Dear rwoehmke,All I can say is wow! I tried to follow what you are all talking about on this thread and I still can’t understand what is so complicated about having Faith in God and His Church. Doubts? Who never has any? A sin? I doubt that. Reading the bible and picking isolated texts as proof texts can be very misleading. I guess Faith is Faith and once you know for sure, it isn’t Faith any longer, but it is Knowledge…
Thanks for bringing this back around.
“A sin? I doubt that.”
I’m not doubting anything in your post, but I’m curious when you say “faith” what you mean.
You sound like you’re talking from experience when you say, “once you know for sure.” What is it that you know through faith? Is it a belief in God? A belief in the infallible teaching magisterium of the Church? A belief that you will be used according to His will? A belief in the second coming? A general feeling of peace and well-being? All or none of the above? (Btw I mean “belief” to be of the same strength as “know” in these contexts.)