Without meaning to split hairs here I simply meant our creation requires time to exist as it is. Therefore it is a necessary ingredient for God to create this existence. Without it God could not have created this existence. With this caveat, time may not exist at all. It may merely be a delusion enforced by God with no reality outside the mind.
The words in red , I’d disagree as time is not a requirement of creation but as a result of creation. It is a necessary result.
I’m not sure I understand your counting backwards to time zero statement. I will state though that I believe time, if it exists in the way you believe, is not a product of creation but an inherent part of the nature of its existance. The two events, the so called big bang and the beginning of time are actually one event. Each being a characteristic of the whole which we call creation.
You got the creation/time bundle right. With creation time arises. Pre-creation, non-existence, non-time. The time counting backwards is to find out when did the Big Bang(BB) occur. We use our definition of time, we see the universe expanding at a certain rate and extrapolate backwards to arrive at the instance when the BB happened. That is at time = 0. After all, time is nothing more than a measure of change with respect to the BB. One may say, an object if placed in a vacuum /container etc doesn’t experience change and therefore time for the object didn’t exist. Unfortunately, everything in the universe is subject to time, whether at rest, unchanged or not. Because the universe even now is still expanding. A second ago, a stationary object is nearer to the BB point of origin than a second after. But still time is not a created thing but an attribute of creation.
Firstly, neither can religion. I will say science has come mathematically, and observationally as close to an answer as anything faith has to offer. Secondly, there are competing none religeous theories which have yet to be proven false. The question remains at least for now, possibly eventually answerable.
But religion does offer an answer as to why there is existence. It doesn’t do the maths and there is no necessity to do so for its purpose. Even before Scientific Knowledge became mainstream, thousands of years ago a nomadic tribe already had that explanation. They do not know whether that is in fact true or not, but they were convinced that it is so. We can dispute whether the Abrahamic God is the being responsible for it, but one can not deny that there is a need for a First Cause to explain the chain of events. We therefore infer the attributes of such a First Cause that is capable of causing Creation. Science look for proof that a theory is right, not for proof that a theory is wrong because that would be an open-ended task.
I roughly agree with you. Science does not. Many of the greatest brains on the planet believe the problem of where the bang came from and how is solvable without religion. Some think they’ve already done it. I can only point out that your last sentence has only restated the problem of infinite regress applied to God. Simply stating God is the first prime mover of everything else is a statement about God but not a proof of its own validity. God made creation, the cause of which eventually had the effect of making my parents which was the cause of the effect of my birth which was the cause of…etc. Reversed we go back to God as the prime cause but this does not invalidate the question of what cause is God the effect of? Only by making a statement which itself is unprovable can we answer the question. This is hardly a proof of anything.
God bless you a d your wisdom on these matters
Probably as many brains think God must be the cause. It doesn’t matter because God didn’t say use democracy to decide truth. Science does agree a First Cause is required, a First Mover doesn’t it? Whether to breath life into its equations, start the ball rolling etc. They just don’t want to call that First Cause God. Yet, they are willing to accept ETs as possible explanations. And kick the bucket further down the road. In my mind, that is not good science because when we fall back to infinity/large numbers to explain something, it is not science. If someone were to ask where multiverses come from and if the answer is more multiverses, yep, that would be a joke and not science. I didn’t understand your statement “what cause is God the effect of?”. If you meant, what caused God, it simply has to be nothing because to stop the absurdity of infinite regress there must be a final “thing” that is uncaused. Call it any names you wish but it is a must to have an Uncaused Mover. Science will do all it can to de-personalise this Uncaused Mover.
No, they haven’t have a convincing scientific answer on how the Big Bang arose. Many theories, but science stands on evidence. Neither does science have an answer on how life originated from dead matter, where the information from dead matter to cause life comes from, where the technology to actualize life from the information required come about, where the information for that technology comes from, how lifeless matter became conscious all within 15 billion years of time resource. Very simple questions but look at the acrobatics/contortions to make up a plausible answer when statistics is no longer a friend.
Whatever the case, logic demands something that is uncaused, powerful and intelligent to Create to stop the absurdity of infinite regress. When logic arrives at such a conclusion, there are probably 2 answers frequently cited:
- Something uncaused, powerful and smart did it. That one is my God( slot in your religion)
- I can not accept 1) but in the future I will know. That is science.