diffrence between a catholic and a christian

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We are Christians.
But there is a big differences between the different denominations.
I would like to challenge those arguing on here to read! Don’t just read the Anit-Catholic books, but also read the Pro-Catholic books. Then you can make a decision on your own, prayerfully and guided by the Holy Spirit.
You can’t claim to know what you are talking about, if the only thing you know comes from Anti-Catholic writers.
(Isn’t Orthodox another Rite? Eastern Rite I think?)
Hello, I was also sad about the Pope. I am not exactly what you would call anti-Catholic, I myself was Catholic and Baptised my son Catholic. I found that as time went on and on that The Catholic Church I attended was not truly teaching. I also feel that the Catholic Church is very money and politically focused. I also feel that no matter waht church you attend if you truly love and wish to follow Christ he knows this. Their are many things I dont understand and so I will ask and you can teach me instead of being angry with me and by the grace of God the truth will come out through him and only him. So here it goes. Wy do you pray to Mary? Why do you pray to Saints? It is to my understanding we should pray only to God! Why cant priests marry? I thought they were to be married men? Why does the Pope have a upside down cross on his chair? Why is the Crucifix he carried bent with a very odd looking Jesus on it? What does it mean? Why does the Church do things according to tradition and not all things according to the Bible? Thanks for all your help, God bless.
Hello, I was also sad about the Pope. I am not exactly what you would call anti-Catholic, I myself was Catholic and Baptised my son Catholic. I found that as time went on and on that The Catholic Church I attended was not truly teaching. I also feel that the Catholic Church is very money and politically focused. I also feel that no matter waht church you attend if you truly love and wish to follow Christ he knows this. Their are many things I dont understand and so I will ask and you can teach me instead of being angry with me and by the grace of God the truth will come out through him and only him. So here it goes. Wy do you pray to Mary? Why do you pray to Saints? It is to my understanding we should pray only to God! Why cant priests marry? I thought they were to be married men? Why does the Pope have a upside down cross on his chair? Why is the Crucifix he carried bent with a very odd looking Jesus on it? What does it mean? Why does the Church do things according to tradition and not all things according to the Bible? Thanks for all your help, God bless.
Lizzie, Dear, you may have been a Catholic, and you say you left the Church for reasons which would indicate that you were an adult (money, politics), but your questions are the questions of someone who never knew one single thing about what the Church actually teaches about anything. For most of your questions, you can go to the Catholic Answers (not Catholic Answers Forums) home page [/"]www.catholic.com]]("http://www.catholic.com) and read the tracts listed on the left of the home page.

As for the upside down cross, have you never heard that Peter asked to be crucified upside down because he felt himself unworthy to mount a cross like the one his Lord died on? (Peter’s brother, Andrew, made the same request and was crucified on an X shaped cross.)

Bent-arm cross: It is a “tree” cross, a form popular in mediaeval Germany, showing the relationship between the tree of Calvary and the tree of the Garden of Eden. I interpret the bent arms to mean that the weight of the whole world’s sin was so great that it bent the branch.
Lizzie- my dear heart. As one who was ‘raised’ Catholic you seem to not know what the church teaches at all.

I pray for you. I’m a convert. I also had these questions.
We do not pray to Mary or the Saints, we ask them to pray for us. They can do nothing for us but pray. (you should know that) Through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit our requests may be answered, but the extra prayers of people who made it to heaven doesn’t hurt either. Do you ask your kids to pray for your intentions? Your pastor? In the same manner we ask the Holy Mother and Saints to pray for our intentions. (Again, you should know this)
I can’t answer the other questions. Go to Ask an Apologist, or catholicanswers.com
Hi, Thanks to everyone who answered my last post. I have heard about Peter wanting to be crucified upside down because he felt he was unworthy to be crucified like Christ but where in the Bible does it say this? I cant seem to find it. It sure seems you are praying to Mary and Saints. Waht would asking for help from them mean then? Thanks again and God bless.
Hi, Thanks to everyone who answered my last post. I have heard about Peter wanting to be crucified upside down because he felt he was unworthy to be crucified like Christ but where in the Bible does it say this?
Where in the Bible does it say that all history is in the Bible? I’m being blunt here, but history isn’t exactly your strong suit, is it, Lizzie? Didn’t you try to telI us that “Most reference works cite AD 606 as the date of origin of the Catholic Church?”
What does it mean if you ask your Pastor to pray for you? If praying that Mary remember us in her prayers means nothing, then it means nothing for your Pastor to pray for you. Then we are left all alone to pray for ourselves and ourselves alone. Because us praying for others would then mean nothing?
To me asking Mary to pray for me is just like you asking your pastor (or anyone else) to pray for you.
The Catholic Church is not Sola Scripture, that’s why you don’t find the crucifiction of Peter in the Bible.
Hi, Thanks to everyone who answered my last post. I have heard about Peter wanting to be crucified upside down because he felt he was unworthy to be crucified like Christ but where in the Bible does it say this?
In Acts we find that it left with Paul’s fate still uncertain as he approached Rome. Tradition has it that Paul was beheaded, as it was the punishment for Roman citizens (Paul pleaded to be tried as a Roman, if one remembers Acts). So we can see that there is no mention on what happened to Peter; however, as you can see also, history did not stop with Acts, as we know from history the fate of many early Christian martyrs long after Acts.
I must add to it by saying that Denominations are wrong and not Biblical.
You are absolutely 100% right. That’s why for the first 1517 years there were none. That’s why the Catholic Church is called catholic, it’s universal. Too bad Luther and company came along and started creating denominations. Then more and more were created after that. Sola Scriptura leads to denominations which is one reason it is unBiblical.
Has anyone on here read the Bible for themselves, or do you repeat what you are taught?
I read it and I hear it every week at Mass. I also repeat what I have been taught because it is taught by the authority established by Christ and He promised the gates of Hell would prevail against it. Do you just believe all the anti-Catholic garbage you hear or do you actually do your own research?
Hi, Thanks to everyone who answered my last post. I have heard about Peter wanting to be crucified upside down because he felt he was unworthy to be crucified like Christ but where in the Bible does it say this? I cant seem to find it. It sure seems you are praying to Mary and Saints. Waht would asking for help from them mean then? Thanks again and God bless.
First we are praying to Mary and Saints. prayer is differnt than worship. To pray is s(name removed by moderator)ly to ask or even broader, to communicate. We ask them to pray for us just like you ask your buddies to pray for you and others. If all you are doing is praying to Jesus you are falling way short. You need to worship Him.

Where in the Bible does it say Peter did not die this way? I see no problem. Nothing Catholics believe contradicts Scripture. Many things “non-denoms” believe does (ie sola fide, sola scriptura, OSAS).
I was raised Catholic and I know how you feel when you say you left the Church because it didn’t teach you.

You know what though, I really wasn’t listening. When I went to a non-denominational church I learned a lot, it was fun, entertaining and great fellowship. I learned a lot about the Bible but it was very narrow. (by that I mean picking one piece of scripture and absolutizing it) Faith Alone…Etc.

Coming back to the Church there were a lot of things that made me a little hesitant, “call no man father” etc… Turns out the Church has logical and historical answers to everything you ask, you just got to look for it.​

Before I categorized myself as Christian (hey I believed in Jesus and read the Bible)

Now I am a Catholic Christian (part of the Church Jesus Christ founded and learning more about this beautiful Church everyday)

I don’t have to ignore any Bible verse because it is a difficult passage and I know there is an answer that I can be honest with myself with.​

{To answer your comment that the Catholic Church is money oriented, you probably haven’t heard of people like Mother Theresa, every Nun\Monk Priest working not for money but to serve others or even my parish priest who works in two Churches everyday, as a service to his people and countless others dedicated to serving God in a humble manner.
I have been to churches where they preach about tithing (10%, would you rob God? they say) or even preach the more you give the more God rewards you!
The Catholic Church receives less per person average than any other Christian Church. I will provide links if you want but this information is easy to find.}

To finish yes Catholics are the original Christians, if you are searching for the fullness of the truth you will find it, if you truly are looking. It is hard, but the truth is out there, and as the Bible says it will set you free

I couldn’t be happier to call myself a Catholic Christian
Anyone who says the Church is money oriented needs to compare the house and material possesions of their protestant or “non-denom” pastor with those of the priests in any rectory.
Anyone who says the Church is money oriented needs to compare the house and material possesions of their protestant or “non-denom” pastor with those of the priests in any rectory.
Anybody who says the Church is money oriented needs to spend some time with Franciscians!!!
Anybody who says the Church is money oriented needs to spend some time with Franciscians!!!
An OFM friar told me he gets a $200/month stipend.
Hello Everyone, I thank you all for your posts. I do greatly appreciate all the information you have provided to me and I will search it all out. I want to say a few things to you all. First is that when you respond to people it should be with Love, Kindness, and a willing to share what you have learned. You should want to have them feel comfortable asking and learning from you if you have knowledge of scripture. I have found that on my first day with this forum, most of you have made me feel uncomfortable, insulted and pretty much not welcome. I think that this is one of the main reasons that people are turning away from the Catholics! I can see if this is how you treat fellow Christians, I can see why they may not like the Catholic Church. Jesus loved and would never had treated a believer the way you have treated me today, if you feel I am wrong please read all of the posts and tell me that you were speaking and teaching completely out of love. May God bless you all, please take care, It was a pleasure posting with you all today but for me I would rather take my chances with the Church Of Christ.
Hi, I wanted to thank those that posted with care and love, may God bless you and thanks for your kindness.
Hi, I wanted to thank those that posted with care and love, may God bless you and thanks for your kindness.
You’ll have to forgive us, Lizzie1. Many fundamentalist/evangelical protestants like to pop in with question that’s designed to raise a furor and then pop out again. We’ve learned to be leery of them. Quite a few have come one today, when we are mourning our great loss, to ask impertinent or disrespectful or even outrageous questions. Forgive us if we seem a bit defensive.
Hello, Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what The Vicar Of Christ means according to your understanding of it, I have heard and learned it to mean one thing and I would like to hear what your meaning of it is. Thank you and thanks for the reply to my last post, God Bless.
The Vicar of Christ is the man who works for, and represents, Christ in this world until he shall come again. Christ gave peter the keys, and so Peter was in charge until Jesus came back, which he hasn’t done yet 🙂

Similar to a vice-roy, if you are fimiliar with Spanish history…
Hello Everyone, I thank you all for your posts. I do greatly appreciate all the information you have provided to me and I will search it all out. I want to say a few things to you all. First is that when you respond to people it should be with Love, Kindness, and a willing to share what you have learned. You should want to have them feel comfortable asking and learning from you if you have knowledge of scripture. I have found that on my first day with this forum, most of you have made me feel uncomfortable, insulted and pretty much not welcome. I think that this is one of the main reasons that people are turning away from the Catholics! I can see if this is how you treat fellow Christians, I can see why they may not like the Catholic Church. Jesus loved and would never had treated a believer the way you have treated me today, if you feel I am wrong please read all of the posts and tell me that you were speaking and teaching completely out of love. May God bless you all, please take care, It was a pleasure posting with you all today but for me I would rather take my chances with the Church Of Christ.
Lizzi, I know you are new to the forum but your questions are not new to the forum. We pretty regularily get non-Catholics on here making claims with no historical evidence to back it up.

*" Peter was not the first Pope." *
I would guess you do not realise that blatant remarks such as these are insulting to Catholics. Insinuating that we are ignorant. I better way would be to say “Can you please provide evidence to me that Peter was the first Pope?”

Has anyone on here read the Bible for themselves, or do you repeat what you are taught?
There was a thread on the forum a while back but I can’t find it now that polled how much of the Bible we Catholics have read. The overwhelming majority had read all or nearly all of the Bible. I my self have read the entire Bible and we read scripture everynight as a family before going to bed. It is a protestant myth that Catholics do not read the Bible.
If someone is attending daily Mass they would also hear nearly the entire Bible read over a three year period.

Have you studied Catholicism or do you repeat what you are taught? (That doesn’t sound very kind, does it?)

If you are coming here to learn and have a better understanding than why do many of your remarks tell this isn’t true, that is true - without asking us why we believe it.
I’m truly sorry if we’ve made you feel uncomfortable but I think many of us feel somewhat insulted and attacked.
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