not agree on what a Christian is–now or then.
That is the acid test. I would point to Foxe’s Book of Martyrs for documentation of a biblical (not protestant) world view of Christians that predate the rcc and obviously protestants

You made an accusation, you should be able to back it up with proof. Unless you are willing to give proof, then you should not make an accusation. It is a false accusation untill proof is shown.

You say that they disagreed on what a Christian was from what you believe. Your Church is obviously false if it teaches differently than the Christians of the first few centuries.

John Foxe is a 16th century writer, he has no authority over the first century writers who actually experienced it. No Christians predate the Catholic Church since the Cahtolic Church was started at pentecost in 33AD.
No Christians predate the Catholic Church since the Cahtolic Church was started at pentecost in 33AD.
that is silly–you cant prove that… talk about proof??
that is silly–you cant prove that… talk about proof??
I have shown you proof that the Catholic Church was a first century Church with the quotes of Ignatius. There is no proof out there saying that there was some other Church before the Catholic Church. Ignatius was the disciple of the apostle John. You do not trust the disciple of the apostle John? You trust your own reading of the scriptures more than what John the apostle taught Ignatius?

That is very vain that you think that your interpretation of the bible is better than that of Ignatius, one of the most spiritual men to walk the earth.

You haven’t given me one item of proof to even prove that your church predated the reformation. I would like some proof. I have given you several items of proof.
I dont understand the diffrence between a catholic and a christian. Although I dont know much about the catholic religion.I’m a christian and ever sine the pope got sick I have been instusted in the catholic religion.Can someone explain to me the diffrence between the two?
Catholic is the original Christian Church, founded by Jesus Christ.
It is the Church which delivered and preserved the New Testament down through the mellenia. It is the Body of Christ and the Pillar and Foundation of Truth.

May the love of God the Father, the peace of His Son Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you and guide you.
My son who is in Japan and in the air force called me Saturday. We talked about many things. He mentioned to a friend who has no religion at all that the Pope had died. His friend said this “I personally don’t give a “SxxxxxT” . I explained to him that many also said this who did not attend the Crucifixion of Jesus. My boy said, yes that is true, they probably said he was just a Jew and could care less. We are called to love such people, to be a friend. By our anger we become one in the same with such comments. I was taught Mormonism as a young child so I was in the same place as the one who made the comment “to be steeped in the Bible is to cease to be catholic.” Now I know that to be Catholic is to be steeped in Christ, His Passion, His resurrection. We are not a Church built on such comments, built on the fall of another Church. We are built on Christ because we are fallen and live our lives only to be healed from this fallen nature so that we can be raised through His goodness.
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