Completely false…the entire mystical body of Christ united in submission to the authority of the Catholic Church come to the same conclusion as the Pope for a start.Perhaps you misread. You said different people can come to very different conclusions. My point was that the claim of infallibility of the Pope has not reduced the degree to which different people come to different conclusions.
Once again, you have not read what I have said. Ill say it clearly…THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE INQUISITION. The sinful men of that time are responsible. Its like saying the Roman Catholic Church is responsible for the molestation of little boys. It is the sinful priests and bishops that commit the crimes that are responsible. Do you even know how the Church is infallible?..from the last statement, respectfully, I do not think you understand the doctrine of infallibility. JPII apoligized for the crimes that the men ‘of the Church’ at that time commited. What does that have to do with infallibility? You need to read the Catechism section that deals with infallibility.Maybe you know more about Church history than I. Was the Roman Catholic Church not responsible for the Spanish Inquisition? If not, what was it that JPII apologized for? If so, did that make the Church a giant sham, or did it just make her fallible – or do you think the Inquisition was Spirit-led?.
This is just anti-Catholic ranting…when has the Church thrown Kerry out like trash? The Church desires the reconciling of Kerry’s soul no less than that of anyone else on earth. The papal knighthood carrys no weight of infallibility with it. And, the Church reaches out to everyone, especially in the reign of John Paul II. Once again, as soon as you see an encyclical lettersaying that the views of this pro-abort are morally right, please present it to me. Papal knighthoods do not change the Church’s stance on abortion.So if John Kerry helped the Vatican out and was conferred a papal Knighthood, you don’t see any confusion in the Church simultaneously telling Catholics they cannot vote for him and remain in good standing because of his abortion stance? Why would the Church “reach out” to one of the most pro-abortion men on the planet while throwing Kerry out like trash when, by comparison, he is small potatoes?.
There is, and that is the case…you simply choose your own judgement over the Church’s, because you dont want to be told what to do. People only refuse to believe what is contrary to what they want to do. A king wanted a divorce, and so the Anglican Church was formed, Martin Luther wanted no law to live by and no responsibility for sins, so he broke from the Catholic Church. Every christian group there is has a direct line history to a schism from the true Catholic Church. That is historical fact.It would be comforting to me to think there is one person to whom I could turn who would give me an infallible answer to any important question. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I have to learn to discern what is true.
Once again, every rule in faith and morals has been infallibly defined by the Church. You tell me the dilemma, and Ill tell you what page in the catechism to find it. If you refuse to ever pick up the Catechism and find what it teaches, you will never give it a chance to guide your concrete moral dilemmas. So dont tell me that it doesnt guide you in these areas, because I assure you it does.Even if I did believe in infallibility of ex cathedra statements what does that tell me – that Mary was assumed into heaven? That’s great but how does that help me in a concrete moral dilemma?